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Everything posted by Bagnu

  1. LOL, I made a mistake!!! Like when people say "Daylight Savings Time" instead of Daylight Saving Time"
  2. that's exactly why I keep conversations. SL chat records are pretty small, so It's not a space issue for me.
  3. LOL, I wish they would do away with that whole AR thing for pushing!!! I mean seriously...Are we in Kindergarten? We can be tied up, caged, beaten....But heaven forbid if were pushed!!!
  4. Not for me thanks!!! I'm afraid of Pizza with Pineapple!!!
  5. I haven't received that email from them, but I'm curious what features people would like to see added. I personally would like to see a block that prevents the other party from seeing us, not just us not seeing the person we blocked!!!
  6. OH, and if they actually would come (which has never happened), I could always greet them with one of my two female AV's, and shoot them with my "used tampon" gun. They were already told not to enter unless they accept the threat of violence!!!
  7. I've dealt with strange people by inviting them over, and and telling them I wanted to engage in sex acts involving faeces. It's amazing how quickly they run!!!! They never actually come over, and never bother me again. Most people who bother others expect some type of "get away from me" reaction. Turning the tables on them usually defeats their purpose.
  8. LOL, I have an art gallery there, so I want visitors. Bullets won't rezz inside.
  9. I also have a greeter that makes it clear that violence and harm allowed on the Island, and to leave if they do not accept those terms.
  10. And if you wan't to get extreme, you can get a sim wide security system that ejects all but group members or specific people. I have one that can do that, but I've never used that feature.
  11. LOL, I forgot to mention we can also allow someone to see us on the map using the friends list!!!
  12. Unless someone has a collar with tracking enabled, or something like a tracking anklet, no one can know our locations. Trackers can only show online status. looking at group info also shows if someone is online.
  13. Thanks!!! I was just curious. I usually adjust to what looks good. Which I don't always even have time to do!!!
  14. Why would you want to delete conversations?
  15. Now I'm curious. What is the official focal length range of the Firestorm Camera?
  16. I personally prefer shopping on MP. If I look at an item inworld at a store, and want to look at other things, I have problems finding the original item if I like it the most.
  17. I was taking a look at some of the grasses I put in on the Island today. Since I have a lot of things as Swallow, I got them with that account to make things easier when I have to edit anything.
  18. I'm simply trying to say that I consider a dinner date alone with a woman to be a "date". One where we both dress up, go to a fancy restaurant, and I'm the one paying for both of us.
  19. I just think that one party could get there hopes up, and that's not fair.
  20. I meant RL. But you shouldn't invite a woman to dinner, whether SL or RL if you aren't interested in them.
  21. My dear friend Katie visiting the Island. She couldn't join the group, so we had to ask the actual landowner. It turned out that even though she showed that she had 3 groups free, she had no free slots. All fixed now!!! He was a great help!!!
  22. My dear friend Katie visiting the Island. She couldn't join the group, so we had to ask the actual landowner. It turned out that even though she showed that she had 3 groups free, she had no free slots. All fixed now!!! He was a great help!!!
  23. LOL, I was simply trying to be humorous. But honestly though, isn't wanting a relationship still having something in the back of our minds?
  24. If I invited a woman out for dinner, it was because I was interested in her. This also meant getting to know her, and possibly developing a relationship. Honestly, I have never had a woman accept a dinner invitation who had no interest in me. And I would have felt very hurt if any did.
  25. I have only heard of that in the context of BDSM. Where the maid is punished, if the room isn't clean enough. And in 9 months you've seen a lot of this?
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