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Everything posted by brodiac90

  1. While a lot more people seem to be aware than the initial wave, I still think there is a sizeable amount of people who are ignorant of the changes, or if they've heard anything it's just the bare minimum. A lot of people never interact with child avatars so the changes are mostly inconsequential to them - they may never bother to find out. I'm a little happier now that Toddleedoo / Tweeneedoo have released modesty layers. In fact that should probably go in the Pet Delight thread! Peeve: Threads being locked before you can even read or contribute to them.
  2. Surely there is a way to set the correct attachment points in the script? I don't know though, I'm not a scripter.
  3. Perhaps content creators could do collaborations and make specially tailored packages for Mobile. It would work like this. You buy the package, and when you open it a script automatically adds everything bought so you wear your Lelutka head, Maitreya body and matching skin. The pack might even come with a few different hair options. Then an algorithm calculates which package you just bought and shows you other similar clothing packages that will fit the body you just purchased. This would streamline and simplify the avatar creation onboarding process and would encourage further spending.
  4. This would be me! Freak out that I'm a kid again and that I'm in SL. Panic that 'I'm back,' but then relax when I realise I'm safe. Test out the seemingly never ending energy levels and flexibility of my now youthful body by jumping on my bed and rolling around. Say hello to all my teddies and bears. Then cuddles with mom when she comes in to see what all the rucus is about. Enjoy childhood.
  5. Welcome to SL @Hyllun and welcome to the forums! Out of interest, how did you find out about SL and what made you want to check it out? What are you looking to do in Second Life? If you need any help setting up an avatar then please feel free to ask in the forums for help and advice. Learning how to use SL can be very daunting at first but I've been here for over 6 years now and it has been an amazing experience.
  6. Oh let me try it. Ahem (coughs) and puts on zal voice. Peeve: Rabble rabble, roar roar, child avatar child avatar, rabble rabble, walking TOS violation, blah blah blah tiny terror tot gang blah blah blah.... Did I get it?
  7. I think I'd like to meet your frog avatar! I can speak frog, ribbit! Also, what on Earth is all this Peeve stuff? Feels like an inside joke I'm not getting.....
  8. I keep coming back to LL's ambitions for Mobile - Apple Store and then I think about Moderate regions and both public adult nudity and child avatars in theory being allowed in them. It just seems like a recipe for disaster to me. I think LL could take a few approaches. 1) Ban child avatars from moderate regions. 2) Ban public adult nudity on moderate regions. 3) Develope some sort of sub category for Moderate regions MN (Moderate Nudity) etc which child avatars aren't allowed in. 4) Develop some sort of way to censor content depending on your personal preferences. I.e. those who can only access G content see everyone wearing underwear etc even if that particular adult isn't wearing any. I suppose this might cause issues with people not knowing they're around nude people though.....
  9. A big moment just occured in the Kid community. Toddleedoo just released modesty skins for their bodies (TD baby, TD kid and Tweeneedooo). Here's me! I shrunk! In my Tweeneedoo body. Hopefully avatars like Tweenster will quickly follow suit but at least I have something more permenant for now.
  10. It is nice of you to say so. I'm still waiting for that invite to your art exhibition btw! However, with the notable exception of a few, the environment here towards child avatars has been pretty hostile. I'm honestly not surprised really since it only seems to mirror the sort of contempt we face in world as well. I post in spite of it - child avatar views should be represented - no one else is going to do it for us.
  11. Perhaps you think I deserved what happened, or now that I'm no longer in that situation that I never deserve to be happy? Perhaps I should just be miserable so that you can be comfortable.... I mean the OP asked a genuine question in good faith. No one is forcing you to be in the thread.
  12. I agree with Zal, you would be unwise to trust any of these groups. They may be perfectly qualified but there is no real way to check their credentials. It's not speculation but the reality for quite fair amount of people. I experienced 8+ ACEs growing up as a child and the primary reason I play as a child avatar is to experience the childhood I never got to experience growing up. Similarly, my SL mum, never had kids when she was younger so for her she gets to do something she missed.
  13. I find the 7+ ft tall avatars funny. I'm 4.49 ft or 1.37M tall which is about normal for your average 9 year old boy. Against some of the giants I look like a toddler!!! I'm not going to tell people how to live their second lives though. It's just, if everyone used more normal heights you could still be tall by being 6ft. It's kind of like an arm's race though. Someone will go to 6.5 ft and then someone else has to overcompensate by going to 7ft etc...
  14. We're obviously meeting up in groups and wearing our 'Walking TOS violations' badges while Zal watches on nearby, foaming at the mouth with rage. 😂
  15. Kid only places do exist although they're outnumbered by adult only places by about a ratio of 30:1. I would be sad if adult avatars and child avatars could never interact though. It would mean never seeing my mum and dad or any of my SL family for that matter. There are a lot of good adults that interact with kids and I think we should point that out and celebrate it.
  16. Thank you for your apology. And as others have said, we all rightly called that person out. In another thread, I posted a screenshot about a family nude beach that still persited at the time that was promoting adult and child vatars being nude together. It was called FSNB or Family Safe Nude Beach, we reported it and now it no longer appears in search (I'm not sure if it still exists under a different name) and as a child avatar I'm not exactly going to go and check.
  17. That wasn't me. Please get your facts right.
  18. Stop, please just stop making things up. I have never said I want to be naked.
  19. Is there though? I have stated on multiple occasions that I acknowledge there are bad actors in the kid community who have been involved in that sort of stuff. I've also stated that those who genuinly play child avatars hate those people more than most since it gives us all a bad name. Also, I noticed you didn't acknolwedge my attempt to have a genuine discussion about it. You know, reaching out to other communities.
  20. There is, like all the child avatars who have been posting in the forums and people we've spoken to in world. Those sorts of people don't generally hang out with people who will AR them quicker than most adults would.
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