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Silent Mistwalker

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Everything posted by Silent Mistwalker

  1. Meanwhile, the bill to end Daylight Saving Time by putting all of the US on DST in 2023, passed the Senate and has since been spinning its wheels in the House. I'm all for doing away with DST but I am not going to like being on DST for the rest of my life. Bush only made things worse when he extended DST. They need to stop messing with people's circadian rhythms. Disrupting it twice a year is not only detrimental to human health, remaining on DST will screw up people's biological clocks. For the love of all things human, make it stop and put us all back on normal time! In time, those that write the legalese might just start making more sense, not only in their wording but in our understanding. It might sound farfetched but when you start digging, you start seeing just how badly disrupted circadian rhythms can affect whole countries, even the world. It's scary to think it's been allowed to go on for more than half a century.
  2. I disagree. At least in YIM I could easily find the chats I wanted. I can't find anything that isn't roleplay or a bunch of school kids. Discord is nothing like YIM, Skype or even MS Messenger. It's a major PITA. And that's my peeve.
  3. I'm still waiting for Mongo to do the one cheek sneak. I am always left disappointed.
  4. Except for the poopy pants, I am so there. Recently, the idea of finding a place I can afford alone is becoming more and more appealing. And that's another peeve. Decent affordable housing for one person.
  5. It certainly doesn't feel that way. On the other hand, the woman who raised me did have a lot of influence over me and we did call her a certain name behind her back for years only to watch her laugh about it when I told her we used to call her the Old Battle Axe. 🤭 I'm more like the Old Dull Hatchet. 😁
  6. Why not just shoot the breeze and be Chaotic Good? ☺️ We could use a little around here again. 😏
  7. Atari! Peeve!: You forgot the shoes up the butt. Yes, it's true. The older I get the less prison is a deterrent. 😇
  8. Peeve: If they can have working mirrors in The Sims, we can have them in SL, too. Anyone claiming that only "girls" play The Sims, they've got another think coming. There are tons of games out there, new and older than SL, that have reflections and mirrors. There's no reason other than LL not wanting to put in the effort, for there not to be mirrors in SL. It would be a practical addition if you stop to think about it. No more having to switch your cam back and forth while dressing which means it takes less time for you to dress and have more time for fun! Mirrors make small rooms look larger. Mirrors can bring the outdoors, in. Photogs love using mirrors in their work. There's more but I'm too tired to think of them tonight.
  9. Happy Rez Day! Seems like you've been around forever.
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