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WereBeast Alpha

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Everything posted by WereBeast Alpha

  1. Groups I'm in several of them inworld that have active people but it all depends on the time of day or now its like most people are active on the evenings USA time or on the weekends. Anymore it just all depends on who I click with and see where it goes finding the right groups helps as well forums it just all depends on who you run into with similar interests and what not.
  2. A little bit early but my wolfkin Demi god is more better for a werewolf avi like underworld almost.
  3. Depends with the poses I have a couch that has both PG and Adult poses but I mainly use the couch to sit on with my partner because the cuddle animations are PG but more realistic some items come with both of those sets of animations that are a mixture its an adult rated couch.
  4. I have the same issue as well I have tried everything to make I work but I just put a neck tattoo up around the neck to help it look semi normal I hope both come out with a fixer in a new update of the body / head.
  5. What I've done is put payment info on file it has helped reduce the amount of bots coming onto my parcel and also my security orb has helped as well kicking them off when under 60 days at most which is one thing I have done but I understand bots are needed for various things to keep SL going in a sense.
  6. I think Second Life is the biggest virtual world at least I know it has more people than what IMVU has in general of population. I know a lot of people have left IMVU and come to Second Life or vice versa just to see how both vary in networking. To be honest I think it is one of the biggest top social worlds out there for PC or Mac users.
  7. I will say this I've been busy for a couple of days not really looking at this section of the forums. Okay well what you said was disrespectful assuming I was asking for people to help me back the RP but barely anyone looks at the RP forums for anything anymore. When people do post people often be rude. I wasn't looking for an agenda just friendship at this point in maybe finding people to roleplay with or chat. I have declined in giving the RP forums any motivation to use with people being rude as many others have been not to myself but others as well with constant criticism that is not ethical. Also for any RP I finance myself don't really want anyone else's help because its my RP my responsibility to fund for myself and others to enjoy.
  8. The problem is my MacBook Pro sucks its not good for SL but it's the only thing I can do without crashing all the time is by staying in my sim mostly because even if I do all of those things you suggested it won't work for me like I can barely move in an empty sim without lagging like crazy. Sucky computers can't handle SL well to function but its what I have to use even with firestorm.
  9. I think IMVU is really just limited like today I found out I can actually race cars at various tracks, My account is from 2011 but really didn't start using SL until around mid 2018. I'm a full time SL user for about a year now and found out I can race just like in GTA and with imvu you couldn't even control the way the cars moved like you can here in SL. So much stuff I am learning about in the last few years makes it more fun! Here is a pic of the car
  10. Working on a new build item for the last 2 days on and off almost done with it finally.
  11. Basically when it comes to inworld harassment there is a few things you can do that helps from my understanding at least for me it does. 1.) Mute / Block the users causing the problems within the RP sim and group. I know there is a limit on people who can be removed from the group and sim I think 300 accounts. 2.) Use payment info option, some people tend to make alternate accounts in order to cause problems I've dealt with this before on land you can check this box it should deter the alts causing problems. 3.) Use a security orb that can limit the accounts under a certain age to prevent alts. (Caspa tech has this I have my orb up its very useful along with the other options as well to keep a roleplay sim free of unwanted people or use only members of the group can join the RP sim in general. Hopefully this helps you out.
  12. Same had a few of my posts drop a couple days ago and I lost the whole paragraph for an RP entrance in a group. I also tried teleporting last week and ended up log crashing my region was open to the place I was going it was a bit annoying had to wait 10 mins to log back in because it said attempting to log out of region but it ended up sending me back TP home to the hub landing area.
  13. All in all I am really disappointed nobody really came forward to me in messages here on the forums with a simple hey this isn't allowed in this forum please use this section instead of saying I am only wanting customers but I am looking for friends as well. The reason why I put in the city is because I don't go to other sims because I lag a lot so I stay at my sim instead of visiting other sims to prevent lots of lag. As for advertising in groups I have tried that and recently since Monday have had errors that pop up saying group chat cannot be started and barely anyone takes a look at the RP forums let alone notices in groups. This will be my last post in the forums and I will not be returning as of this moment.
  14. just edited it thank you for the concern I am looking for friends not customers.
  15. if it makes sense I just finished watching both Wonder Woman movies with Chris Pine and Gal Gadot not bad movies was surprised to see Pedro Pascal in the movie but he looked weird with no facial hair lol.
  16. Hello I am looking for friends I am into various things here on SL and would like to meet others.
  17. some tips I have done for myself with owning land or skybox 1.) Use the search in the second life viewers which ever one you use to find a good spot, the best thing I have learned is that I found my rental back in January of this year and have loved it. I was lucky to find it since at that time it was the last 1/4 homestead open for rent. 2.) Budget - Using a budget helps depending on what works within your real life budget the plot I rent each month is in around 30 bucks a month but I pay 2 months in advance adding a month each or up to 8 weeks each month to keep the rental. 3.) Homesteads are limited to 25 people per parcel but are affordable with limited prim count. As for skyboxes are the same with the prim limits including houses. Whatever you want to add into your home make sure its not a lot of prim. I know my friend owns a skybox and its like 600 prim count but she had a lot of high prim furniture and she had to cut down on some of it in order to adjust to the limit. 4.) Security orbs - some skyboxes already have orbs per skybox but for me I use mine to see who visits my parcel to keep an eye on bots. It varies but I know Caspar tech has an orb that works wonderful on security. I hope this helps you out
  18. Yeah that's a bit much shopping I know last month after the increases I did a bit more spending than usual but I had the extra funds and was working on building up a roleplay sim for me and others to enjoy. I think I only went up to 340 bucks at max but even know with the linden prices going up I am limiting my spending on SL.
  19. Mostly its because some places have had issues with trouble makers which allows them to use orbs or some sort of security measures to help keep down on the trouble makers who caused problems. It does help as your account gets older you can unlock more places even the ones show in search that have orbs which prevent people from coming in. I think one place I know that has once you reach 60 days you can go onto that sim and do stuff on there. I know its unfair but its how people handle things to prevent trouble makers.
  20. yeah the group is deeded to the land that's about it but it is an open group but I don't see her on the list for the group itself. I have no fly permission allowed my orb lets me know who is flying in so they can be forced to land. I guess people just like to explore to take a better look around.
  21. So last night I was on my homestead just hanging out enjoying the music. I have really high restrictions and someone was able to bypass all of the restrictions included by flying which is not allowed I checked that and she didn't have payment info on file either and was able to to go onto my property. I had to ban and eject her but it seemed like it stopped her. Even my orb couldn't warn her in time to stop flying around. Is this normal for someone to do this because my rental owner said he doesn't know who she is?
  22. Still looking? Let me know I have 2 almost 3 years of experience in Bloodlines and looking to expand my part in Bloodlines with teaching people with learning Bloodlines together, There is so much you can do even with a family you got limitless things along with whatever you desire. Just make it what you enjoy when looking for a family including a liege. My group of Bloodlines is small roughly around under 14 people so we are small and apart of Cataclysm legion #5 ranking in the family part of popular Bloodline families.
  23. Bloodlines is Bloodlines doesn't matter what lore you like or make up as long as its fun for you to enjoy that is how I make it work for me.
  24. The customer service for IMVU isn't really worth the hassle or VIP trust me I dealt with it when I was dealing with some issues that still don't get resolved today. Its Obvious the imvu chat staff are bots with little to no positive feedback on anything. The responses take longer or feel like its not even a real response.
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