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Milk Pixelmaid

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Everything posted by Milk Pixelmaid

  1. What about a region called bishophead? Lots of religious ones.
  2. Be able to view objects on all of the homes that I own, even ones owned by my alt.
  3. A feature request topic would be nice. I know the Moles have it all planned out, but who knows homes better than the residents? We like looking at the water.
  4. I don't get why they didn't let us rotate left or rotate right? Every parcel is different. Why the restrictions? Why just ONE house?
  5. nothing stops people in SL from rezzing prim islands above their water space. they will do it...
  6. I keep landing behind the couple with flexi hair. LOL!!!!
  7. Yes, most people that want a log home has a log home, but many are also out of rolls. Hard to roll for a region release when you get 5 landlocked abandons. 😞
  8. Oh it doesn't look like it's EEP since you have to unpack a ZIP file on your computer. I thought Windlight is discontinued now...
  9. If I change my name; can someone with my last name already use my old name?
  10. It doesn't bother me. If they want to clutter up their house with yard signs, up to them.
  11. Things are more desirable when they're in limited supply.
  12. Releases go faster when there are residents to claim them. The reason this release is dragging on for days is because the demand hasn’t caught up with the supply. We may not see some regions go til May...
  13. This release has been horrible glitchy... not sure what went wrong this time.
  14. I'm surprised this person hasn't been banned for life yet.
  15. Log homes won't be sold out for a long time. They are the new campers.
  16. You really can't outrun bad neighbors! The best you can do is find a parcel that has some linden ocean, park, etc -- so one side is protected.
  17. You’re all amazing detectives! This is gripping lol
  18. This is so inspiring to read, wise words.
  19. Even if you agree to Tilia, they ask for no documents until you cash out..
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