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Everything posted by brodiac90

  1. Nope, the whole point of the modesty layers is so you're not nude.
  2. haha that's not me! I do have some long hair though.
  3. I'm using Tweeneedoo atm and my take is this: 1) don't be nude. 2) Wear the modesty layers 3) No one will care if you're alphaing out modesty layers if you're fully clothed - not using alphas will just look weird with some outfits with underwear poking through etc.
  4. I personally wouldn't go for obvious reasons. A good compromise might be to have an event and then say at x time things are gonna get freaky so you know 'send the kids to bed,' that sort of thing. I totally get if people want a kid free event though.
  5. Not today but yesterday (early bedtime for me due to RL work) @Love Zhaoying was kind enough to show me one of his old haunts at Luna. There is a really cool scripted fountain there that can be user operated, so obviously I pressed ALL THE BUTTONS! 🔘 🔘 🔘 !!! Also, Zhaoying was the very grown up one and went in the water! 😄 Mr Quack Quack decided he would rather watch then get splashed.
  6. Indeed, that's how it works on my end.
  7. Ingrid and I don't agree on much but I agree in this instance. There is a very big difference between a RL child being nude in the privacy of their home and a SL child being nude on a commercial platform. Most people don't take pictures of their kids nude (SL or RL) and then go and share them around - some do and I think that is very silly, but the consequences are very different. In addition to the loss of dignity in the private home context, LL also have to consider the business ramifications and optics are everything. Lastly, bubble bath and bubble bath style clothing is a thing so it is possible to have realistic style baths even with modesty layers.
  8. Unless I have misread your post, Madi, as I understand it, you are allowed to use alphas so long as you're still wearing the modesty layers. For example, my Tweeneedoo currently has the brief style modesty layers built into the body, then I wear my BOM boxers which look nicer and offer more coverage, and then when I wear clothes over them I alpha out that part anyway. That way, should there be some sort of malfunction with the alphas I'll still be covered if there are any issues when loading / rezzing in etc.
  9. @Scylla Rhiadra I did get to see the gallery in the end and found it very interesting. Met a few people from the forums too.
  10. My Tweeneedoo has the full length version and goes awesome with my shark fin floatie.
  11. I doubt it. I think the reality is more likely to be one of two things: 1) LL will be keeping a closer eye on things and will make sure content is appropriate. 2) LL won't keep an eye on things and child avatars will just end up staying away, I mean what's the point in reporting 350+ shops? Ones that LL have already allowed to set out their stalls so to speak?
  12. This is correct, RL children who are old enough to be in SL are only allowed on G land or very specific land that has been approved by their education setting etc. That's why any content which is not appropriate for General regions should be removed immeditely, better yet, it shouldn't be there at all in the first place
  13. I'm glad SL21B will have a host of G sims as well as areas dedicated to adult content for those who wish to go there. To clarify earlier confusion - Child avatars are: 1) allowed freely on General regions. 2) Can be on Moderate regions with restrictions. Public adult nudity is allowed on M land so child avatars must not go near nude adults or nude content in stores (I. E shops advertising nude skins / avatars) or places like nude beaches etc. 3) not allowed on Adult land under any circumstances.
  14. Yes, only female heads work for Tweenster as it's based on the female body. Female heads tend to work better for child avatars anyway. I have Tweenster and I use Lelutka Avalon. Also if you're new to having a child avatar you should educate yourself on LL's rules and policies as a lot of these have recently changed. Feel free to message me if you have any questions.
  15. I'm fairly new. Good thing I'm stubborn 😁
  16. It is against TOS to have content in your profile which is not fit for a G sim. However, this is probably the most flauted rule in all of SL and even if it was reported I doubt anything would ever be done. It's pretty easy to judge what sort of profile someone is going to have within the first few seconds of opening it. I just close it if there is anything adult. So yeah, profiles don't really bother me. If what you're doing isn't going to threaten my existence in SL then we're cool, if, hoever, it is, then we will very suddenly not be cool at all. One thing I would advise though - be careful about places that ask to show your profile picture if your profile picture is particularly adult and the place that is asking is on G sim.
  17. Is it in G land or are you going to try and murder me again? 😁
  18. The primary purpose of real life cemeteries is to provide a safe place to bury the dead so that the living aren't afflicted with things like disease. I'd hardly call that a waste of space. The fact that throughout all of history all cultures have adopted their own ways to show their respect to the dead demonstrates it's an important part of the human life cycle. You might think there a waste of space, real or virtual, but many people would disagree.
  19. I thought of the When someone dies thread when considering this. It could be nice to have their things still rezzed out as a reminder and mark of respect.
  20. My clothes suddenly vanishing is a big deal to me, even if modesty layers will prevent me being nude. If I try any demo and there is a timer then I will instantly replace it for my old clothes and throw it in the trash. There's no need for timers, the big DEMO sign is fine.
  21. I thing how boring or fulfilling SL can be depends entirely on how connected you feel to the world. If you have lots of friends and family, lots of places that you frequent and lots of hobbies / interests, or things you create, then the world can feel very alive indeed. Like anything in life you have to invest something into it, things don't just magically happen.
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