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Dafadilia Wayfarer

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Everything posted by Dafadilia Wayfarer

  1. Lovely photos! Thank you everyone at LL for the greetings. I hope you all have a bright and beautiful holiday filled with love, kindness and patience. I hope the new year brings us all healing and better times ahead. 💗
  2. This is an adorable idea @Arielle Popstar. 😊 Reading through it made me smile so thank you. I don't usually have many peeves with people. It is usually with circumstance. Lately it has been frustration with my body for being chronically sick and how I hurt myself physically just by standing up the wrong way. My entire spine went out for three weeks because of it. I was miserable. I became my peeve. I let it go because I got so sick of wallowing in my misery because I was missing my favorite time of year. So I let the bad stuff go and happiness came back with the help of my hubby and friends. If i allow myself to stay miserable, it destroys me inside. I have a naturally happy nature. It hasn't been a great year for anyone I think it is safe to say. I think we all need to deal with it in our own way without others judging or pushing what they feel we need to do or should be doing. So I will say. If you need to peeve, you peeve. If you need to find happiness, you do that. You all do what you need to do to make it through this crappy and stressful year. Just make it through in one piece please. This thread could be therapeutic to some, just as the other type of peeve threads. Now I've certainly shared way too much so time to just go back to being quiet.
  3. It has been a long while since I've worked outside of my house I'll admit, but she is the one who crossed professional boundaries that shouldn't of been crossed right? Why not keep a professional distance with her? Be polite, calm and efficient no matter how she approaches you because this way you're establishing a boundary she should of respected in the first place. Also if she does get really rude, you're still maintaining your professionalism. Don't let her ruin things for you. You've every right to be comfortable in your work place. Gossip is harmful in any situation and she should know better. You did the right thing so just continue to do the right thing!
  4. For the most part, I've learned recently to not reach out to others. There are still times when humanity surprises me with kindred souls though, and I'm humbled by this. I've been so blessed in meeting a few new kindred spirits that have become friends. I'm thankful they feel I'm worth their friendship. Just want to thank them for their friendship. They know who they are! 🤗
  5. I will first say that the family sim that set up an area where we can take our children to see Santa was incredibly sweet. We decided to take Wednesday today to see this Santa and I have to say the photos we captured of our angel made us laugh. In the first one, she looks like a few choice phrases are going through her mind in toddler gibberish. Luckily a few moments later she broke out into her usual giggles so we were able to capture that too. Overall, the visit with Santa, we will consider a success. 💗💗🤣🤣
  6. I'm just going to share the song that's always been for my husband from me. One of our songs. He doesn't take part in the forums, but he reads my posts to show support because he knows how shy i am so he'll see it. 💗💗💗
  7. My peeve....painful chronic illness that makes me tired all the time because of how much it takes out of me and the strong pain medication I'm permanently on to stay sane. Both have been wiping me out for eighteen hours a day lately when all I wish to do is enjoy my favorite time of year with my hubby and remember my dad.
  8. I've been absolutely blown away at some of the beautiful gifts creators have generously provided this holiday season. I'm thankful for the hard work, dedication, time, talent and generosity they show to their customers. Thank you. 💗
  9. I see many positive attributes from you and others in the forums. I may not always agree with what is said or how others act, but who does all the time? I know I've not been involved in these particular discussions. I purposefully avoided them for very obvious reasons. For what it"s worth though and most likely very little here, my view on things...🙂 Take care everyone.
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