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Sammy Huntsman

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Everything posted by Sammy Huntsman

  1. I would just love to see it for myself, on my avatar, using the demo avatar. So I can gauge if it is great or not. That is all I am asking. If you want people to buy your product, make sure you have all the features in the demo folder. If one can't test one thing and has to blindly trust the company's word. That would mean, I would have bought many things by now. I don't purchase things, on blind trust. Unless I can test out the product, with all features included myself, then I am not buying it.
  2. I think people are more angry at the fact, that they themselves can't try one of the key features of the body. Which is the deformer themselves, as it's not part of the demo. And I for one would love to try before I buy completely. So I see why they are the way they are. If you have to just splurge 5k, just to try a feature out. Then yeah I would be angry too, not only did I screw myself out of 5k, now I have something I don't want.
  3. I have to agree with you there, first come first serve basis. Look if you didn't get a Linden Home right away, wait until the second phase rolls out. I am sure, you will get a home then.
  4. I am not trying to bash anyone with the TMP body. However, this is what I have noticed, both in SL and RL. When something shiny and new comes out, they drop the thing they have maybe had for a bit, and basically, say the thing is better. Whether or not, it has any sort of support or not, whether it is riddled with bugs day 1. I can give you many examples, both SL and RL. when fitted mesh came out in 2014, everyone updated their viewers day 1 and got the fitted mesh breasts. When Windows 10 came out, a lot of people updated their OS's, not knowing that there was any support software wise. So they had to put the operating system in Windows 8 compatibility mode. When the new iPhones came out, people had to go out and spend their money. Yet, the bugs on it were absolutely horrible. Than when Nvidia announced their new RTX series of graphics cards, people flocked and needed to get them. It has nothing to do with the product being better, it has everything to do with the product being shiny and new. TMP has no support whatsoever, and people flocked to the sim to buy one. It's your money spend it how you want, but to me, people just want brand new. And never really look into it, before buying it.
  5. Yes, it includes the clothes you already own. Look most clothes these days are rigged to a specific mesh body, so what is happening, is the deformer is essentially mimicking the basic shape of say Maitreya. But why would you buy it, when you already have the body for those specific clothes. No, the logical thing is, not waste 5k on a body, just cause it's new. You already own a body that is quite capable of wearing your clothes, and they were built to fit.
  6. I was just messing about, as I am still learning SL photography. I actually started out, with relearning everything from the ground up at the beginning of this year. Today, I decided to take the time, with Lighting, FOV and camera angles. I think this one came out nicely.
  7. But even with that, I can find some pretty impressive skin designers. With the same amount or even more detail, in their skins. I am not bashing you, I am just pointing out that I have seen some pretty good skin creators in SL, with superb attention to detail. I think most people did, and are probably regretting the 5k investment they put into it. I kinda figured it would be like that, I am not really surprised. As I had said before, once the company shuts down for good. That body will be as useless as a bricked computer. But at least with a bricked computer, you can replace the parts, and get it working. I actually read that on FB, and when I went to their site, to see the requirements. Right now, the only thing you can apply for is the dev kit. But you must have a business license, with Adobe to even get it. That and I am very weary, why would I connect my Adobe account, with all my personal info, with a mesh body company, in a virtual world. Other than that, sadly I don't see this body really going that far. It will be like last time, they will hype people up and get them excited. Then like a fart in the wind, they will disappear. Only showing themselves, in the next 3 years. With their new and improved, amazing body. Essentially, the cycle will repeat itself.
  8. What he said, this body has nothing to offer. While the other bodies have tonnes to offer, yet at the fraction of the cost.
  9. Yes please, at least with the other bodies. They had a finished product, and had some support and were integrated into the Omega system. That and you don't have to worry about Maitreya shutting their doors, and the body is useless. Look there is nothing that body can really offer, that the other bodies. Which are complete, might I add. That they offer. They all have omega compatibility, they have tonnes of support from creators. Not just give an incomplete body, with a deformer. Which is not even in the demo folder. Basically, you are paying 5k, for the deformer, and that is it.
  10. Basically, you would have a 5k paperweight. End of story.
  11. People will always find things to complain about SL. That is just the nature of the beast, I for one am actually excited for this whole new lighting system. And can't wait until it's rolled out fully.
  12. I was actually pointing out, that it lacked competitiveness.
  13. I get your excitement, I truly do. I just don't see the competitiveness in the body. As I said before, there are already a bunch of established bodies, that have tonnes of support. The price on average for the already well-established bodies is on average 50% cheaper, give or take a few percent less or more. So please answer the question, If Belleza, Maitreya, SLink and Signature. The four established and well-supported body companies. Let me add, you can buy all three Belleza female bodies for a little over 4k I think. I could be wrong, and please tell me the exact price. My question is. If there are already 4 big and well-established body brands, whose prices are lower and have way more support. How does TMP top them in competition? The points you made, aren't solid. Support, sales and prices, are a better establisher of competition in the market.
