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Leora Greenwood

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Everything posted by Leora Greenwood

  1. Thank you for starting the thread and for your lovely Christmas card. It was the first bit of decor in my new Mediterranean home:
  2. A Visit to LeLoo's World. The album is here: https://www.flickr.com/photos/93301834@N02/albums/72177720313565394/with/53413239835 and here is a pic of Tiggie and the baby reindeer trying to figure out why the young reindeer in front of them looks like both of them!
  3. TIL something new as I did not know that! Thank you!
  4. It shows on the second screen, right after you choose the theme. Yesterday when I was hopping, there were something in the range of 300-400 available. I call that Good Hopping Weather! See the available number in the upper left below.
  5. Tiggie and me enjoying the setting at our new home in Alzaefaran and playing with EEPs:
  6. Honestly, I have chosen my Linden Homes several times by ticket and found, to my surprise, that I was no more satisfied with them and no more likely to stay in them long-term than if I had rolled them randomly. So now I just enjoy the Game of Homes and, as today, landed a really, really nice location on the third day of trying. I am happy! 😄 I totally forgot why I came to this thread! My new Mediterranean is located in Alzaefaran. What does that mean? All I found by Googling was reference to a perfume company but there must be a deeper meaning. Anyone?
  7. Actually, Sandor, I took your delightful rag's new nickname as bestowed with a heavy splash of fondness and only a light dash of snark. I had a friend from Boston who always called the venerable Boston Globe the "Boston Glob" and I think it was widely known that way as many hometown newssheets have nicknames dear to the folks who love, read, and revere them. 🤗 Now, when they call it "The Blah", I am not so sure............ 🤣
  8. Yes, I agree; I don't see myself using it much but I am curious so why not try it out??
  9. Sounds like fun; what could possibly go wrong? A bit snug in here.............. Tiggie says, "What about me???" Ignite? Whadda ya mean, IGNITE???? AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAaaaaaaaaaaaaaa.........................
  10. LOL, there are not many excess rooms in the Bella Vista but I can pitch you a tent or "rent" you a room or even a boat elsewhere. Anything for you, cutie!
  11. Very cool, very hot! Maybe you could write up a few tips, based on your experience, when you are happy with the look? I am still waiting for my invitation so I have many questions......
  12. So, I am about done for now, especially with a Mediterranean home to play with. This is where I began with my ancient LeL Simone head (quoted above) and the new photo below is Noel with Glam Affair's Meredith skin which I purchased. I feel as if I am getting closer to the old "me" look.
  13. Well, I grabbed one from the hair salon but won't be home to see it for hours! Trying to open the SL map on my phone right now.
  14. Well, if you want driving practice in Bellisseria, a houseboat is not your best option. Here is the LM to the home of one of my alts ( http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Trampledon/133/20/23 ) and if you send me (privately) your actual SL name, I can add you to the permissions in the house and you can squat as long as you like, I think. Or, you can just visit and use the car rezzer out in front of the house. 😊
  15. That is such a beautifully composed shot, I love it!
  16. Tiggie joins me on the Hot Fog Line tonight and I am ready to crack some nuts!! We need more hot women on the line tonight!
  17. So, Mr. Wren is now a boy toy for who is that?? I cannot say I am surprised..........
  18. Is that in Firestorm? I keep getting a big notice of bugs (on the login screen) when I log in today but have not noticed anything yet myself.
  19. Oh, I just walked through the den and noticed that KA has its own cat tree with a black and white cat sleeping atop and another below. And Mama Cat is awake now!
  20. Another true "pet" delight or several. First, our two cats, Millie and Mo sleeping atop their cat-tree: Also, we got a bit bored with the undersea videos and switched the den TV to the always fabulous Kitten Academy Live Stream on YouTube:
  21. Now warming us both up on the blues dance line:
  22. My SL looks cold today! Even my ***** is freezing; gotta get him home before he comes down with the flu.
  23. Several of them, a real weiner fest!
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