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Sammy Huntsman

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Everything posted by Sammy Huntsman

  1. How does my avatar look? Just like an avatar, with a mesh head, mesh body, hair, appliers clothes. Lol, just kidding. Wanted to be a smart ass.
  2. That's really more for attention, basically it's. I'm bored, does someone want to talk to me in group chat? This person usually thinks that it's the responsibility of others to keep them busy. If they really wanted to contribute, they would initiate a conversation. Like saying hey, and asking how people are doing, or talking about a hot topic, or if they are observant. Use the sim they are at to their advantage, and start a conversation about that.
  3. Mine too. When it comes to subscriptions, the whole bull crap of you ask them politely to take you out, and they either give you this generic response. We don't have you in our list. Well dip Sh*t you do, or I wouldn't be getting notecards in my inventory about your new product. Or the best one, is being told to go to this specific LM, and it either turns out to be someones property, which is owned by the same person. For which you are yelled to get out, and treated like a troll, no matter how much you explain yourself. It's an empty plot, or it's been safeguarded by an orb. Like seriously, just take me out of the god damned list. How hard is it to erase a name out of a list?
  4. Another one to add to that, is when you are added to a stores subscription database without your knowledge. So you go into the store, or you just buy an object. Next week you are getting reminders via local chat, that said store is having a sale. Or look at said stores new product. And you know for a fact, that you had not subscribed to them. That also goes for events, and when people troll events to add people to their subscription lists. Trust me, I got ones from DJs, a building school, and multiple stores. I also got one from Gacha Guardian, and well let's just say I was banned from their group. Just because I asked 3 or 4 times politely, over 5 or 6 months. And I would get the same thing. Go to this LM, yeah you gave me the wrong damn LM. Essentially to end my whole rant, if I wanted to subscribe to something. I will click a kiosk, I would like to know what I am subscribing to. So I don't wind up getting notecard spam from hundreds of things, with my name in their subscription list. Without my Consent or Knowledge.
  5. But all engines have their limits. How far will Havok go? Will it last a good long time, or after a few more updates and patches, will it crash and burn? That is my biggest concern here, how far will that engine go, until it gives the middle finger and just dies?
  6. I get what you are coming from, I really do. But the issue is both with the age of engine, and trust me Bethesda did the same thing. With Morrowind, Oblivion, and Fallout 3. They practically brought the engine beyond it's limitations, and well they have had to make a new engine for Fallout 4 and Skyrim and are currently making a new one, for Starfield and ES6. There is only so much you can do, with an engine that limits you. Especially when you don't use it at it's fully potential, and even then Havok was crap with Fallout 3. You can't really play Fallout 3 on PCs anymore. They need a different or brand new engine. Yes all creators should optimize their items, but the responsibility lies on both creators of items and the creators of SL. They need to better optimize their system too.
  7. But there is so much you can do with an old engine, until it totally implodes on itself. Second Life's 2003 Havok engine is bursting at the seams. They need to redo SL from the ground up. Stop putting a bandaid over a gaping wound.
  8. But um, most Triple A games their Textures and Models are Optimized way better than Second Life's. You don't see as much of an issue, with other games besides SL. Like most games as it were, are way better optomized, and have a far greater engine than Second Life. I think SL is still running Havok, that was used in the Elder Scrolls Morrowind.
  9. Now that I think about it, the better comparison to SL is 7 Days to Die. Especially with its sandbox aspect.
  10. You are very welcome. I had to think for a second there. Lol. I had to go through a whole list of games in my head, and well that was fun. Than I came upon 7 days to die. You can also upload your own images in 7 Days to Die too. And it doesn't cost you an inworld currency to do so. So that is a plus.
