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Sammy Huntsman

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Everything posted by Sammy Huntsman

  1. Some region owners need to pull the stick they have shoved really far up their butts. I am not gonna name the region as it's against guidelines here. But the owner of an adult community in SL, decided to just lambast me for a joke I had made about an event hosted on one of her parcels. Consequently, I got banned for not kissing her butt and not apologizing. I had done nothing wrong. So I got banned and ejected from the group and the regions she owns. I hate people like that in SL, as it totally ruins the fun. Especially if you can't make a joke, an innocent joke.
  2. When I got to change my name, I was happy as a kid in a candy store. When I got to get rid of Halebore Aeon and Get Sammy Huntsman. Huntsman felt like it fit me the best and well I jumped on it so fast.
  3. Yeah some people may not like the last names and some may love them. So I agree this is totally subjective. I mean I enjoy the last names.
  4. I actually really like how retro that poster is ♥
  5. I know that feeling was supposed to meet up with a so-called friend years ago. She doesn't meet up with me, and I look like an idiot standing around waiting there. It's really annoying.
  6. It's been like this since 2015, and it's only getting worse. I have always looked at everyone, no matter certain things as human. So when I saw this division and hate on social media. I realized that the only way to fix it, is to punish the people who caused this. Deplatform the ones who are causing this.
  7. I am actually pretty excited for Starfield, especially since they got a huge extension to really work on and improve the game. Just imagine it came out when they said it would come out. It would probably be a heaping pile of dumpster fire. The fact that Microsoft gave them an extension, gives me hope that it will be much better.
  8. Or it peeves me when they expect Triple-A-rated service. When it comes to the Lindens. 1 the Lindens are a smaller team and have a lot on their plate and are actively working on a lot of things. B expecting a turnout like what EA or big gaming companies have would make a lot of us mad. As it would be way more buggy than it is now.
  9. From what you are saying, SL as a whole is a lot more freer and open to creators. And you don't have to be burdened down by a bunch of subscriptions. Buy yeah this is why I just stick to SL, a lot of the other platforms feel more restrictive even to the consumer than SL does.
  10. Yeah i never really understood that, let each virtual world be its own thing. Without one mimicking the other. And stop expecting virtual worlds to have triple-A-rated creations and even people working on them. I see people also compare SL to Triple-A games and well they are not the same. They expect the same kinda fan service from SL that they get from these big-name games.
  11. That is such a terrible comparison, MW2 is totally different from SL. I meaning you are comparing a triple A game designer company, with a few hundred people on their team, to a smaller company with not as many people on their team and are also working on a crap tonne of other stuff as well.
  12. The biggest pet peeve for me is when people watch a review for anything and they take the word of the reviewer as gospel. Like somehow their opinion is the golden standard and they don't really form their own opinion or check the thing out. I mean I was bad for this at one time, and I believed certain people's words as the word. But I kinda went against the grain one day and tested it out for myself. I found I was quite surprised at how good this thing was.
  13. You do realize this is meant for new users and they will probably only wear it temporarily. I really don't see a problem, if it's just something temporary until they transition to one of the big mesh head and body brands.
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