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Everything posted by brodiac90

  1. I'm usually around 75-80k. My Tweenster body is 20k but the biggest offender is my hair at 40k. I do love barberyumyum hair though and being a gacha it is incredibly rare and I am yet to see anyone wearing it so it does make me somewhat unique in that sense.
  2. I think families representative of what we see in RL are most prevalent in the kid community, and like RL families they can either be amazing people or absolutely awful. I am lucky in that I have a great mom and brother. We've been a family for about 2 years now and we do all sorts together. This is a picture I took not too long ago when we went to a pumpkin patch to pick pumpkins to carve. From left to right. Tyler, my mom and me.
  3. This so much! The same applies to houses and buildings but even more so. If I can't see like 15 pictures on MP showing off every dimension of the place I'm quickly going to lose interest. If I am interested, that curiosity will simply evaporate if I cannot see the building rezed out at an in world store.
  4. I went and did the Ghost Pumpkin Hunt over at Escapades and while there got into a little trouble with a tentacle!
  5. I buy PG furniture for my home because I'm a kid avi and have an SL family. I find a lot of 'PG' furniture still isn't really appropriate for kids even if the more adult stuff is removed. If you want to see PG furniture done correctly then have a look at AR Status. They have furniture which can sit up to four people (2 adults and 2 kids, with poses and animations where you can sit and watch TV together, or do daft things like have pillow fights, play patty cake etc. Basically fun things a real family would do together.
  6. I think the first real difficulty is understanding how clothing and alpha layers work.
  7. AR Status sells lovely furniture aimed and children and families. They have some of the best animations around with lots of props and utility which is great if you have the Avsitter experience on your parcel. AR Status
  8. Bebe has just released an older version of the avatar with Bebe Youth so I would say Bebe is more current these days. You tend to find that not many developers are making new clothes for Toddleedoo Kid, although the market is already flooded with loads of clothing options for Toddleedoo Baby. Tweenster is the avatar I use and is great if you want something older than what Toddleedoo and Bebe can offer. Honestly, try out the demos and see which you like best.
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