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Silent Mistwalker

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Everything posted by Silent Mistwalker

  1. I knew it! I knew the moment I started playing a game someone would get a thread shut down. And I missed it! 🙃
  2. There are some things everyone, including businesses, should keep hard copies of. Those hard copies are all you have if a system fails, and information is wiped. It's why I always keep a set of real paper ledgers and not just the program output. It's rare but there have been times when the end results between my books and the program didn't match. The program was in error and it wasn't due to user input. Some changes aren't always for the best.
  3. The office I ran did things the old fashioned way on most things as far as operations went. Other things... not so much. Everyone made the coffee, including the president. To my specifications! 😉
  4. I was the office manager and the accountant/bookkeeper. The secretary and receptionist did all the preliminary paperwork, I did the rest. The engineers and estimators weren't under me. Everyone else were supervisors, foremen and construction workers. Yep. All of the large corps I've worked for have been that way. Getting them to upgrade from 98 was impossible for a long time. Only one actually upgraded within a reasonable amount of time. The rest only upgraded to Windows 7 and dug their heels in. I think one has since upgraded to 10. None have 11.
  5. That is why I refuse to work in that capacity for any corporation that isn't closely held. Which excludes any large or medium sized corporation. I do my best work in small offices where everything runs like a well oiled machine. *cracks her whip* Get to work! 😁
  6. There are a lot more of us oldies around than you might think. Eighteen years... 18 loooong years. lol
  7. If that grin gets any bigger, it will crack its face.
  8. In addition to this, you'll have to play with the numbers a bit to get it as close as possible. There will always be a tiny seam there when zoomed way in but it will not be noticeable at all close up.
  9. That is exactly what I do on my older machines. The driver released on the 15th is causing some issues for some people in SL. There's a thread in the tech support section about it that was posted today, I think.
  10. I just updated on the 15th to 516.40. I haven't logged in to SL yet, but I have been playing another game that is far harder on graphics without any issues. This particular game has a min requirement of a GTX 1660.
  11. That's much better than my REM dreams. It wouldn't be so bad if I didn't have to remember every detail. But yeah... that.
  12. And to think SL could have been better than RL. Lost opportunity is lost.
  13. I would read that while I'm trying to eat a ham sammich. I'd just cleaned my screen. Now I see bread crumbs...
  14. So, your post doesn't really [doesn't] have anything to do with the event regions. Thank you.
  15. I didn't put words in your mouth. No one has. I'm starting to doubt your story now. You keep attacking the very people that are trying to help you.
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