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Sammy Huntsman

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Everything posted by Sammy Huntsman

  1. Love the outfit, and I know who made those glasses xD.
  2. If we are gonna talk about demos. Why don't we talk about the gifts that are anywhere between 1 and 10L. Like to me it seems they smooshed in dollarbies with gifts and bam the new gift emerged. By the actual defintion Gift: a thing given willingly to someone without payment; a present. So why are we making a payment for a gift? That is not a gift anymore, that is literally a heavily discounted item. Like I don't know who else finds this annoying, and misleading, but I sure do. Like you walk into a store, and there is a big sign that says gift. Hoping it will be 0L, you come to realize that when you pay for said gift. Which why they need to put it in a vendor box, is beyond me. You happen to see the price tag, 10L. It just feels like a money making scheme to me.
  3. A few places do that now, here is the thing. Who is gonna want to pay 1299, the average for a fatpack, for just one or two of their favourite colours? It absolutely makes no sense to me. Why don't they offer all the colours, graphics, designs and others individually? So people aren't having to pay high freakin prices for just one item, because you have to get it in a fatpack.
  4. I think I can explain to you that, when TMP first came out, and Mesh heads started to hit the scene. They too had neck seam issues. So to fix this issue, TMP issues their own heads. Which then it made it so stupid. You had different levels of heads, and it cost you way more. Than to say buy a Maitreya body and a Catwa head, along with the skins. The body and head at the top tier, would go for 15k, and that wasn't including the skin. So in my opinion, they will probably do that. Which again, yes I like more head choices. But it will only fit the Legacy body's.
  5. But think about it from an RL perspective, you have a choice to go with the Iphone or Samsung or any big company for that matter. For a high price. Or you could go with say the price of a smaller and unknown company, with a phone that works just as well. I do agree that older releases need to be cheaper. But to have a choice between 250, and say 150. I would go for something that costs 150 over the 250. As I want to save a few bucks, and have more for myself to spend. How everything is priced the same, you now have the choice of what brand you really like, as prices are all the same. That is what I was getting at, having that choice to choose Item A, which is cheaper and just as good as Item B which is more expensive.
  6. I'm not referring to that, I am more referring to these pricing standards within SL. Where every object, is between a certain price range. If you go under, you are undercutting the competition. If you go over, people don't buy from your store. That is what I am saying, generalized pricing standards that all creators must stick by. I too base everything on if I want it or not, or is it really worth that much. But again, it feels like there are untold regulations in that area.
  7. I think this one is the real kicker. So a shirt costs 250L, but something like say a tattoo or ring, costs the same amount. Like I really can't stand these price standards, think about it. 250L for everything you buy. Actually 75-250L is what things are worth. But I remember at one point in time, when people could set their own price range, and not have to feel like if they set this price range. They would be undercutting every other creator. I just don't understand, something that is way smaller or just a texture, should not cost the same as say a shirt or a pair of jeans. It also goes with things made in world, like shapes. Why charge such outlandish prices, which on average a premade shape from a shape store. Is anywhere between 399 and 499L. Why am I paying such a high mark up price? These price standards, and the prices put on certain things, is absolutely outlandish.
  8. Another one, Boxes within boxes. Xstreet doesn't exist anymore, why do you need to create a boxception? Lol
  9. But there are so many threads made about them not getting new Linden homes, like they want LL to make them their homes right now. But as I was taught, patience is a virtue. There are still old Linden home, or you can get a small mainland parcel. But just be patient, and wait for your new Linden home.
  10. But they have to either wait or get the old Linden home. It's not rocket science. As someone said before, you gotta do your research before you get premium.
  11. I literally have 0 Linden homes, and can wait until the whole project is done.
  12. But there are still the old Linden homes, that they can get. That is why I don't feel this valid, if they want a home so badly, they are just gonna have to deal with the old home. Whether they are new to SL or not. Why does LL have to cater to their needs, and give them a new home when they want them?
  13. The only reason why we don't see your side, is that these homes are in high demand. So yes people are gonna have to wait, if they didn't get a home right away. It has nothing to do with them being less privileged, or that they are the victim. It has everything to do with people being faster at grabbing a home than the people who don't have one.
  14. No I got put in the actual Gacha Garden Subscription list. And somehow me asking 3-4 times over 5-6 months. Constitutes as Harassment. Like these people gave me the wraparound the whole time. To the point where I got banned from the group, for supposed harassment. Oh, and did I get assistance? Nope, I got ignored most of the time, but when they actually did get to me. I got told to go to this sim, that would help me unsubscribe. Turns out they just sent me to someone's private land, owned by the same person who runs Gacha Gardens. After asking the final time, I got a message from the owner, that she took me off the list, and that I am being banned for harassment, and that it was creating an uncomfortable environment for the people in the group. At which point in time, I basically said to her. So asking 3-4 times over 5-6 months is classified as harassment. Yeah long story short, I don't go there anymore.
  15. Well don't go to Gacha Garden, some of the vendors puts you in the Gacha Garden Subscriber list. Lol
  16. Another one that gets me, is when these people insert an auto subscriber script inside the box you have to rez. So you basically rez out the box, and essentially are now part of their subscription list. I don't mind HUD unpackers, just please just have it where i click an unpack item button and get my item. Not add all these extra steps inbetween
  17. Okay this just happened to me, when the only way you can get rid of certain things on a worn object is by purchasing the fatpack. Like what the hell? So I can only get rid of these stars on my hair, if I buy the fatpack?
  18. But here is the issue, venting about not having a Linden home is not gonna really achieve anything. Again as I said before, the homes are in high demand, and you are gonna have to be patient and wait until they are all done. Like I am doing. Or ultimately wait until one comes available.
  19. I'm not really venting. I am just pointing out the obvious, that people are venting for no reason. That they are basically expecting LL to work 24/7 365 to get their houses right away.
  20. The one thing I don't get, is from what I see. Is that these houses are in high demand, and usually things in high demand are gone before a lot of people get their hands on it. There is no need to vent, because you are expecting them to drop the sim and be like have at it. But they are literally doing all the terraforming and decorating by hand, this takes time. Like I don't get why people need to vent, you will get your house when you get it. You just have to be patient, and wait your turn.
  21. Oh my god, that drives me bonkers too. Like if you are gonna make a public post about a photo contest on a sim where you need a group to rez, than make the group public numbnuts. And the ridiculous amounts you have to pay to get into a group. I think one group I have seen is literally 2500L to join, and you have to be in that group to have access. So then it feels like an elitist snob sim, where you want nothing to do with.
  22. Yep, totally believe everything on the internet. It is never wrong.
  23. Where was that picture taken? Can you leave a link to where it is please?
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