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Everything posted by CaerolleClaudel

  1. I have been in SL for over 12 years and have yet to meet a single person in-world who I have also seen in the Forums. Just from the parts of the forum I visit, I wonder if there are more than a couple dozen regular users of the Forum? Perhaps there are more, I think the Bellissarria (spelling?) or Linden Homes or whatever thread has quite a lot of traffic. Still, can it be more than 100 people using the Forums regularly? This also hits on another point you made, about polls. I feel these would be completely non-representative for many reasons, including the very small subset of residents that uses the Forums. I find display names only marginally useful, personally. Perhaps I am doing something wrong, but we are using a good example of what seems to be their failing, this Forum. Forum usernames are your SL username, not your display name. Display names also are not used in Search, which makes it very frustrating to find people you know by their Display Name. The Display Name kludge seems to be very much a halfway implemented measure, which is the general approach by LL.
  2. I'd like to see MP set up like every other online shopping site in having ONE ENTRY for each item, with a drop-down for variants, instead of having an individual entry for every single variant. I would love that in-world, too, but in-world shopping is a nightmare period, and I doubt SL can handle something as simple and convenient at that anyhow. It blows my mind how clunky every single thing associated with SL is considered LL is strictly an online business. They don't even have a mobile version of the SL login page, FFS.
  3. Not that this is likely to happen, as it is probably too inconvenient for LL, but wouldn't it be nice if someone whose name suggestion was implemented got fist shot at actually accessing that name?
  4. I think our jokes are flying past each other, lol. I know about the role of the 'straight 'man'' (wow, nested scare quotes, that may be a first even for me!!!), though perhaps 'set-up role' might be more appropriate these days? I was joking, but then got worried with your reply, lol. Me, I am very queer, but only play on one team, lol. I don't even socialize with the other team much.
  5. Um, sorry? Not sure if I made the wrong assumption before, or now. Either way, probably should not be making assumptions, just always get excited when I think someone is 'on the same team' as me, as it is pretty rare, other than some sites I go to in SL.
  6. I am curious, in those other environments, I am guessing you only have one name, rather than first and last? It seems SL made a lot of bad choices back at the beginning that restrict what they can do now, but it seems to me it would have been better if we had a login ID such at email, and then a separate username, with the actual account info being passed to in-world merchants or whoever as part of being logged into SL. The MP would seem to be easy there, you have to log into MP once for all the places you would buy from anyway, so just use your account login instead of your inworld username. I guess I don't know the details of all this, but seems like it could be more flexible. OTOH, off the top of my head, I can't think of any other accounts I have that let me change my username, either, so perhaps that wouldn't help. It seems like it would be simple, but maybe not. Who know, it's just this whole name thing seems a mess, and made worse by not being able to have spaces (and maybe not even underscores or periods?) in usernames. And while display names may help a little, they are implemented in a halfway, haphazard manner and don't show up a lot of the places I feel they need to (for example, in the Forum, or in-world People searches). That is why I just finally gave up and started a new account with the two names I want squished together as one name. That is as close as I will ever get with LL.
  7. Personally, having been around when you just automatically got a last name as part of signing up (though with crappy choices), that too would seem pretty shifty to me. They still use last names as part of the system, just with no choice. I would be like, "Wait, I have to take Premium and pay $40 to get a name??? Wow, what else am I going to have to pay for?" I have to admit I say this in total ignorance of other games/online world experiences and stuff, probably all of them require a subscription or something. Times do change, I know, but wow, this seems pretty parsimonious. Of course, noone has to engage in SL, and in fact, the vast majority of people are making just that choice. All this kind of stuff doesn't seem conducive to changing that, though.
  8. 😲 I guess I misunderstood something about you... 😑
  9. I have to say I know almost nothing of Gor, and have no direct experience with it whatsoever. My impression is that it is based on the superiority and God-like status of men and the subjugation and denigration of women, which is enough for me to figure I don't need to go to any of those sims. Perhaps I am misjudging them, and for sure I am struggling to find anything interesting to do in SL these days, so perhaps I should give them a try. I kinda doubt it, though. I was going to say PM me what you need for a set-up, but if you want to be all spontaneous about it, I guess not, lol.
  10. Actually, I am quite smitten with it. I wonder if she is available....
  11. Very nice! And that lavender lipstick and the teeth-yellowing treatment? Just too awesome!
  12. 🤔 Hmmm... OK, I don't know how to tell you this, you are awesome, and famous, and adored, BUT!!! ...it isn't always about you... Keep scouring those ads, though! (Me personally, I am looking for a village without an idiot. Unfortunately, all villages, and cities, and towns, and pretty much everywhere else already have far more idiots on hand than they need as it is. Life is hard. ).
  13. Hmmm, just keep trying to picture Scylla as a square chunky bearded dude...
  14. Apt, but I was thinking of someone even more cretinous and massively more orange. Perhaps I should have added senile or something to distinguish things better.
  15. I have no idea what the hell this means, but I like it, lol... Man changing to werewolf? Or a sheep? Or a shaggy dog? Overall reminds me of that really old music video where they are singing something about a microwave oven...
  16. We all value different things, so this is just a single data point, but while the 300L/week is a nice rebate, really none of the things you mention are important to me personally in the least. Not at all. I went Premium after 12 years in SL solely to get a houseboat, then found out they were going to be almost impossible for me to get for quite a while. It worked out well for me, as I found a piece of ocean I liked and put a house there, and the Premium also paid for my tier. That is really all I personally got from Premium. I extended my Premium when they did the discount, but have since found a rental I like really well, and am hardly at my house. It will be almost two years before my Premium runs out, but unless something significant changes, I almost certainly will not renew. Maybe I am the only person in SL with this particular perspective, but at some point LL might need to consider something different than the current perks as incentive. For me that would be some particular things related to the overall experience, which is almost certainly impossible to restrict to Premium members, but they will need something else to keep me on. FWIW...
  17. They just need to make it so you have to maintain Premium to keep your name, just like the Linden Homes. Bang, done.
  18. Well, at least you aren't one of the ones with the smudgy noses...
  19. Ah, I thought you meant something else, sorry...
  20. Yeah, and it’s even cheaper in SL where it’s just pixels. 😉
  21. Sorry, that will cost you $40USD, and you must have a Premium account.
  22. Sorry, can’t hear you, have you on Ignore (I have everyone except one person on Ignore, and that person sends me interesting quotes from blocked posts via PM...) 😉
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