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Everything posted by CaerolleClaudel

  1. It’s fine, I stopped following the thread. I thought. Not sure how I got the notification on this one…
  2. You might try wording it as a simple request for help, rather than a screed against Macs. From a quick glance it seems you triggered reactions against your attack on Macs rather than engaging people’s desire to help others. I am not going to read back, but that is likely why I started this thread in the first place. MacOS is far more picky about stuff, for security reasons, and you have to jump through some hoops to get Firestorm to load, or at I did. A pain, for sure, unless you have used Macs a long long time and learned all their idiosyncrasies. Definitely a different system than Windows or Linux. Good luck!
  3. I realize that, but threads that have had no new activity for over a year should. People should just a start a new thread or if their is important info in the old one, link to it. I cannot recall the last time I logged into the Forum and now I am getting email notifications. When I was here I hated seeing something that looked interesting and then realizing someone had bumped a three-year-old thread that had completely-out-of-date info. Just my opinion, though; I can just shut off notifications for me part.
  4. Guys, this is a zombie thread. I started it like 1-1/2 years ago. I so wish LL would lock thread that have no new responses after 30 days or something.
  5. OMFFG, a 1-1/2 year zombie thread sending notifications to my email, so I have to come on here and unfollow. I so wish all forums would lock threads after 30 days of inactivity. People who want to revive the thread can start a new thread, and link to the old one. Of course, people could just to that anyhow, but I guess that is too much to hope for.
  6. THIS. Finding this thread quite interesting. As you may remember (if not, no worries), I experienced something that was quite traumatic to me in my first days in SL that haunts me still. The guy who did it laughed at me as I chased him screaming at him, calling me a 'stupid hoe' because it was all just virtual and who cared. No one did or said a thing, and he said if he got banned he would just be back in a week. I did file a complaint but of course unlike RL (where there is hardly any more justice for rape or other sexual assault than in SL, but at least you get to see if the guy got arrested, charged, convicted or whatever, or not), in SL it is all secret in the name of 'privacy' for the offender. Not that *my* privacy mattered when it happened. So these hot takes on how ridiculous feeling violated in SL is really make me shake my head and frown.
  7. I have been in other forums where threads automatically lock after 30 days (or some other definite time frame), and so wish that was applied everywhere.~
  8. Ah, yes, thanks! I am an idiot, lol. User error rather than FS shortcoming. (rolls eyes at self)
  9. Thanks, I am sorry, I was also talking about FS on a Mac in general and the things that are opaque to a long-time Windows user, though I guess that was off-topic. As you say, the M1 seems to not cause any problems, though I also already installed some layer app for Microsoft apps, and I would guess it is needed for FS, too.
  10. I just loaded it on my new MacBook Air, which is the lowest model, and it seems to run fine on a mid-range graphics setting. I did find issues with it, though. For one, I am using Firestorm (the official viewer may behave differently, but is so poorly featured I won't use it), and the only way I could open it was to go to Privacy and Security and allow it there. Also, when I maximize the FS window, it covers everything else, including it's own system-level toolbar (or perhaps doesn't even have one?), so I cannot minimize it and I cannot access the Dock. I am new to MacOS, there is probably a way to switch among open windows using a keyboard shortcut, but I don't know it yet and had to use Com-Q and quit FS to do anything else.
  11. I just got a MacBook, and cannot get the Firestorm viewer to work. I get an error that the app cannot be verified to be free of malware. My understanding that the verification is something added in the last few months by Apple. The official throws a slightly less bad error, and the SL site says you can get past that with Cntl-click, but the Firestorm one just won't run, and the error gives really only an option to trash the app. I guess could use the official app, but it is so poorly-featured compared with FS (the worst is not having built-in AO, I would have to try to figure out how to set up a wearable one, and I have not done that in years). Any suggestions? Thanks! :)
  12. Next they should model lag. Or the slow texture loading. My fave things about SL.~
  13. Looks like that worked, all objects are returned and has a new owner. Who has it up for sale for L$5000, lol. But, whatever, I got L$1000 to donate, and Marianne will be pleased that it is not abandoned land.
  14. Dropped to L1000, but noone may look, as the thread title says L5000 and I cannot change it.
  15. I am dealing with way too much IRL to be bothered with this, and honestly, don't really care about the whole thing anyhow. In the end, I just need to have no land by the end of March so I can downgrade my account and not get charged for another year of Premium.
  16. That's a good point, I guess. I really don't much care about SL at this point, but if it is not too much trouble I will sell for L1 or something. I have too much going on IRL to keep lowering the price and messing with it, though. I set the price based on what a land company was asking for the lot behind me, and less than I paid for it, but really was just trying to get money to donate, not for me to use personally. Honestly, I wonder if it will sell even at L1, though.
  17. I am not really worried about selling it. When I bought it I expected to have to eventually just abandon it. I don’t need or want the Lindens, I was going to donate them. If it doesn’t sell by late March, which I expect it won’t, I will just abandon it and have no regrets.
  18. Everyone, and all the animals got out without physical injury. Going off my life in general, and the last 11 months in particular, I seriously doubt this is going to be a good year, and honestly would not be surprised if even worse things happen than going through this fire and recovery. But thanks for the good wishes either way.
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