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Always Incognito

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Everything posted by Always Incognito

  1. Thank you!! 💗 Again! Got it yesterday. As it was you who left me my last home, my HB too its just too funny 🤣 I loved my HB to bits but as i said earlier, im a garden addict... Seriously, i got so happy when I found this place I almost cried 🌷 For me this is a perfect location. I love the river, i passed these houses not long ago in my boat. And i got so jelly of ppl who was lucky to have a house by the river. And now i got this! I can hardly believe its true 💗
  2. I love to read all those blogs and sites. You guys give so much of your free time, and so much fun and joy (and support!) for the rest of us so here is some more love 💗 and hugs 🤗 from me. I am now a permanent citizen in Bellisseria and Second Life, a lot thanks to this great community (and I´v dragged my mom in here too and she loves GOH 🤭 ). Pic - my mumwith her beloved pug in my car when I showed off Belli.
  3. Ofc I agree and understand, though personally I always feel quite safe in virtual worlds like SL or other games. I dont care much about griefers, just block them. RL is another matter…. 😰
  4. This is amazing, Thanks a lot for all the work You are putting in to this 🌺
  5. But if I abandon today at 6 then try to roll tomorrow before 6 (cos i forgot the time) and get the message i have to wait . Have i burned 1 roll then because i rolled too early? I feel daft 😳 Thanks @Maitimo now i understand 🧡
  6. Im still a bit lost (maybee language problems) so if I roll too early i will lose one of my 5 rolls that day?
  7. I think its reasonable. Imo that everyone, or most residents, benefit from less lag and orb problems. There are plenty of very affordable places You can rent to have your breedables on outside Belli ❤️
  8. I havent had this ”grey blob tree” issue yet so I wonder in which region I can see them? I only have problems with textures sometimes getting a bit blurry but not grey? It can be grey when I Tp somewhere But only for a few seconds normally.
  9. Eventually had time to update to Evo X. First try..
  10. Its totally gorgeous! I will have to redo mine 🤔 Btw all the water around often seems to reduce lag too #houseboats ftw 🙌😍
  11. I think everyone is entitled to a second chanse ofc. Best practise would be to make it hard to fail. For example make it Impossible to run any other orb than LLs own. If its possible? But the rest, How do one prevent ppl from ”boxing ” themselves? 🤐😛 Maybee LL need an army of volunteers that can help them clean up - return junk?
  12. I Agree. Its probably more about griefing than to not have read the covenant…
  13. Thanks looks lovely! Whats that stuff in the air up to the right?
  14. Its strange, I didnt have any problem with building deck and walls applying textures?? Or im not picky enough maybee? Now im getting insecure 😳
  15. You can try to change the resolution, that helped me.
  16. Thank you 🌷 LeLutka is so fab, and I dont even have the evoX option yet...
  17. Thank you I need to explore a bit here! (Will temporary have to change my rating though >.> )
  18. I have a red and white Traditional in Sansar 😊 But i feel a bit alone there so I dont visit that often. SL is moar fun ❤️
  19. Iv never seen Horizon, is it an ”Adult” area?
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