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Everything posted by brodiac90

  1. That might be the eventual position. For now LL wants to migrate child avatars from the temporary solution of alphas and BOM underwear to skins that have the necessary modesty layers.
  2. There is a massive difference between saying an avatar looks cute and engaging in suggestive sexual talk over IM with a child avatar. That level of paranoia doesn't help anyone.
  3. Pink was seen as a lighter version of the more manly red, whereas blue was associated with the Virgin Mary who is oftend depicted in art wearing blue. It was Barbie in the middle part of the 20th century that really cemented pink for girls blue for boys. Dresses on boys was also totally a thing not that long ago. This is President Franklin D Roosevelt wearing a dress as a boy.
  4. Not really, you just don't engage and if anyone talks to your avatar like that then you block / AR them and do everything you can to protect yourself. It's happened twice to me where I've had pedofiles IM my boy avatar and I did just that. LL can check intent pretty easily.
  5. Pretty sure they ban those who IM kid avatars for suggestive talk aimed at them. LL can check these things too - they can check what avatar / clothing / profile picture was in place - what was said, where and when.
  6. I'm not sure Tarquin, I no experience with making skins. I just wanted to point out that Tweenster could be an option.
  7. LL haven't directly addressed that, but they did address a similiar situation where what would happen if a child avatar was reported for being a child avatar whilst wearing an adult avi. I would hope they would base it on what the child avatar is currently presenting as. [14:51] Keira Linden: Jenni, if you are reported and you are in an adult avatar that is how we will evaluate the report.
  8. LL have stated that all avatars under the age of 18 are affected by the policy. So if Governance looked at your avatar and could reasonably suspect it was a child, then yes, it would fall under the new policy. [14:35] Keira Linden: We understand there is some confusion regarding the age range that would be expected to follow the new policy, so we want to clarify that anyone presenting under the age of 18 will be required to follow the policy in regards to child avatars.
  9. Not all adults like to go to adult land, even if they have the option to.
  10. Ty for the contribution, I'm just throwing out these little thought experimtents so that LL can read them and consider them.
  11. Yes, hence the gender neutral colours and unisex style swimwear.
  12. I think it can? It just can't be extreme or graphic like you would see on an adult sim. Also depends on what sim owners allow. May be allowed by TOS but doesn't necessarily mean it's allowed in practice. It's not really my area of expertise as I don't get involved with combat.
  13. Not facetious, it's a genuine point of enquiry I want to discuss since it was brought up so much at the meeting. What modesty layers should non binary prebuescent child avatars wear? I know we won't see them, but I'm thinking from a complaince stand point - LL will be able to tell.
  14. That's interesting, what gender (if any) do you think the middle avatar is? Or could you not tell?
  15. LL would know what modesty layer you were wearing and the non binary issue / gender issues was broguht up a lot at the Governance meeting.
  16. Tweenster would be a good option. You can make avatars between say 8 -14 fairly easily and the body has no genatalia f/m anatomy out of the box. Furthermore, the creator of Tweenster has already stated that they're going to be releasing new skins for the body with modesty layers.
  17. Bringing the topic back to gender and non binary avatars, what modesty layers do you think the following three avatars would need under the policy, particularly the middle one? Also If you disagree with the current policy then state what you think they should be as well.
  18. I think I had more younger kids in mind with my list. I suppose there could be one made for teen avatars.
  19. It's just my personal feeling. Probably doesn't help that I watched the The Black Phone recently and the adbudction scene in that movie is horrendous. I suppose if you had a kid tied up with rope (arms behind back like movies) and nothing else happened, that may be acceptable. It just the whole why it's being done and where it could lead to that has me very uneasy. The Black Phone Abuduction scene - contains spoilers
  20. I would clarify that to as LL is not going to sanction any child avatar for using an alpha while wearing their modesty layer. At some point, they will start to sanction those who only use alphas and no modesty layer at all, although they did stress they want to use education as much as possible at first.
  21. We were discussing the back of the female chest modesty layer. Surely that was obvious?
  22. My personal stance is in regards to 'combat' / violence and child avatars (not teens) is this: Roleplaying a sibling squabble with fighting - okay Playing games like cops and robbers with toys - okay Playing knights with wooden swords / sticks - okay Laser tag /paintballing - okay RPing childhood accidents (broken bones etc) - okay Taking part in sports which use weapons (think fencing / martial arts / clay pigeon shooting - RL kids do these so - okay Taking part in sports like wrestling and boxing etc or other contact games - okay. Actively participating in battlers or wars as a combatant - I can see how in some RP situations it could enhance the RP if the adults were fighting to protect the children who were hiding somewhere. RPing being abducted / kidnapped - no Any form of violence directed at a child by an adult, even spanking - no. I know someone will say that spanking is just corporal punishment, but in SL it really does leave too much open to interpreation and it can easily be misconstrued as something more sinister. Not even worth going there. Torture, graphic violence, cannibalism etc - no no no.
  23. As I said earlier with @Kathlen Onyx, there is no way LL is going to change the moderate rating so it can incude extreme forms of graphic violence. The fact they think child avatars shouldn't be on adult rated sims tells you all you need to know.
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