  14. Look right out the door, TMP has nothing to offer. To make it competitive in the least, it has to have a return of some sort. Just saying a body, has nice features, doesn't make it competitive. Saying that it has tonnes of creator support, as well as supports Omega. That would be competitive. At the price range, it's at, the body won't do as well in sales. People will see it, and then see how much less the other bodies are and go for them. Again that takes competition off the market. Another thing, if moulded right. You can acquire any shape you want, with anybody. It just takes a lot of patience and making sure everything is proportionate. So again, that takes away from the competitive edge. And my final point, I think you brought up the skin, and how there are shadows in the right places. If you are a competent applier designer, you could do the same thing, and it would be the fraction of the cost for the consumer, then the actual body itself. I don't really see how it can compete in this market, it has nothing going for it. I actually demoed it and found the generic skin that came with it. Looks like many skins, from high retailers. I also looked at its shape and noticed everything was exactly the same. Minus the brand name, you are being sold a generic body. That is made to look like a model, in proportions.
  15. How does 300L, compare to 5000L exactly? At least the pose is actually worth it, it's completed.
  16. You kinda are, especially with this one. There is no need for the attacks, so I would say the same to you, please chill. I also love how you assume, where we are at in society. Does that really matter? It is our money, and we can use it how we please. That isn't being stingy, that is being smart with your finances. There is a big key difference. Now you keep on bringing up that it's a better product on the market. I think you referenced the skin and the shape. Look there are many great skins applier creators, who put just as much detail on their skin as you say TMP does. As for the shape, if a lot of women and men didn't need to put their shape sliders at 90, you wouldn't see the bodies deform in the way they do. I also saw you mention the Deformer earlier. Now the one thing that I think a lot of people try to sell is the deformer will make your body, work with most clothes from other bodies on the market. I have one thing, to really say to that. If you need a deformer, to get a product from say a Belleza body to fit your TMP body. Why did you buy the TMP body in the first place? You already have the body, that the clothes fit. That all being said, I can speak on behalf of myself. Like most of these people have been doing. I am not wasting my money, on an investment that will give me no returns. It's plain and simple, I don't know why you are trying to sway people over to this new body. It has nothing to do with lack of openness, it has everything to do with the cost, being burnt in the past, and many other things. That people keep on bringing up, time and time again.
  17. No reality is, we don't trust the company as far as we can throw them. And to top it all off, I can literally get my Avatar done, with some appliers and maybe an outfit or two with 5k. To spend 5k on a body, that A has no Dev Kit, or creators to make appliers and clothes with. And B, when it costs more than the average body, does in SL. Why would we spend 20 bucks on it? Look, 5K is not really a competitive price either. They aren't really gonna be competition in the market, at that price. It's great that you don't care about their reputation and past transgressions. Most of us do. Also the last point, I think you will find that most people on the grid are open to new bodies. But if the price tag is right. It's common sense, that price tag will ultimately give the other body companies, more money. To end this whole ramble, they may have a better product in, but do they have the better price?
  18. But as there is, we have tonnes of mesh bodies. It's already a pretty diverse market, but the majority go for the 4 major body companies. Belleza, Maitreya, SLink and Signature. SL is diverse with tonnes of shapes, styles, looks and outfits. That we can make a very unique and individual look. I don't think diversity is a problem here. I just think the problem here, is as you said uniformity. People tend to buy the same shape, that is big at the time. Which creates this look, of people being the same. Same goes for hairs, clothes, and makeups. I can take one of those bodies, a shape and head. Tweak it to my liking, put on a style I prefer. And Bam, I look unique.
  19. In my humble opinion, there are multiple reasons as to why I will not be wasting 5k on that body. Number one, I had demoed it, and when looking at the HUD. Now to add to this, one of my FB friends had stated they got rid of the Style HUD. But on their so-called new and improved HUD. They have a Styles Option. Which had me questioning, will it be like last time. Where you had to buy the Applier and install it in the body? And say, for some odd reason they went out of business, or there is maintenance or even DDOS attack on the asset server. That would render the body useless. My second reason, without any sort of knowledge, due to lack of marketing on their part. They released the body, it wasn't until someone, who didn't work with them, happened upon the sim. Discovered there were new bodies. My third reason, like last time. They release the body and then go silent. That brings me to my last reason. For the 5k it costs to get said body. I could get a body, a vista head, and still, have some money left over to buy an outfit. That all being said, I think that it would not be a good investment. And with lack of support, or even a dev kit, or even omega compatibility in the near future. The body will just fade out existence. When I buy a body, I tend to look into if I will get a good return for my investment, whether it be with appliers, clothes etc. So far the new TMP body has not presented any of that.
  20. I have a question. When will the Firestorm team be deploying their new viewer with EEP in it? Do you guys have the LL source code for this?
  21. I am getting these emails, saying there is maintenance going on. Having to do with upgrading the host. Is SL moving to the cloud now?
  22. Incest cannot exist in a virtual world, such as second life. For one, most families in SL are not related by blood, and if a person does wind up dating an ex-family member. Then that is perfectly fine. Like unless you are dating an actual blood relative in RL, within your immediate family, that is incest. Not a Brother and Sister in SL, that by definition is not incest.
  23. So Does that mean they will be released, once you are able to Iron out all the problems.?
  24. With EEP, does this mean that SL will be getting a total lighting overhaul? Including Shaders, God Rays, etc.
  25. I still would love to see a search function, added to our purchase history
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