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Silent Mistwalker

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Everything posted by Silent Mistwalker

  1. Instead of trying to go back to bed. Stretch out on the sofa, let your mind wander, plan your next steps in your fav game (includes building), before you know it, you'll be waking up.
  2. Oh, we know how to get there. It's just that some people won't get their heads out of their... sand.
  3. I need to show this to my little buddy so he'll stop chewing his fur off. He gets so lost in his grooming he over does it. And if you start scratching his back, he will never leave you alone!
  4. Thank you to all those who attempted an explanation. Over the years I've tried to do just that and I've gotten tired of repeating and repeating and repeating using different words and phrasing, yet most think I don't know wtf I am talking about. I just had to do the work every day for decades. It's not something easy to explain to a layperson.
  5. Never heard of him. I put up with far more than I should before I blow a fuse. Thing is when I blow a fuse, the whole fuse box gets blown all the way out to the nearest transformer on the pole. BOOM!
  6. Yep. I've gotten to where I hate Mariachi. It's all they play, and I would swear it's the same song over and over and over. Here it's 7am - 10pm for music. Other noises have different limits; they can't run the garbage trucks after 7pm. check your local ordinances (city and county). I think my neighbors are finally getting the message that when I start complaining about things, things have gone way too far.
  7. Every weekend, Friday, Saturday and Sunday, all day long and into the night. Supposed to stop no later than 10PM. I've heard them playing until midnight. They drown out my tv and my ears ring for the next week. Wash, rinse, repeat.
  8. Messy? If you haven't read all the books how could you possibly know? There is nothing neat or tidy about Dune.
  9. At least you don't have to put up with live bands at children's birthday parties. One of these days I'm going to find out if they are getting the permit for loud music as required by law. I'm 99.99999999% certain they do not ever bother because they don't want to have to pay for it.
  10. I've read all of the books plus 3 of his son's Dune works. Dune is far worse than SW ever thought of being.
  11. That's not how it works. You are not being taxed twice.
  12. You are taxed on income, not profit. LL will file a 1099 with the IRS and the amount it will show will be whatever amount was actually withdrawn from SL. LL will report the $1000USD since that puts it over the annual limit of $600US.
  13. Y'all are fighting over a pixel hunk of cloth when people's rights that are far more important to everyone worldwide are being stripped away as we post.
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