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Sammy Huntsman

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Everything posted by Sammy Huntsman

  1. It would also be nice if they did a grid-wide notice.
  2. I just brought down, my hair volume for now. It was pretty up there, in numbers.
  3. Thank you for that suggestion, now my standard hair, is just sticking out. Even though, I have alphas on.
  4. But I'm not an orange cloud, it says if I look like a cloud for extended periods. That isn't a cloud, that is just avatarception.
  5. I had to relog, due to a HUD messing up, and when I came back on. I can see both my mesh and standard avi, I have no idea how to fix it, and I need to take some pictures. Can anyone, please help me?
  6. I remember and this is Cringy on a doctors form, I was being a smart ass. So when I got to the Sex line, I put yes, please. I know it sounds cringy but at the time, I was a teenager and thought it was funny.
  7. You are doing the exact same thing. So that is the pot, calling the kettle black.
  8. I am done with you, I cannot stand a person like you. I am not gonna sit here, and let you tell me, that I or you, or anyone else is a problem simply because we are white. I find it vile and repulsive and won't stand for it.
  9. Again you are putting yourself, and your parents under this vile umbrella. I am against racism, and I won't tolerate it, at all. So stop saying that we as whites are holding anyone down. I resent that, I despise that, and again, I will not tolerate racism of any sort. This is disgusting, that we have gotten to this point.
  10. I'm on disability, for crying out loud, I depend on social assistance. How is that privileged? Stop putting whites under one umbrella, and realize we too, are individuals.
  11. Oh my god, stop being so damn racist against white people. You talk about racism as it is so bad, yet here you are, doing the same thing, that you say there is a problem with.
  12. No, I don't, I am not privileged whatsoever. I live in a lower income area.
  13. No, they blame all whites. Past and present, using words like White Privilege, and White guilt.
  14. You kinda are, no one is blaming the whites, but they have had the advantage and still benefit from it? That sentence totally contradicts itself. I don't have any historical advantage, and I'm white. I don't have any sort of advantages.
  15. But there is a big difference, in blaming history, and the white race for a problem. I resent that, notion, as I had nothing to do with what happened to anyone, in history.
  16. Well exit the thread, no one is forcing you to stay here.
  17. They need to first admit to having a problem, before even asking for help.
  18. A person who is an alcoholic, cannot sit there and blame society. Just like I can't blame the government, for me being in the lower income bracket. There are many ways, I can get out of it, but I choose not to. Look everyone was abused and bullied, and not once do I blame my horrible life, on the bullies, or the people who I had been abused by. It's not their fault. If I go and attack someone, I can't go, oh I'm sorry, but due to my past, I am like this. It is up to me, to get the help necessary, and to move on from that point. So is the same for the alcoholic. I was an alcoholic. Wanna know why I did it, and why most do it? Because they are too scared to face reality. So you just easily drink it away.
  19. I say we are all humans and should treat each other as such. But either side doesn't seem to want to do that.
  20. So in your eyes, its the fault of the rich people? You can't sit there and blame alcoholism, or anything on anyone, but the person who is doing it to themselves. Nothing is holding these people back, from being successful, only themselves.
  21. I honestly think, with this divide, we as humans have brought ourselves 300 steps, instead of furthering the Human Species as a whole. We have forgotten one fundamental thing, we are all human. That is plain and simple.
  22. Yes, they do, but not just cause of race or gender identity or sexual orientation. They just may be intimidated by that person's intelligence, or even they have more friends, than the other person. Like prejudices are not just black and white, there are shades of grey there too. Bullies will bully, based on anything, not just the three things, that seem to thought as so prevalent.
  23. It really shouldn't matter, how you as an individual play SL. If you want to be a race, other than your own, that's fine. If you want to be a dude or a chick, that is totally fine. If you want to be a furry or feral, that is totally fine. It's your Second Life, after all, be whatever you want to be.
  24. I never said you were white, I was just pointing out that history has amazing achievements too.
  25. The concept of war has been around since well civilizations started. There have been many big wars throughout history. You seem to go by the whole, the conquered are the victims, and always will be the victims. There is blood on their hands too, they are not innocent. Can you please provide proof, that history is written by only these people? There are many historical accounts, where significant breakthroughs were made, and how is one a conqueror or even a victor? Example, Sir Frederick Graham Banting, figured out how to aid with diabetes. Alexander Graham Bell and the Telephone. Tell me, with these two good examples, where bloodshed and an abundance of human life lost, is present? Let me add this, the many people of colour, and in the LGBT community, that fought for the rights you have today. They won, not the victors. How about the many inventors of colour, I can name one. The guy who invented the respirator, for firefighters. That ultimately saved many firefighters lives, and we still use it today. Not the same design, but the same concept. Please stop, using the most negative stuff in history, to further a cause. Because there has been so many positives in history too.
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