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Leora Greenwood

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Everything posted by Leora Greenwood

  1. Dear LL, just one more excellent example of our desperate need for a "WOW" reaction option!!
  2. Dear LL, may we please have a "WOW" button added to our available reactions???
  3. So appropriate to yesterday and today. We have a large stuffed corgie in our RL home and put it in a place of honor last night.
  4. I also love balloon travel as there is altogether less steering involved! Thanks to Quartz Mole, these rezzers will rez a balloon for you to board and will delete the balloon if you fall out during your ride so our skies will not be littered with balloons. Once you board, you will have a choice of animated poses and can say "start" to begin your ride, using your directional and up/down keys to control your ride. I put these two balloon rezzers are in the Newbrooke regions at http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Judge Knott/249/151/22 and in the Sakura regions at http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Aoi Hanabatake/29/118/21
  5. My favorite is a Segway to ride on while I explore. So much that I put up a Segway rezzer here: http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Aoi Hanabatake/17/130/21 Touch to rezz your own and ride as long as you like. Have fun!!
  6. Post photos when you have had time to decorate. 😄
  7. I don't want folks to think they need to buy P+ to get great parcels though; I have been able to always get great sites on a roll or two, sometimes rolling again the next day. Got this one in this area on the first roll recently, a Stilt on Land but right beside a rez zone and looking directly out onto the main waterway: https://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Haddock/243/187/24
  8. Oh, man! You guys are speakin' my lingo today! I have both of the ones that Chaireschen mentions above and will try to restrain myself from trotting out every skybox ever in my inventory but hafta share some faves: My current obsession is sci-fi bedrooms like this: https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/JPK-Cyberpunk-Room-Sky-Box/22699264 (note that the uber-grunge couch can be deleted) This is a very reasonable 50 LI for L$300. And InVerse has some furnished stunners. This Soho one I lived in for ages: https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/inVerse-SoHo-EXTREME-LOW-LI-full-furnished-mesh-loft-skybox/5425231 56LI for L$299 and their Seattle at 61LI and L$299: https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/inVerse-MESH-SEATTLE-full-furnished-modern-mesh-skybox/9390963
  9. I bought this one for my Dinkie moments: https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/Tiny-Inc-Ginger-Dinkie-Cat-v19-Bento/4591897
  10. OMFG, I bought five more in the weekend sales and still passed on a couple that were very high in LI. There IS no cure!! 🙀🙀🙀
  11. Yeah, sad to say that I have gone back to my old strategy on gachas: I just go to the Marketplace and buy the one I want; did that just now and got my pick for L$399, cheaper in the end than all the angst. But thanks again to all who tried to help.
  12. Interesting, this time it worked immediately and I had no problems. Both times I was in Firestorm. Below are the only differences I can identify so far: 1. Did not work: gaming laptop with Win 11 2. Did work: big rig with Win 10
  13. Thanks for trying to help, everybody! At the moment the sim is full so I will try again later. I think I was doing everything right but never managed to pair. 😒
  14. Joined the group, read the instruction page on their website, got the HUD, wearing it, standing by a machine and poking the "Pair" button and just... nothing... I am not generally a dense person and I think I see how this is supposed to work but cannot get it to work. Anybody have an insight here? TIA!!
  15. B.E.L.L.I. Bellisseria Enthusiasts Living Large but Insanely
  16. Thank you for the heads-up! I bought them for every one of my alts too!!
  17. Ack, I wish I had your restraint! I have clearly exceeded my limits but I can't let go of any of them! 🙀
  18. Yep, to each her own... I am currently having a love affair with Chalets but still love Stilts and am having fond memories of my old Trads and Houseboats. So promiscuous!! ♥️ 😍 😌
  19. Interesting that folks tend to almost forget about Fantasseria. (Perhaps that sub-continent is wrapped in a cloak of invisibility!) If you like the vibrant mushrooms and glowing ambiance, it is great for small-boat boating as most Fantasy homes are very near water and there are many water rez zones.
  20. heavy sigh... but thank you for the response!
  21. diamond is so right but I admit to low reserves of patience and I often roll the same house again, sigh. It happens...
  22. Yes, YES, to both Marianne and diamond! I love that idea and have thought of it many times. The only negative I can think of is that, unless a variety of elevations was possible as well, there might be less privacy for the skyboxes. I generally put up a skybox above my Linden home to log into and change outfits in, etc., and that might feel less private than now.
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