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Everything posted by brodiac90

  1. I recently opened a store for Tweenster. I spent hours buying the meshes, texturing them, making demos, packaging, taking product photos, editing them, uploading them, making listings, previewing listings, testing deliveries and quality control etc. So far I've just under L$7000 invested in full perm meshes, group set up fees, texture uploads and scripts etc. The store has only been open for a few days and I've turned over L$1000 so far (L$900 - LL fees). I was wondering whether this was decent? Since the initial purchases sales seem to have dried up a bit. I've set my prices at what I think I'll make a return on. Say 8-10 units to break even etc but I'm finding it hard to compete with rock bottom prices. How on earth do people make a return?
  2. I know there are other options available. My point still stands though, I believe more people would upgrade to premium if you could get homes with more prims. I'm in no way complaining by the way. I think 351 prims plus landscaping and a home that doesn't count to your usage is pretty cool.
  3. Probably won't happen, but more prims? I reckon more people would upgrade to Premium if you could get more than 351 prims. Could even be a seller for Premium+ or whatever they want to call it.
  4. Do we know when House boats will be available? I'm only seeing Log Cabins and Campers at the moment.
  5. To confirm, I got rid of the timed demos. I had no idea they caused so much frustration.
  6. If I am unknowingly losing sales I may just get rid of the timed demos and keep the floating demo rings.
  7. Would a longer demo time, say 10 minutes, be more acceptable, or is it the principle itself?
  8. So I understand this correctly, you want to be able to get a demo and then be able to go out and about in it, and possibly even take pictures which you could use for your Flickr or potentially a blog. As well as this you want a demo which has no obvious signs it is a demo and you want to do all this for free?
  9. I sell clothing. The demos I send out are fully textured and look like the real thing. So yes, they include a demo ring which acts as a visual obstruction and so people know it is a demo and not the real deal. It also de-attaches and cannot be re attached after 2 minutes. This, I feel, is long enough to see if a item is well meshed and textured enough. Merchants need to balance show casing their products and protecting them.
  10. It's not just skins but anything. If there is no demo then I don't buy. I only consider making an exception if the item is a rare niche item and there aren't any other alternatives. Price plays a part too. Sometimes you can just take a punt on something cheap but for something like a skin or body I'd want a demo. With my store I offer fully textured demos so people can see what the final product looks like but I also include a demo 'ring' that floats around your avi and a 2 min demo destroy script. Of course, they can choose to run their store however they want.
  11. New hair and skin so time for a new profile picture!
  12. Working on my photography and exploring. I just took this picture of James in a fountain while looking around the Versov Paris City sim. Also been uploading more clothing to my CTS wardrobe... too many clothes lol.... Flickr
  13. Child avatars can be on A rated land and it not be against the TOS, nevermind M rated land.
  14. James and Teddy went partying at an 80s club! Flickr
  15. I'm not premium and I pay quite a lot into the system. My Monthly rent alone costs L$6400 and on average I spend around L$20,000 a month on market place buying things like clothes, furniture and other accessories. The labs get a decent percentage of that. Additionally, I pay fees for buying lindens and also currency conversation fees to change my pounds into dollars before they can be used to purchase Linden Dollars. That's certainly more than people paying $15 a month and I'm not asking for a special Elite tag.
  16. I decided to redecorate my bedroom in a completely new theme and broke up the large room into two different defined areas by building my own wall divider. Here are the results!
  17. Somewhat related to the nudity thing, being European I'm used to wearing speedos while in the US I know it is very frowned upon. Because it is what I'm used to, if James my child Avi goes to the beach, then I'll have him don a pair of speedos too.
  18. Still ROFLing from the irritable bowl syndrome comment 🤣 I absolutely love decorating! I'll decorate our family home and be happy with it for awhile and then I'll get bored and tear it all down to do it over again. It used to drive my family nuts but I've got them housed trained now and they just accept it 😋 Of course since I love decorating I also love shopping for new furniture and decor. New outfits as well. I have outfits for all occasions because y'know just in case..... My main hobby is SL photography so I'm always looking for interesting places to snap new pics. I do love RP too but sadly opportunities for kids to RP are seemingly less and less these days .... unless I'm doing something wrong....
  19. Hahah I love Harry Enfield, the best bit of that sketch is when he tries it on with the guy who owns the hotel who also happens to have loads of posh homes elsewhere lol.
  20. I'm 29 in RL and although I know a few people in their 20s most people I meet are of the older crowd. Like many other kid avatars, I'm in SL to shop, decorate, explore and to escape from adult life for awhile, and despite being heterosexual and male in RL I'm not in SL for romance or sex. In fact, James is very much in the "Ewww girls have cooties phase!" lol but then he is only 9.
  21. So we started the road trip! Me and Tyler in back in our car seats with our big bro Edward driving. We stopped at a truck stop and passed a few other stops but haven't met anyone just yet! I'm sure we will at some point! Thanks for all the help guys! The tip about landmarking rez zones is an awesome one! FLICKR
  22. Yeah please could someone provide me with an SLURL which we can TP to and rez out our car? Thanks!
  23. Hello great people of SL! I was hoping to get some help and advice. I've been in SL now just under 3 years and while I have learnt a lot in that time I'm still fairly unfamiliar with Mainland. I was hoping to go on a long road trip (lots of sim crossings) and wondered where was the best place to start? My big brother Edward owns the Detroit Milestone from GEMC and we thought it would be fun to hit the road and stop over at motels and rest stops along the way. It uses the GFS fuel system so maybe we could even stop and pump gas at some point? What routes are the best? How do you go about rezzing a car? Thanks!
  24. Unfortunately the lips on Catwa Catya are a tad large! The great thing about Catwa though, is that there is such a great variety. I use Catwa Steffi for my boy avatar and it thankfully doesn't suffer from this problem.
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