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Milk Pixelmaid

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Everything posted by Milk Pixelmaid

  1. He didn’t make a single wave. Whether he is really asking or trying to stir things up, it was an amusing discussion. We dislike beggars, bye.
  2. Set up auto-refresh, you’ll get a house. It’s in limited supply and mostly sold out but people still get new homes every day! The only way you’ll get one is to abandon and start looking. I bet you get one today.
  3. But the rolling release is much more fun... that way people in all time zones can try instead of region stalkers.
  4. Should you have a baby if you can’t even afford basic housing?
  5. A premium membership, for just a month is not a lot of money, even for those that have to pay VAT. If it is a lot of money for some, then don’t buy multiple memberships. I don’t get the judgement here? Perhaps it is “addiction” but it just seems like people enjoy owning a variety of homes or multiple of similar homes... as long as it’s fun, it’s still inexpensive entertainment.
  6. First things first... must be premium. If you’re not sure you want a Linden House, just buy a month premium and grab what’s available, and abandon and try again until you find a house that you like.
  7. It’s not very hard, you might have to run auto-refresh for keyword Victorian until you land one. As many people are abandoning second homes, you’ll get something.
  8. Yes, you got into it too late, from the sounds of it. So after December 21? With the way the continent is laid out, not every parcel will be waterfront or river front or even pond front, which is what everyone wants. I’m not sure what “clearly abandoned” means but I’ll assume you mean landlocked homes.
  9. I see your point, that more accounts = more chances to roll, but with the current inventory, it’s still the same for everyone. You can’t roll 20 homes if at any given time only 1 home available. Also, even with 5 chances, I was never around for releases of traditional or houseboat regions because I was always at work at the same hours as Linden Lab. I’m working now in fact lol (or hardly working).
  10. People need to be more honest about their wants... abandon isn’t the problem, they just want a unicorn of a linden home. I’ll take my ideal abandon any day, but they’re occupied hahah!
  11. Lucille, where were you from December 16-21? Victorians never left the website that entire week, always available. If you weren’t there during the launch, you’ll have to just be patient. Every single Victorian, unless LL creates some new ones, will be someone’s abandon home.
  12. Is there another Bellisseria? I think all of the Victorian regions (so far) have been released
  13. Does anyone else think we should at least get 10 rolls? 5 is so few.
  14. Even though homes are in abundance now, it’s still fun when residents announce of they land a dream parcel or abandon homes on nice places so other residents know where floating around lol
  15. You're right, I didn't quite mean ALL premium members. Just anyone with a Bellisseria home.
  16. If you don’t love it, toss it back! Let someone else live their sandy dreams. It’s tough for me as a sand lover to see people get sand and cover it up with grass, lol. There is plenty of lush green grass in Victorians region, many green coasts too! Also, why does it look like none of your neighbors have moved in? So empty.
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