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Rat Luv

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Everything posted by Rat Luv

  1. I do remember hearing that cow fields have lots of magic 🍄s...! There is also a weird thing you can do with a chicken where you hold it an angle and it goes into a trance and plays dead...🐔
  2. I would love to see a 'Hosts/Hostesses Confidential' thread 😉 You get some bonkers IMs from guests sometimes...and have seen some crazy drama over tipjars But I don't think there's enough hosts/ex-hosts here to get it going I KNEW you were going to do this
  3. Ex-host here 🤬 Just kidding! 🙂 It's up to you...but based on what you've said about hosts, I would say check out some better clubs! Also, some of the big club owners tell the hosts specifically to mention venue tips, so they're just following orders, really...I've been to clubs when I was skint and didn't tip at all... The only etiquette I would follow is to tip any DJ if you request a tune and they play it 👍
  4. 🤮🤮🤮 Red Bull is VILE! I have NO idea why anyone would choose to drink it after their first experience...it tastes like somebody mixed cough medicine and acetone together, then added a bag of sugar 🤢 I think the honest truth of White Monster's appeal is that it gives you energy and makes it easy to skip meals...which isn't ideal 😐
  5. Addicted to Financial Audit...some of the cases are sad and scary, but occasionally you get one where you can't believe the person's for real...
  6. In your defence (and no politics 🙊) that sounds more like a bit of fun than griefing Like when me and my friend went to a hardcore punk club in ballgowns and princess tiaras and requested Avril Lavigne...they also kicked us after about 10 minutes
  7. The worst attack I experienced was in Public Sandbox, the viewer actually went green and froze with this loud sound Had to force crash and was terrified my laptop was frazzled...
  8. I had something similar...somebody on Orientation Island gave me a "gothic bling ring" I clicked Wear and it rezzed a giant Mudkips that started 'humping' me with p0rn0 noises Also, I went to Eridu sandbox which was privately owned but open access...some of the regulars were really hostile to noobs (I found out later because they hated people rezzing item boxes and leaving them there). One of the regulars put...err...'dog c**k' followers on me...so I was running around with floating titled dog willies prodding me in the head and thinking my avatar was ruined forever Looking back on 2010 and 2011, it honestly feels like it was hard to get through a week on SL WITHOUT someone trying to crash a sim or disrupt an event!
  9. Always a joy when this comes up on my exercise bike playlist 🤩
  10. LOL what? It's about 12 hours outbound from the UK, 10-11 hours coming back...but that's the UK, Netherlands might even be a bit quicker! Oh you have to be trolling...or you're very sensitive Just drink coffee and have a lie-in on the first day. He can do that the other 50 weeks of the year Actually...never mind Sid...I think we need to get Orwar away from the Swedish forests for a while
  11. As soon as you see this, before you have a coffee, book a flight to Tokyo! Book it and forget about it until two days before you fly, and then panic and start packing in a hurry and think “Why did I listen to that idiot Rat??” And then go there…and, if it turns out to be the worst thing you’ve ever done, at least you can think “I’m going back to the Netherlands in a few days" 😍
  12. Maybe write down 10 things you secretly want to do, pin them to a wall, then have a few drinks, put on a blindfold and spin around in a circle, then throw a dart at the wall...and do the thing that you hit? 🙂
  13. Peeve...doing the thing I tell everyone never to do...ignoring a coincidence I was reading about the kitsune, or shapeshifting Japanese fox spirits...and then saw a random thing about a cryptocurrency called Shapeshift Fox It was priced £0.01...I thought, maybe I should buy some? But then I started thinking "No, save your money..." and ignored it... Anyway, it's just gone up to £0.03...so if I'd put £50 into it, I'd now have £150 NEVER ignore coincidences! But I'm too scared to buy it now in case it goes back down to £0.01
  14. I think I have a solution!..get rid of banlines and instead hire some Bloodlines players to stand on your sim, requesting bites and asking visitors if they want to join their clan 🦇 Everyone wins...👍 The visitors think "Oh no, it's another Bloodlines sim!" and immediately leave...boaters and drivers and pilots can move around freely without crashing into those ugly yellow lines...and poor vampires can make some money on the side 💰🧛‍♀️
  15. Then hire a hacker to turn the script off and put up a sign - Roy's Orb Is Gone 🙂
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