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Leora Greenwood

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Everything posted by Leora Greenwood

  1. A paper DJ for a PAPER PARTY!!!!!!!!!! C'mon down! http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Treeowatoor/221/29/22
  2. I think the last two were from the TP tunnel at Multiverse Online: http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Britannia/111/122/2400 and the first was from somewhere around the public area of Inspire Space Park: http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Shinda/33/218/1562 Multiverse Online seems to have a TP entrance to several RP sites/communities; I just wanted to take some photos without landing in the middle of anyone's RP, LOL.
  3. I am ready to go but having a fight with Tiggie, who is very upset at being in paper!!
  4. I need to thank you because I had never noticed that the camera has built-in filters! Thank you! 🙏
  5. Very cool; I had never heard of that book but it is $0.99 on Kindle today so I just bought it. Looking forward to reading it... but maybe not at night....
  6. A little bird told me there is going to be a Fantasy build at the Bellisseria Fairgrounds in September and one of the themes he mentioned was Sci-Fi so I have been running around finding related costumes and getting excited to see the build!
  7. Today we were exploring the edges of SL Sci-Fi territories:
  8. First I was unpacking and trying the guitar out in a sandbox so I thought perhaps scripts were blocked there. Then I went to my home half-sim and tried it there with the same result. I tried resetting the scripts in the HUD but got nowhere. Tomorrow is another day..........
  9. So, I am strumming my guitar (lovely!) but the HUD just keeps saying: [16:09] Styngr Motown Styngs HUD (Add Me) v1.0AAf: Please wait a moment until all the scripts have initialised. [16:11] Styngr Motown Styngs HUD (Add Me) v1.0AAf: The HUD is still initialising. Please wait a little while longer [16:13] Styngr Motown Styngs HUD (Add Me) v1.0AAf: The HUD is still initialising. Please wait a little while longer Is this normal guitar behavior???
  10. RezDay Party NOW at BelliHub http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/BelliHub/174/119/22
  11. Tiggie and I are ready to explore Bellisseria (and fight off aliens if need be!)
  12. Totally agree here; I was a faithful rider of the Mayne Line RR on its twice-weekly train trips around the Newbrookes and Chalets (before Charley Mayne got a full-time job and had no SL time) and remember the Bellisseria Boat Parade with great fondness. I know that the Bellisseria Bike, Drive & Scoot! group runs trips now but somehow my schedule has not matched up with theirs well yet. We need more of these generous souls helping us explore Bellisseria and we need to support those who are already out there offering adventures in Belli.
  13. OMG, I showed my kids and we are in stitches! Just ordered one for RL. 😆
  14. In spite of her yen for the dark side, she has gone all Barbie for this afternoon's FAR-Day party with its Barbie theme. Tiggie has given up trying to figure this out: https://gyazo.com/d6b516caf7ace58b627ebee006684909
  15. Thank you; that is truly adorable! And thanks for including a no-graphics option; that is so rare. Our Dinkie obsession has made me realize just how difficult in-close photos are! And Tiggie is not sure what to make of this new look; he seems a bit confused.....
  16. Best of luck to us all! A reminder of just how much we would miss this world if it was not here...........
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