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Dafadilia Wayfarer

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Everything posted by Dafadilia Wayfarer

  1. Deleted because wrong wrong thread! I apologize profusely!
  2. I have spent the week giving my oldest account from 2009 a much needed makeover. Went through 25,000 items and took it down to 5,000. Now I'm sitting out on the boathouse having a pleasant sunny afternoon.
  3. I'm slowly giving my old 2009 account a glow up.
  4. It always amazes me how beautiful a lowcost avi can turn out with a bit of TLC. Serene Blue...
  5. Twin sis and I taking some photos. Where Nature Rules...
  6. Listening Softly to the Meadow Lark.... I'm still experimenting with a new head on one of my alts. It is proving interesting.
  7. Testing out a new free head (new for me) on one of my freebie alt accounts.
  8. I'll just say that my birth family weren't the nicest people. They harassed my adopted family throughout my growing up years well into my adulthood. One in particular who was my abuser. After moving, changing names, and using all avenues open to me after my father passed on, both of my therapists, doctor and I all agreed relocating countries was the one way I could get some life back. I have enough health issues that really put my life on hold much of the time and my mental well-being was suffering. So I started doing research and making plans. The light in all of it was in 2019 I met my fiance who lived in the UK so it worked out even better than I could ever hope. So distance was the answer at least for me. Everyone is different and I will say moving countries is extremely difficult. If a person feels it is something they need to do, I would just say do your research, go in with realistic expectations and realize problems with mental or physical health aren't going to disappear with the move. One of the first things I did when I got here was to sign up for a new therapist and doctor. I'm glad you found happiness too.
  9. I moved from the US to the UK a year ago next month. It was a move I had started planning around 2015 for many personal reasons. Mostly it has given me the capability of living my life free of fear for the first time in my entire life. I love it here. I feel like I finally made it home.
  10. I've barely learned that in my forties. I grew up in mainstream schools so along with learning to sign and lip read, I was given five years of speech therapy so I wouldn't "sound" deaf since I still grew up in a time where many doctors advised parents to place their hoh/deaf children in hearing schools instead of schools for the deaf. I still feel it was more for the hearing people around me than it was actually for me. I missed out on a whole part of hoh/deaf culture because of it. It really is like they are the ones who are deaf. You're right. In general for those who are reading please realize I'm using a generalized you. I'm not grouping everyone together. I just needed to be clear on that because I know a lot can be taken as such.
  11. I'm so sorry you're going through similar things. No one deserves that. I do understand about getting fed up. I'm feeling fed up too. Where I used to really think before I speak so I had a filter in place when trying to deal with these types of people, the filter has come off recently. Where I would remain silent before about things that bothered me, I'm speaking up. Even here in sl about things that need to be more user friendly for those hoh/deaf. So I do understand getting fed up. I really hope you find a better doctor who will listen and help to meet your needs since understanding and making decisions about your health is of the highest priority. 😕
  12. My pet peeve is from rl. I recently had an important appointment where it was vital I understand completely what was being said during it. I made clear before hand that I was deaf and that I either needed to be able to read lips, have an interpreter who could sign asl or bsl, or paper and pen to communicate. Hubby and I show up to the appointment where he reminds them I'm deaf. He was told not to worry by the people at the front desk because they all spoke English so I should be fine... Major facepalm moment... Pet peeve: When I ask for assistance in person or online only to be ignored or brushed off like it isn't important for those of us that are hoh/deaf to understand what is being said.
  13. My sl versions of my beautiful rl furbabies...from left to right: Maya (an adorable flame point Siamese Ragdoll who is the sweetest angel), Maggie and Mina (tiny kitten twins we adopted this last summer who are now full grown at a whole four pounds a piece) and Silver (my sl version of my late beloved cat Velvet). Photo taken at my boathouse. ❤️
  14. Written language can be rich of tone, meaning and emotion. It is all in the deliverance of those words whether they will be filled with the emotion, tone and meaning attempting to be conveyed. I'm deaf. I refuse to speak on voice because it is too much work to try and converse with someone when I cannot hear them. Some just get too hung up on using voice in sl. If people prefer voice that is completely fine and up to them. I've no issue with it. As long as others respect my preference and necessity to use text. The written word isn't limited. It is limitless.
  15. This is the anniversary of finding out my dad had cancer and after a horribly painful and fast fight he was gone on July 3rd, 2010. Just remembering him and missing him dearly as I always do. So two songs that I play to celebrate him...I love you Dad.
  16. My family is wonderful. They always seem to know when something has bothered me even though I'm the type to pretend otherwise. One of my sisters (sl twinsie) planned an adorable scavenger Easter egg hunt for my daughter Verity and I around all our houses in Bellisseria to simply show me she understood. It meant so much and was tons of fun. Blessed Easter or Ostara. Whichever you celebrate if anything. Have a wonderful weekend no matter what.
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