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Leora Greenwood

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Everything posted by Leora Greenwood

  1. I always feel a tiny swell of pride when I see any Blackwood folks around; that was the name I won the right to add to SL's name directory at auction a while ago. And so many of you; that is truly wonderful!! 🤗 🤗
  2. I have had similar thoughts but the baby reindeer (free gift to Premium members) is the cutest thing going so I have forgotten about the others. He bounces around and emits baby bleats and bubbles every minute or so. It is just tooooooooooo adorable. The baby bleats are so cute that my daughter came into the kitchen from another room to see what sort of creature she was hearing.
  3. Oh, sweet, thank you very much! I live in the Gulls Wing Estate and did not know about that!
  4. Plus, I think you are adorable just the way you are!
  5. The puzzles of the day with my morning coffee: Wordle, Quordle, Connections, Waffle, Deluxe Waffle, Waffle Royale, Sudoku, Tradle........... the list keeps growing, lol. Just need an extra hour in the day!
  6. Somehow I knew that, maybe cuz I was studying tarot when I discovered SL back in 2007. So many beautiful souls who were here once....
  7. Boopies spotted out and about! Here is the baby reindeer being lead very much astray by Tiggie, dancing it up for the holidays on the Fog line:
  8. FAR's Friends and their usual madness but in Merrymount this time:
  9. I am happy with the baby reindeer even if I don't find any of the others but what is that sound he emits before he blows bubbles? A baby reindeer fart??
  10. Far's hippie fugley sweater dance event with Tiggie and the reindeer.
  11. My SL is looking very crowded right now as I am touring and photographing the demo region for the new Mediterranean theme. The poor little Christmas reindeer only rezzing from time to time and poor Tiggie seems quite splurchy too. I will find some less-trafficked region to give them a rest. Much better in the bottom pic.
  12. I will be happy to! I especially love the fact that there are at least five parcels in the demo region with live house controllers so we can play with and examine the various floorplans.
  13. Interesting. I only derendered a couple of trees to improve the view in exterior shots so I would say they had just not rezzed for me. The demo region IS very crowded, lol.
  14. Here are a few pics of #4 Open Plan - Gran Palma. I love the balconies and the exterior stairs but confess to being a bit confused about the layout upstairs as both the Normal and the Open Plan in the demos area have a bunch of small rooms upstairs. So I will not photograph those till I figure out what is what.
  15. Here is the Open Plan version of House 1 - Felicita. It has the loveliest chimneys and a back patio that just begs for the pool attached in the demo.
  16. I will admit to a preference for the open-plan layouts. Here is #3 Open Plan - Precioso. I love the back with that gorgeous patio!
  17. I am not as big a fan of large houses so my favorite so far is the Bella Vista, layout #2 (the open plan, Bella Rosa is the other #2 floorplan):
  18. Oh no! Poor batcat! So, once we find a boopie, we can either explode it or keep it??
  19. Trying to figure out what that little critter is, a deer, an owl? A dowel??
  20. Congrats to Rat Luv!! Now that we seem to have finished with snow and Marmite, here are three actual RL "pet" delights in my life. First is my "helper" cat, Mo, who has been perusing photos of my Blake Sea parcel: Then a charming poodle who comes to our church and is known to all as Pastor Piper; she is always dressed to the nines in seasonal garb and hunting snacks: and finally, since I can't bear the thought of actual fish confined to a tank, my daughter set up a virtual tank for us to enjoy real fish in the sea (with music!):
  21. That is lovely and beautifully photographed and lit.
  22. Very sweet; you might find it easier to share photos with Flickr, rather than Dropbox.
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