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Everything posted by Mollymews

  1. so how is your virtual world product getting on ?
  2. Second Life without Andrew Linden there wouldn't be a Second Life Philip Linden at the SLB19 mentioned that in the early days of Second Life, Linden was scoffed at by 'the industry' for being a bunch of hackers who didn't know nothing. And Philip said yes we didn't know anything about how to build a 3D virtual world that emulates the real world from a design perspective and neither did anyone else. So we (;Linden) went with design-by-doing. Which means in practice, we hacked it together, to get it up and running and making money before the VC funding ran out. We meaning Cory and Andrew, hackitty hack hack. Wooo! that works, not great but oh! well. Crude actually working is better than elegant not working at all. So release it and we come back and have another go at it another day which is what Linden did. 19 years later, Second Life still up and running, and being unhacked (Improvements Viewer most recent part of the work) and Second Life still making money Oz Linden let it slip on occasion that the codebase he inherited as VP Engineering drove him and his team nuts sometimes, when responding to user requests. But when he stepped back and looked at the Second Life codebase in its wholeness, then was a marvelous thing. And that every software engineer knows that hindsight programming is even more marvelous
  3. in the Maitreya 5.3 folder is: Maitreya Mesh Body - BoM Add-On Parts V5.3 and Maitreya Mesh Body - BoM Add-On Parts HUD V5.3 wear the BoM Add-On Parts and use the BoM Add-On Parts HUD to smooth breasts, nipples, bellybutton, pelvis and toenails (for socks/stockings)
  4. this can be a careful what you wish for situation when a team member gets paid more than another team member, with the only distinction between the team members being remuneration, then the boss tends to load up all the hard jobs, and out of scope attributes, onto the first team member. On the simple basis that we (the employer) pay you more the second team member gets all the easy, non-demanding, work as befits the boss' understanding of the second team member's capabilities. The second team member doesn't grow, and more importantly is never pushed to grow. The first team member gets fed up (no matter how much they get paid), leaves and the team can't deliver the difficult jobs because there is no one left on the team capable of doing it even worse is when the first team member (paid to deliver) is unable to deliver. The whole team is sunk, and the employer is still paying out if we want to pay a team member more, then we give them additional responsibilities. Like sub/team leader, preceptor/coach to junior team members, etc team leader, 2IC, sub-team leader, junior team preceptor, junior team coach are out of scope attributes formally brought in to scope. In scope attributes/responsibilities build the team as a whole - whole team leadership. Leadership that comes with extra pay and formal recognition of the role(s) by the employer
  5. with Linden viewer I find that zooming my camera away on another angle, and then bringing it back tends to make stuff appear in front of me. I think is something something interest list
  6. i have read thru the US Supreme Court's Dobbs vs Jackson ruling it opens the door to a successful appeal to this US Supreme Court against individual State laws that provide for abortion anywhere in the United States the Dobbs vs Jackson ruling makes many references to unborn human beings and goes to great length to say in numerous places through out the text, that Dobbs v Jackson is only about abortion and its adverse impact on said unborn human beings. Adverse meaning termination meaning death the door is open for a case to come before this Court that can cite prior judicial rulings that fetus' are human beings. And that prior judicial citing will be largely if not entirely the judicial reasoning of the majority in this Dobbs vs Jackson. Ergo the induced death of human beings is unconstitutional, therefore state laws that permit the death of unborn human beings are also unconstitutional Justice Alito might be a lot of things but he is also very cunning
  7. dividing the country into red and blue areas and telling the inhabitants to choose one or the other is partitioning
  8. when advocating separation on non-amicable terms, then is best to look at previous attempts at this. For example. the partitioning of East and West Pakistan from India didn't work out to well. Nor did the partitioning of Yugoslavia. Nor has the partitioning of the USSR been all that great for Ukrainian people for those who don't move when a country is partitioned then matters tend to get worse for them. They get treated as the enemy in the land of their birth
  9. here: https://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Remove_Prim_Properties to these we can add everything we can edit with the Build Tool. Position, rotation, texture, color, alpha, etc
  10. is not so much a matter of needing to believe in something people cling to religion because of the redemption element. That there is a deity who will forgive me, and love me, no matter what I have done
  11. the erosion of civil rights comes when the right to free speech is given supremacy over other rights, and in this circumstance our actions and beliefs are interpreted to be free speech the egregious example of this is apartheid and its derivatives like the separate but equal doctrine, etc. We get into this state by going: It is my sincerely held belief that I cannot be compelled by the State to associate in the public space with people who I sincerely believe are detrimental to my own way of living (according to my own beliefs) this doctrine when left unchecked moves from the public space into the private spaces. Private spaces like Second Life, Facebook, etc are co-opted into the public space (there is a push on from some legislators to make this happen) and then it moves into our own homes, our private lives become public business. And we can't be diversely gendered or interracial, neither in private or public as it imperils the free speech right (and actions) of those who would have a sincerely held belief that discrimination (an action) is free speech which is the thing. Just because we sincerely hold to a belief, doesn't make the belief correct