  11. I would have to disagree with you on SL being smooth and easy in SL, if you are a builder sure you might have the advantage there. But for many non builders, it can be time consuming, rough and hard. I would have to say for building, Minecraft is pretty easy. Basically place a block, and well voila a house or whatever you want to build. Without having to use 3rd part software, or having to figure out dimensions to your house. Yeah of course you gotta count blocks, but I would say in conclusion. That its much smoother and easier to build in Minecraft. as you really don't need that much skill as in SL to build in Minecraft. A 5 year old can build a masterpiece in Minecraft.
  12. Hell even Minecraft is way better, and you can also get user made content in there. Through mods of course. Look to better the lag issue, SL would have to be built from the ground up. With the ideology, that this old engine is not gonna hold up. They keep on overloading it, and overloading it. Kinda like what Bethesda did with that exact same engine, to the point that they had to make their own. But even that new engine is bursting at the seams, and now Bethesda is creating a new engine for their next gen games. I am not ripping on Bethesda, but saying SL is practically doing the same thing. If SL wants any chance of doing better, they need to bring SL to the next gen world. And not make a Sansar copy. Just rebuild SL, like SL is currently, but using a better next gen engine, or even creating their own, to meet their demands.
  13. Okay, I don't know if this bothers anyone else. But when an event says an original mesh event, or even if it's just a regular event in general and it's themed. You find a plethora of skins, make up, and tattoos. And most of these items are either out of theme, or the fact that it's just make up. How in the heck, is these people getting in. And the owners of the event, not looking over the items before giving them the go ahead? If you applied as a creator, than your item should be inspected when it's done. To A see if it fits theme, and B is actually really good, and worthy of said event.
  14. I actually got it right. Noice. Well you never have to worry about me, mispronouncing your name.
  15. Wouldn't it be pronounced like Zay Ta? Kinda like what you see in the Greek alphabet. But I do agree, I don't mind misspelling them. But when they are too hard to decipher, I wind up using their username.
  16. Thank you, there have been a few times. Where someone has been offended that I had not used their chosen name. Like what do you want me to do? I can't read your damn name. So I will use your username instead. If you use Ascii characters, and no one can't read it. Then it's your fault.
  17. I think the big issue of lag, is A the textures. But B is when you have a bunch of people in one small enclosed area, wearing everything under the sun. Jewellery, ears, and whatever else. That does add, up that is more items that your computer has to load in. To top it all off, some of these accessories are optimized worth crap. The old Mandala ears are pretty hefty in complexity. Just to name one thing. So really lag comes down to multiple factors, textures, the complexity of the object. Heck, your internet and computer also play a big factor into the lag as well. If you can't run a certain bandwidth, or your computer doesn't meet minimum specs, you are sure to get a tonne of lag. So lag could be due to a multiple number of factors. I run a pretty beefy PC myself, and in some places. My computer has a hard time handling it.
  18. It does get annoying, when you are trying to figure out their name. Yet it's so cryptic, because of ascii characters. So you wind up using their username, and they flip at you. But you go, I can't read your name. If you had actually made it more legible, I would have stated your name right.
  19. How is this person messed in the head, or as you so eloquently put it effed up? Where is this person stating that they don't want to be in SL? Also in that same sentence. Where does this person say that they don't want anyone else to enjoy SL? You need to slow down on attacking this persons character. Your broad assumptions, that someone doesn't like SL, nor wants anyone else to enjoy it. Are absolutely preposterous, you are putting words in their mouth, and are generally offended that he even posted that. Please calm down, everyone has an opinion, and everyone thinks differently. If we all thought the same, or had the same opinion on everything. We would be absolutely boring as a species.
  20. Yeah and they are very special. Lol. With the stupid proprietary servers, that you have to upload your applier to. But if one day they decide to shut down, guess what. You have a 20 Dollar virtual paperweight. Lol
  21. Yeah let's bring Sansar out to the Backyard and like old Yeller put it out of its misery. Lol. But on a more serious note, maybe have the community, who knows how to code. Build a better and improved SL. Because if they were to do it, everything that everyone has suggested. Would be implemented.
  22. They just really need to rebuild SL from the Ground up, this Archaic engine is kinda showing it's age.
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