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Silent Mistwalker

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Everything posted by Silent Mistwalker

  1. Not arbitrary to me. It's pretty clear that if you are logging in more than one account at a time and leaving both logged in at the same place for extended periods of idle time, the intent is to game traffic. Especially if more than one person is doing the same thing on that region. On the other hand, I'm the sort that shuts down her computer at night, every night and I've been in SL since 2004. I do remember how things were when traffic actually meant something. All it really means now is this club either had a boatload of bots or a boatload of actual people and the only way to find out which it is, is to go there and look. Or attempt to communicate, whichever the case may be.
  2. There is a reason I never save my bank info on an online account.
  3. For the first two, the intent is highly unlikely to be to game traffic since many people do use a friend's parcel as a log in point. The third one however, crosses the line.
  4. Peeved: I didn't get a chance to edit my post to say if anyone wanted to tinker with the Xelagots, the download links still work. The bots are free and so is an account so you might could play around with them to see what they do and maybe, just maybe, the LSL needed to develop something similar (but specific to SL) already exists.
  5. You have no idea how many times I have forced myself to resist posting those in this thread. I don't wanna be the one to jinx it! 🤣
  6. Thanks for letting us know. I'll be randomly logging my accounts in over the next few days and deleting every image I have put on my profiles. No one asked me if I wanted to appear on the rez day board. I do not. People celebrate rez days just like they do birthdays. No one has ever celebrated my rez day. Why start now? I won't be there. The time that I would have been happy to have people celebrate my rez day is long gone. All it does now is remind me no one cared/cares same as my birthday.
  7. You never had opportunity to use a Xelagot bot. I have used them and they were nothing more than a tool. This is the kind of bot I have always wanted to see developed for use in SL but no one has ever attempted it. Who wouldn't want to be able to use a bot to terraform whole estates? That's one of the myriad of things a Xelagot could do. By the time Xelagots had become pretty much an all in one, I was long gone so I never used them. The ones I did use were capable of terraforming and all kinds of useful things for world (region in SL) building and security and object placement. I could chat with people via the bot if I couldn't login at the time, which led to lots of giggles when people finally realized the responses they were getting weren't scripted but was a real person at the keyboard. lol http://www.imatowns.com/xelagot/xelagot_x1.html Edit: The Xelagots are the only thing I miss about AW. lol
  8. I can't argue with this! 😭 Because I happen to agree with it 110%. 🤭
  9. *coughs* https://www.theverge.com/23032658/cybertown-revival-blaxxun-virtual-community-rebuilding-project
  10. Thank you. I would have hope if it weren't for the fact that I know things are not going to get better. Not when I see things like this happening in one of the states that is supposed to be a leader in NOT doing things like this: 9-acre wooden roof lifted into place at PDX (msn.com) That goes way beyond being peeved.
  11. In my state it isn't the chickens being affected so much as it is the wild birds. Last I checked there had only been about 3 flocks in the whole state that showed any signs of Avian Influenza. That is nowhere near enough loss to warrant the high prices in this state. What is happening is rather than raise prices in just those areas affected, they're raising prices across the board/country so that some of us can no longer afford to eat. They are slowly starving us to death. https://www.dfw.state.or.us/news/2022/10_Oct/100522b.asp
  12. All I'm going to say is, keep your survey bots off my land if you did not ask my permission for them to enter FIRST! Even Tyche (the original survey bots) honored my request to stop her bots from entering my land. Think about it. https://www.virtualverse.one/forums/threads/new-sl-regions-in-the-past-week.189/post-95614 And yes it does peeve me when people force things on me that they didn't ask first.
  13. I've only used my desktop. I don't even own a working cell phone. I use Chrome for the forum. I tend to keep certain things separated between Chrome and Edge. I hate having to log in constantly, so I keep it to where it auto logs in. Logging in from Edge, I'd end up having to reset all that when I shouldn't have to so that's not going to happen. lol
  14. A couple of weeks ago, I started having an issue with just going from one page to the next. It no longer takes me to the TOP of the next page, regardless of clicking on page number or "next page". Instead, it takes me to the BOTTOM of the next page, so I have to scroll ALL THE WAY TO THE TOP to read the posts. I've tried doing the usual resetting of settings, of which there are far too few compared to pretty much every other forum out there regardless of focus, but no dice. I have established, beyond all doubt in my mind, that the issue is not on my end. And yes, I cleared cache, deleted history, cookies etc. All the usual troubleshooting. The issue is definitely NOT on the user end. Needless to say, I am peeved once again at LL! Edit: I haven't been in the Avatar thread in months.
  15. Whatever you do, do not, I repeat, DO NOT EVER buy a bag of Brownie M&Ms. The damn things are addictive! 😂 That's my peeve. I can't stop eating the damned things! 😂
  16. Perhaps letting Free Dove go and keeping the memorial(s) would not conflict with her wishes. Her memorials for her mother and sister could serve as her memorials in SL.
  17. That's not how you do the Carlton, in RL or SL. THIS is how you do the Carlton.
  18. People have been wondering how it all got started so I told them. Oops.
  19. I thought I was being nice by explaining why it doesn't look right to you. I apologize for offending you.
  20. Bring back Pony Linden*! https://secondlife.fandom.com/wiki/Pony_Linden One (1) Pony please! *Just Pony... we can't ride Ben 🤭😇
  21. The eyes are the same size. The way the bangs lay and then circle back under her right eye creates the optical illusion that one eye is smaller than the other. The body is at an angle to the camera with the head turned towards the camera, again creating an optical illusion. It's all a matter of perspective. When your perception shifts, it changes what you see. Look at the tree again. Do you now see the gorilla and lioness and the little fish jumping out of the water? That is what happens when you shift or change your perception, also known as an optical illusion.
  22. Works great as long as your house is fully linked. There are those that have more than one link set since the number of objects you can link together is limited by number of prims and distance. Sorry but I've been there and tried that. lol It didn't work out too well. For a platform to build on, it's easier to restore it from inventory. And having a backup in place just below the one I actually use and keep locked so I don't do stupid deletes any more is a great idea!
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