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Sammy Huntsman

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Everything posted by Sammy Huntsman

  1. That is subjective, not everyone that is new comes for that. They come for a whole bunch of other things.
  2. So yes, let's make SL a platform that is all about BDSM and sex, that is sure to bring in more people.
  3. I rarely say this to you, but it's actually good to have another voice of reason ♥
  4. I mean yeah, I get that. But the I see these posts as more of a way to get people to support her idea of making SL just one big platform all about BDSM sex. That being said, my ultimate point was. LL made it for people to do what they want, and have a diverse amount of things to do
  5. and that is a problem how? We have adjusted to new things quite well. But that is the thing, those customers are still just as valuable as new customers. So I don't see the issue with them adding the NUX body and still supporting other cuistomers.
  6. I have owned many bodies myself too, right now I am a straight legacy user. But I have owned, the Kalhene Erika Body, Reborn, Maitreya, Belleza Isis and Freya, Signature Gianni, Legacy Male, and SLink Physique male body. But i stick with my one body I love that is the legacy, and would rather build up for it. Than have to go and find a smaller body, that has little to no support and have next to no clothes. Thank you.
  7. Basically it's an attempt to turn SL from a very diverse platform, to a platform who only serves a certain demographic. So the OP has effectively created a post, that is an echo chamber. Where she just wants to hear everyone agree with her.
  8. Nor should a diverse platform such as SL be reduced down to only to a BDSM Sex Platform.
  9. But here is the thing, I don't mind that whole aspect. I am just saying, that SL just doesn't have to be about BDSM sex.
  10. And please for the love of god, stop saying you are trying to help LL to make SL better. You just want to make this an adult sex platform. This whole trying to help LL thing is just a ruse, and it has ulterior motives.
  11. Well again, the creators I know are doing it for actual income in real life. So if they create for a bunch of bodies, you have to take into account upload fees, and other fees like event fees and even land fees. If they rent or own land. So if they upload for said 100 plus bodies and didn't get back what they put into it, it wouldn't be that profitable for them. They would wind up losing money.
  12. So you just want the people who are into BDSM fantasies and for LL to advertise for just them? Again, there is more than just in SL so to advertise for just one, may give people the wrong idea what SL is for. If we take the diverse approach and say its for everyone, no matter who or what you are. That would be the better approach. It's less Gatekeepy, if you know what I mean.
  13. That and will it be profitable for a creator to create for 100 plus bodies or just a select few.
  14. It comes down to workload, most creators I know are just one-person shows. So they also need to worry about their health and even themselves. So having time for themselves is necessary. That being said, expecting creators to create for 100 plus bodies in SL. Is a rather large and impossible ask.
  15. And how would you achieve this? Who would you bring in? But even then people are giving ideas and you are turning them down, like cmon. We don't just need one demographic in SL, we need to be able to cater to many demographics. So please enlighten us, which demographic would you bring in?
  16. Well there is no business model like that now. It's just normal summer things, you won't see as much people sign up or login during summer. As they want to go out, experience outdoor life and generally have some fun in their real life. Is that a problem? no, I don't know why you are acting like it is. That being said, we will start to see things pick up between September and October, as it is school time and some of the people who log in are parents. But the others, are probably all tired and pooped from all this summer fun, and they generally want to relax. This is how it has always been, and will never change.
  17. Yes and it is still Free, it comes with sign up.
  18. I have seen a few big creators actually excited for the Nux avatars, so you may see some involvement. I just wouldn't expect it to come from all. I mean there is some big hype for this. So wait and see, if what I or you said is the case. I have a feeling that this body will have a bit more support than we actually think.
  19. I don't really use Twitter or its competitors. As I feel I get enough from FB and Insta. That being said, back in the day. I was a chronic Twitter user. Just not so much today. I have no need to see a bunch of political mumbo jumbo. I try to stay away from it, it's better for my mental health.
  20. That and well with a new BIll, we may not see Canadian news on the internet. As providers, like google and even twitter and FB will have to pay the Journos to have it on their platform. How about news outlets pay their Journos better instead of relying on social media and search engines to basically pay them a decent wage.
  21. You took the words right out of my mouth. It is the first Summer, post COVID. People want to be out and not on the PCs all day. And before COVID, you would see a rapid drop during summer holidays. Only picking up more during September.
  22. The whole problem with these statements, you say that SL is doomed. I mean sure, if a bunch of people left and took their money with them. But with the buying of Linden, the paying of premium, and the other stuff. With the amount of people here, LL will keep SL open until that dries up and no one pays.
  23. Please provide actual evidence to your claim that none of them stay.
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