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River Vortex

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  1. I always want EVERYTHING possible. 😅 Of the choices, most important for me would be 1, 3, 4 and 5.
  2. The "NUX" (New User eXperience) avatar. Geared towards the new user or perhaps folks that don't have luxury of spending "gajillions"... This is awesome and will hopefully encourage new users to stick around for more than an hour. I'm willing to bet you and plenty of others would have complained no matter when this came out. Sad!
  3. From what I have seen, the demand or want for Roth (and Ruth) seems to be less than that of the starter avatars in SL. Even Opensim users don't want it. They prefer the shamelessly and blatantly copybotted commercial mesh bodies from SL. My suggestion would be Kalhene Erika. Great customer service and support by the creator & team. It's an affordable, versatile and gorgeous body with so many options out of the box that still doesn't get enough recognition from clothing creators.
  4. Yes https://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Linden_Lab_Official:Why_is_my_account_on_hold%3F
  5. Yes, I'll give you that, you were initially. None of us really knows what the OP is looking for, but it only takes a moment to ask rather than assuming by the tags alone.
  6. It's not my thing, but a little kindness, if you're able, goes a long way. Have a nice day!
  7. I've sent you a message in-world. Please let me know if you need any more help or guidance. 😄
  8. Also typing "NOT gacha" (without the quotation marks and be sure NOT is all capital letters) in the keyword search will filter many out.
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