  12. flexi is still cool says my neko tail. And says the flexi hair strands that I saw on this person's head at a SLB19 concert today
  13. this is the doesn't hurt to ask basket suggest that you track down the owner(s) of the game copyrights. Never know, they might just say sure why not and give you the right to do this, make your own copies. Hello Kitty does this, so might be the same with this other content owner. They might say yes, then you will be good to do it without any worries
  14. this I think for non-new residents is an attraction with the NUX is also consistent with what Oberwolf and Philip Linden were talking about in their SL19B chat. That Second Life is still fundamentally a creative activity. And I think a full permissions mesh starter avatar lends itself to continuing this creative tradition
  15. this is a good point. As is true that lots of people who are into Linden Homes have wanted some fair and reasonable way to request a home of their choosing. And as you have mentioned also already, your team will keep an eye out for those few who might try to abuse this if left unchecked then there might also come a time where all of the more desirable waterside parcels are snaffled up leaving only interior parcels for new residents. But am pretty sure that Linden Homes department have already factored this in to the availability distribution model so altogether I agree that this is not a bad thing for Linden to have done
  16. i would like a llReattach function as well. Which combines detach and attach into one call (Not sureif this is even possible tho for the general case, where an item could be anywhere in the user's inventory) Might be able to be done in some way with My Outfits links? not sure exactly how tho
  17. if this a universal data transfer system (applicable to a wide variety of uses) then I think attachment savesticks are the way to go in application, a savestick is no different to any other kind of HUD attachment that communicates with a data receiver object. The data receiver script validates the sender before it uses the data. When the receiver doesn't recognise the sender (savestick in this case) then it ignores the sender/sender messages. Validating a sender is a fairly well-documented procedure users also understand how attachments work. They also understand how attachment delivery works as well. Receive it into their Inventory, find it, wear it, and done
  18. picking up on attachments the issue is that changes to attachment properties are only safely saved in all cases when the attachment is detached. So if the updated property data is critical to the app then is best (at this time) to prompt the user to detach and reattach the object after the data update one day maybe Linden will fix this so that all attachment property changes are persistent and can survive crashes and borked region crossings
  19. i vote for Blender kits, docs and tutorials as well
  20. i think this is a good thing. Mostly for the simplified learning aspect of how to dress my avatar. A learning which can then be applied to more advanced avatar models as new residents grow their inworld experience
  21. yes. Is the same when move thru all the continents like Europe, Asia, Africa, the Americas, Australasia/Pasifika. We all have our folklore handed down to us thru 1000s of years. The names might change from group to group, the way the stories are told may be different, but is lots of things we can relate to in the ways of other peoples due to their commonalities with our own like european peoples didn't start with the invention of the steam engine. There is 1000s and 1000s of years before that. Peoples who went thru as much as any other indigenous peoples as hunter gatherers and then as farmers and on to engineers. Knowledge of things that they learned along the way (same as everybody else). Knowledge that is still passed on to the next generations as they have always been, no matter where in the world the peoples are
  22. a saying that many cultures still share about the land that nurtures us we do not inherit the land from our ancestors, it is loaned to us by our descendants in some ways I think we as Second Life people feel the same way about our virtual world. That everything we make within it is for the benefit of those who will come after us
  23. if so then somewhere between the Linden Product group and the Development group there has been a break down in communication maybe @Grumpity Linden or @Patch Lindencould enlighten us on what is happening here
  24. everything is relative yes, no matter our personal financial situation. Is true that a argument can be made that nobody needs anything relative to any other thing and yet, when we are a pensioner or a person with disabilities and are unable to get out and about in the real world as those more fortunate than us, then we can bring the world to us thru the power of the internet and is any number of people who are able to do this thru Second Life. To have a little virtual home, to have friends, to have some little brightness and happiness in their otherwise rather grim real life and despite their real world difficulties were able to do this thru Second Lilfe and were also able to pay their own way. Paying our own way (as little as that may be sometimes) gives people dignity. I might be poor, I may be frail and in ill-health, but I do also have my dignity Linden to their credit understood this
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