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Silent Mistwalker

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Everything posted by Silent Mistwalker

  1. It's called emoting and people do it in RP regions every day without the use of emoticons or emojis. They use words! 😲 People who insist on voice regardless are extremely inconsiderate of those with hearing loss or full deafness. They're also quite rude about it. I've had people tell me I'm lying about my hearing as well as lying about being female. Instant ban, block, eject. In that order.
  2. The word brigade has been around lot longer than Reddit or the internet.
  3. SL has been around far longer then HIFI was or Sansar which was a Linden Lab product before it was sold to Wookey Project Corp. LGBT+ have been in SL since Day 1 as they were in both HiFi and Sansar. Neither platform folded because of LGBT+ or any other group. https://www.hypergridbusiness.com/2019/12/high-fidelity-shutting-down/ https://uploadvr.com/linden-lab-sells-sansar-focus-second-life/ I stand by what I said about people trying to cover up their real reasons for not wanting an LGBT+ subforum.
  4. You don't see this section? Adult Content Forum - Second Life Community
  5. I've never been in a situation where I needed to TP 6 times in less than 60 seconds. Talk about sim hopping! 🤯
  6. Husband did that. He ruined the only photo of the two of us together that will ever exist. He thought he was being funny. It wasn't funny to me.
  7. I was expecting a Flight of the Bumblebee sort of thing but noooooo. I'm gonna die laughing.
  8. The only good photos of me are the ones I don't know are being taken. Except for portrait types and of course the dance recital portraits and the piano and swimming ones. It makes me uncomfortable, so I don't "act naturally". But that gets into a whole other ball of wax.
  9. It has happened. Been a few years but it has happened to me. I still don't have a camera on my desktop. I'm not going to buy one just to satisfy some asshat on SL that I am female in RL. They aren't getting in my pants no matter what they say or do. I'm not here for sex. And of course, there is always some idiot who just has to try just because they think they are all that. 🙄
  10. Who says it isn't going to change anything? Who says just because it doesn't change something it isn't needed? You? Who died and made you god? Some people just can't admit they are against a new subforum because they are afraid of people who are different. In your case, I think it's more playing devil's advocate than any real objection. 😋 Edit: The word fallacy was a typo so to speak. I hadn't intended to type it in but my fingers had something else in mind.
  11. My right ear also on the tinnitus. Only mine usually sounds more like really loud crickets. Volume varies depending on electrical and electronics near me. The further and longer away from all things electric I am the better. Especially those damn powerlines when they hum at such a low frequency. And turn that damn bass down while you are at it! It's all I can hear! I am thankful for CC and low volumes. Loud or high pitched noises... I won't be responsible for my actions.
  12. Please stop with the circular reasoning fallacy. I'm just tired of people thinking I fall for them just because I don't bother to rebut them.
  13. Sucks to get old don't it. But at least prison isn't such a big deterrent anymore!
  14. I learned to read lips decades ago. Never learned ASL though. Sometimes having to ask people to repeat what they say can be a bit of an unintentional payback. People wonder why I speak so softly. It's because when I speak at a normal level I feel like I am yelling. To me, it sounds like I am yelling. Yes Maddy, people are weird and I am a people.
  15. How so? What would have to be different? Can you name 5 specific things that would have to change just to add one subforum somewhere? The trolling isn't going to get any worse or better due to a subforum being added. That's really reaching. Unless you are stating that because of the LGTB+ that would use the subforum the usual trolls will be more inclined to attack and invite their friends to attack? When has that kind of thing not happened on these forums? If the ones who are so adamantly opposed to it were to stop and think through their objections, they'd soon realize they aren't objecting for the reasons they have stated. Some of us can see through all that.
  16. I haven't progressed to the last one. Yet. Hopefully the hearing loss doesn't get any worse than it has been for the past... 50 years. If it does, I'll still hear but spoken words will sound like Charlie Brown's teacher. At least I can still read. For now.
  17. -You have partial hearing loss -You can't hear them because you are deaf.
  18. Or didn't see any sanitary hand lotion/wipes because Covid hoarders. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ That duct tape repair on the light pole or whatever kind of pole it is does look suspicious though.
  19. I edited my post. Sorry. Not a ninja today. I think you misread what she said.
  20. How is that different from the cleanups they already do in all threads? Edit: What was asked, the way I read it, was for LL to not delete threads to just lock or cleanup posts. That isn't any different than what they do now in all sections of the forum.
  21. There'd only be a handful or two of you left. 🤭
  22. Please show me where someone has asked for special moderation of the proposed subforum?
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