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Dafadilia Wayfarer

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Everything posted by Dafadilia Wayfarer

  1. Adoration of Nature I do apologize if I'm sharing way too many photos the last few days. I promise this is the last for awhile!
  2. Exactly this and well said. For the most part I avoid her and her posts since her insults directed at disabled people. As a disabled person, they were deeply offensive. I don't understand why others coddle her bad behavior. Her posts are ignored unless her bad choices are pushed directly into my face like they were in the other photo threads. I love seeing the photos others share. Not when the photos are followed by explicit commentary that hint at their adult activities though. I know I'm no longer comfortable sharing my family and friend photos in those threads. I think she knows exactly what she is doing. I don't think she cares. This is just another example where her entitled mind feels the Second Life forums are her personal dumping ground. Her actions have spoken quite clearly.
  3. No one has said there is anything wrong sharing photos of loved ones. It is the content of the photo and text they were finding issue with. The last time I checked, one doesn't have to hint at their adult activities with others through photos or text to be proud of their significant other or others. Sharing photos or text that have adult undertones are questionable in forums that aren't intended for adult themes. That is what people were attempting to explain to you. There is a time and place for your themes, and the general section of these forums aren't it. Good Luck telling Linden Lab to ignore your posts if they find issue with them. I think this has been explained enough so at this point, I've said all I need to. It really isn't that hard to figure out.
  4. Exactly this! To the OP: This thread hasn't been so bad. I don't see the point in its creation, but it has been pretty harmless for the most part. I really could live without the little stories included with your photos in the other thread though since I really have no desire to see hints of your adult activities or anyone else's in Second Life.
  5. Congratulations on missing the point entirely of most of the posts here in reply to your "I'm bored!" mentality. I can no longer even walk in real life for the most part so I'm very thankful I can in SL among other things. It just really seems you need a large dose of perspective because if this is the biggest complaint you can find in your existence, you're pretty darn lucky. The entitlement you have speaks volumes. Like I said, if you are so bent on viewing something as garbage, don't be surprised if all you get back from it is your own boredom staring you back in the face.
  6. I've always found Second Life is what you make of it. You will get out what you put into it. Much of this reminds me of a child who complains to their parent "I'm bored!" The one response that would get from me is to give them chores to do. I don't think I've ever been bored in either world. I find tremendous pleasure in just being alive. I've been in SL since 2009. My Dad introduced me to it when my health stuff started catching up with me that I was born with. He wanted me to have a world I could do anything in and socialize. Second Life was the last gift my Dad could share with me because although I didn't know it at the time, he was dying of cancer. He knew it, but I didn't. I cherish Second Life and the freedom it has given back to my life. In Second Life I can take long walks. I go horse back riding, rollerskating, dancing, sailing, boating and shopping. I am an elf who role plays off and on. I love exploring, taking photos and blogging. I really enjoy the process of putting together a full mesh avatar for free or low-cost and blog about it. I love fashion and i want to even try to vlog perhaps at some point. I love trying to improve and learn how to take better photos. I love decorating my home for seasons and holidays. My two spiritual communities are here. Sometimes I can even be found singing among a small circle of friends who get together weekly to share stories and songs with one another. I have three sisters here. I have a husband and three daughters. The few friends I have are treasures. I love spending time with them. Second Life allows my imagination to soar and it has never failed me. You will always get back what you put into something. I've loved reading through these responses. So much enjoyment has been found. 💗 If you view something as garbage, no wonder all you receive back is nothing but your boredom.
  7. My husband and I have yet to run into him as well. We both fangirl over him. I mean find him super scary. Hopefully one day we run into Slenderman completely by chance...we don't keep tabs on his whereabouts or anything....and ask for his autograph. I mean to feel his scariness! 😲😉😂
  8. I love that even when I don't feel good, there is my baby girl always by my side along with my hubby. We are out in the back garden both missing her Daddy tremendously.
  9. I will admit I may fangirl over his photos just a bit. They are so good! 😊 On topic: Congrats @Chic Aeon! I'll be quiet now cause I just made myself shy. 🙄
  10. Telling someone they can make more than 500k Linden per week hostessing just to advertise your business... 🙄
  11. I really don't know. I'm not someone who likes attention on me in the first place. I like to go about my business and others to do the same. I actually do try to avoid interacting with others in public since I'm deaf. The communication barrier can be stressful at times although I can read lips. I also make sure I'm careful of this because I'm a small female who is helpless to a large extent and alone. I really don't wish strangers who could do harm to know how helpless if that makes sense. Although the sentiment is sweet and gallant, I don't want someone going out of their way to help me. I feel it would be unfair to the person involving themselves. I try to live as independently as I can. It would be different if it were my hubby saying something.
  12. People here in the forums. When I'm having a day where I'm doubting humanity as a whole, the kindness some show here to others puts faith back into my heart that not all humans suck. Thanks for that.
  13. That is a very kind thought. Thank you. Thank you. I've gotten used to certain behaviors from others because of being in a wheelchair, but this isn't one of them. I try for the most part to take it with a grain of salt. I shouldn't be such a whiner about it, but the last week has just been one of those weeks. The experience shook me up a bit is all. Partly it is my fault because I really should be using the mobility scooters available at the stores instead of my tiny wheelchair. I should know better. I tend to get looks and even questions though when I do because my disability is invisible unless someone is staring at my bare back. I'm also just more comfortable in my wheelchair because it was designed for a smaller person so much easier for me to control. Oh well. I think people just get so wrapped up in their own universe that sometimes things like this happen. The part that bothers me the most is invading my personal space and touching during a global pandemic. I'm already one of the high risk individuals. Just cannot wait for my move to finally be with my hubby. It will just make things a bit less scary. 😕 Thank you. You're kind as always. Now enough of my whining. Thanks for letting me vent a bit. Or a lot as it were.
  14. Right now I rarely leave my house unless I have to. I had to pick up some necessities at the local grocery today. When going out I do wear mask and gloves and still try my best to socially distance. Today while I was trying to get my tomatoes in a bag, a complete stranger felt it was okay to grab my wheelchair and push me to the side. This is the second time it has happened during the pandemic. To invade someone's space and feel it is alright to touch part of their person (which my wheelchair indeed is in a manner of speaking) and physically move them without a word is beyond rude. It made me feel like I was less than human. That isn't okay to ever do to someone. I'm deaf and in a wheelchair so already feel pretty helpless most of the time, but this adds a whole new level of anxiety. Some people just suck!
  15. I worked as a hostess for six years about before my hearing loss made it impossible for me to comfortably continue. I would make around 300L on a good night because I was an attentive, polite and personable hostess. It paid for my home, my daughter's necessities and savings I could put towards things I wanted or needed in SL. I worked three hour shifts/five days a week. I've never heard of anyone making 500K Linden per week working as host, DJ, CSR, etc. Successful content creators work long hard hours to make their businesses lucrative. It also takes time and dedication to learn the necessary skills. Same with land moguls who run estates. I get being ambitious, but it seems far reaching for not even having a set plan of action for yourself.
  16. Thank you for sending out such an adorable bear! Hubby and I have been wanting one for our baby daughter's nursery for the longest time. Sorry the photo isn't very scary, but Wednesday was certainly impressed.
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