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Leora Greenwood

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Everything posted by Leora Greenwood

  1. Your paddle steamer is absolutely adorable!!! Thanks so much for the pics!
  2. Lovely and ingenious!! I am coming to see that the biggest result of these new houses and houseboats is the explosion of creativity throughout Bellisseria!
  3. Thank you SO much for the great Bellisseria Flag Pack!!
  4. Wow, I am just lurking around on Heirlong and seem to have landed in Pride Circle and just LOOK at all the goodies set out here! Have I just been gone too long or is this new? Yummy!
  5. Wow, this is something to see! Tower room, gingerbread, spires, shutters, fancy fencing......... I am in awe, terrific work!!!
  6. Oooooooooooo, lovely! Please tell us which windlight setting that is or a bit about it if it is a new one you created?
  7. The second story is. If you go to the Mktplc (as I do daily, LOL) and search for "Linden houseboat" and sort by newest, it is near the top. The rooftop stairs and railing I made myself with fencing and stairs I had in inventory. Been through three iterations so far and I think I am settling with this one at 8 LI. Unfortunately the stairs are not full perm so I cannot sell or give it. One question: are we supposed to put marketplace links in these posts or not? I was uncertain so did not.
  8. Ah, thanks Moira and Sylvia; I had not thought that those items might be high in LI.
  9. I am not sure where to ask this question but maybe this is a good spot. I have a Linden houseboat which comes with a content creation pack. I recently saw how much more is included in the content creation pack for the Linden houses and, since I could make use of walls and fence-y type building elements too, I am wondering if it is possible to get the larger content creation pack even if I have a houseboat and not a house. Hope that makes sense. Thanks for any ideas!
  10. Yeah, this is me going overboard as usual; I always pile stuff on and then back off. Thank goodness for 1 LI items like my sauna! Thanks but it probably will not stay so built up; I still have 100+ LI to play with inside. I keep redoing the top deck, down to 8 LI now.
  11. WOW, thanks so much for reporting that, Elora!!! I snapped it up right away. I love the way it looks; one note: like a doofus, when the instructions say to click the blinds at the base to set them to show or not show, I was clicking on the bottom of the blinds. The correct spot (now I realize) for the base of the blinds is the top. Sigh, still learning new stuff every day!
  12. I completely agree!! I am enjoying my Linden houseboat for now but can imagine changing up to the various houseboats and even going back to a house at some point. Leora
  13. Excellent, really lovely and imaginative; I love the colorful bathroom!
  14. I saw your beautiful modifications/additions when I was flying around looking at all the other Wallowers to get inspiration for mine. I used your ideas to add a bathroom and mod the upper decking on mine; I hope you believe that imitation is the sincerest form of flattery! Your home is just gorgeous!!
  15. Here is where I am so far in modding and outfitting my Wallower houseboat. The added bathroom and upper decking modifications are shameless copies of things I have seen others do and have admired on their houseboats. These mods don't seem to be for sale yet so I used my (admittedly mediocre) prim skills to copy and reinvent as best I could. I am still pondering how to divide the large floor space in the main cabin between living and bedroom areas; the large painting copy is the current compromise. Leora
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