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Missy Starchild

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Everything posted by Missy Starchild

  1. Oreo cookies. I could eat these things all day. Nom nom.
  2. This morning I was having a 4 person conversation at the FS help hub or whatever it's called: It was me, my alt, my sister, and her alt chatting about existential crisis stuff, how her alt has dead eyes, and... itchy butts? Also I argued with my alt and made fun of how cheap his toupee hair looks.
  3. Doesn't seem to have happened yet. I now have quite a lot of (older) folders where they have exactly 1 item in them, strangely. I'd prefer them not to come back honestly, just makes sorting through all this crap way easier.
  4. Peeve: clear lack of optimization for certain PC games. Take Mass Effect 1 Legendary Edition, for example. Butter smooth 60 fps literally everywhere except the uncharted worlds you can explore, where the game sometimes randomly dips to an appalling 40-45 fps. Maddening.
  5. Peeve: when the mod post is a page back but it's really hard to click a button /s Peeve: making coffee and only after I made it, I then realize I'm out of sugar! 🤬
  6. Per a suggestion in another thread, I'm going to put on some music and sort through my 27,000+ items. As if to make my life easier, that number recently (conveniently) went down by 15,000 for some reason. I have a lot of old TMP stuff I've been meaning to dump so it'll be a fun trip down memory lane I suppose.
  7. Peeve: spammers who advertise in groups. You think one of your groups has suddenly come to life and you're about to talk to some interesting folks, but nah it's just xXxSome_LoserxXx spamming their sh!tty sex sim. Smh.
  8. Without additions to pretty them up they look pretty much how I looked in 2015... like crap! For how much they were hyped up you'd think they would have a little more effort put into them. It's like advertising New York style pizza but then getting Little Caesars instead. Ick. The previous starter avatars look way better in comparison. Disco Stu aestheticly is way more pleasing to the eye than Blake imo.
  9. 1. Search the marketplace and other locations for freebies and try to build the nicest looking or goofiest looking avatar you can make. Experiment... a lot! 2. Visit beaches or parks and take nice photos, experimenting with lighting and photo editing (I still suck at this part). 3. Make an alt and roleplay between them and your main for some creative writing practice.
  10. When you buy an item, and to get to that item you have to unpack a box. And then another box. And then another box. Feels like overkill and my inventory is probably clogged with those extra boxes I forgot to delete.
  11. It's like a night and day difference, at least to my eyes:
  12. So I tried out both of these stores, and I ended up settling on Jamila from LOWEN and the Queen "Cafe" body from ItGirls. They are the actual "ebony" tone I was looking for and kind of make the Skinnery's version look like a joke. I cannot thank you enough for leading me in the right direction for both face and body! Top is the old Missy, bottom is the new Missy: The shine is obviously there but it's not intrusive and it gives the skin much needed depth that the Skinnery "ebony" is sorely lacking in.
  13. My sister sent me this cute picture of our dogs, Chewy and Brody: Upon looking at it, I knew changes had to be made:
  14. I know. I have had people tell me before that I was naked for a little bit, hence my concern.
  15. I play almost exclusively female avatars. Since it's a virtual world and I have many tools at my disposal to deal with potential trolls and/or @ssholes, I rarely ever feel vulnerable at all to others around me. However, there is always a bit of unease when I reject a guy's advances because I have no idea how he is going to respond; many times, they keep badgering me until I block. Another time, I told a guy "No" and he left nasty remarks on my dashboard (thank god for the option to disallow comments). The ONLY time I feel any kind of vulnerability is when I rezz into a General or Moderate area and my clothes are not loaded. "Please PLEASE load before an admin sees me" I say as I panic to myself.
  16. Mosquito season. I hate the little b@stards with a passion and I actively want to destroy them when I know they're nearby waiting to chow down on me. Recently I was camped in the bathroom and noticed I had a bite. It was fresh so I knew it was somewhere nearby. Haha, found you hiding on the wall! *SMACK*
  17. My avatar is always changing and evolving, but the one thing that rarely ever changes is I almost always try to include at least one thing that's coloured pink (my favourite). Hair, clothes, wristbands, lipstick, even the text on my shirt can have it as long as it's there somewhere. It's a key identifier of my internet persona and "look" and has been for a long time now. So it was logical that the very next avatar I made was almost all pink!
  18. I have been many characters over my decade or so in SL, so I'm kind of always changing my form. I have been a woman named Mikayla, woman named Charlotte, and an alien... also named Charlotte. But as of now, I am known as Missy Starchild, a cutesy, flamboyant, aggressively jubilant human/dino shapeshifter hailing from parts unknown who loves excessive shopping, hanging out at music clubs, and avatar creation (which I specialize in and am generally addicted to). I'm a member of the LGBT community irl and I am a transwoman, so the shapeshifter aspect of Missy really appeals to me. I never judge anyone, am always up front and honest, and I love to try and spice things up if it seems a little too quiet for my liking. Sometimes I cannot decide if I'm playing a character or just playing as me. I like to think it's a healthy blend of both.
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