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Everything posted by brodiac90

  1. Yes, alot of people don't read the forums and I'd wager even fewer read TOS. There seems to be a lot of misinformation about.
  2. Well yes, the two times I was IM'ed by adults talking suggestively to my child avatar were in very innocent kid friendly places on G and M land. It's also why a lot of kid venues don't allow adult avatars unless they're parents or know the child avatar.
  3. All very reasonable. I suspect the real issue for us child avatars is when we go exploring new places that we've never been to. There might be these 'unwritten rules,' that things can happen but if it's not very clear in the venue rules etc then you're kind of left guessing. You also have to factor in RL seasons. People tend to log into SL less when the weather is better.
  4. I just want to point out that the last part isn't necessarily true, the same way that parents can specify whether they only want to adopt boys, girls or either / both. There are lots of reasons why someone might only want a daddy or a mommy. In fact, you often find it's the reverse and that kids only want to be adopted by mothers because of how some men are percieved. Additionally, adoption agencies tend to police this stuff pretty strongly for obvious reasons.
  5. That's quite reassuring actually. I imagine you'd still be better off leaving anyway though.
  6. I think 'large numbers,' needs to be taken into context. When we say things like that we're not referring to the general SL population but the kid community.
  7. They don't, that is a resident problem. In fact, all of the moles and Lindens I've interacted with on my child avatar have been nothing but lovely. The push back isn't about the aim, it's about the execution. I imagine only pedofiles disagree with what LL is aiming to do.
  8. Yes, we all accept that SL may one day close down and die. It's not so much the event but the why.
  9. You can't really just look at May 2nd as an isolated event. For many, it was the straw that broke the camel's back. For some people, it wasn't so much I'm fed up with the changes, it was more, I'm fed up with the changes and everything that has come before. Contempt for child avatars is not a new thing.
  10. Yes, 5 people I know of, but I am only one person. Extrapolate that to other people and the number will grow....
  11. @Love Zhaoying My feelings are complicated. Do I broadly agree with the rule changes? Yes. Am I conerned about what it might mean for content I already own? Absolutely. If Tweenster does not update then I'm going to lose about 2000 items of clothing costing me thousands of RL dollars. I'll also need to invest in another avatar and clothing, say Tweeneedoo (the closest in size). So, in some ways, a lot of things are still up in the air for the time being. Do I understand the need for the modesty layers? Yes, does it make me feel any less dirty or ashamed that they're necessary? No, they're a constant reminder that sick things go on in SL and even though I've done nothing wrong it still feels icky.
  12. Yep, which is why a lot of child avatars now feel as though they're second class citizens. Technically we're allowed on M land but it really depends on what's happening there. Even if the venue we were in was perfectly fine when we arrived, if things change then the onus is on us to leave. That is also technically true of G rated land too, although the offenders would at least get into trouble there.
  13. I know of over 100 child avatars on a personal level who are either upset or concerned and I wouldn't even consider myself someone who is at the centre of the community. People who own things like Starries or Toddleedoo would have a much better idea. As for those who have left. I know of at least 5 who have specifically said this is why I'm leaving. I beleive @Madi Melodious knows more and has a better idea of how many people have cancelled premiums or closed sims. It's not an insignificant amount though.
  14. I know many people who are upset, and know of some who have left or have cancelled premiums etc. I cancelled my premium on May 2nd when we knew less and because of all the uncertainty. I may renew at some point in the future but that entirely depends on how things are going forward.
  15. I think the reality is that most of these places will just become family-friendly non-nude beaches as you said. They'll do whatever they can to just barely toe the line in public and still do the sick stuff they want to do in private.
  16. I can understand the confusion. These places do still exist but they shouldn't as they're breaking TOS. This place needs reporting. It's the first one I found and was pretty close to the top of the list. I.e. not hard to find.
  17. Not only will they not be allowed to be nude, but they won't be allowed near nude adults. I mean tell me you're banning family nude beaches without telling me you're banning family nude beaches.
  18. They're not though. TOS specifically forbids child avatars being in the presence of nudity. The so called 'family friendly' nude beaches that encouraged adult and child avatars to be nude together are now 100% illegal. Thankully so.
  19. It's what you're doing and where that most matters. Were you dancing at a very adult club in A land when suddenly a child avatar appears? You've done nothing wrong, you're on adult land and child avatars are not allowed on adult land. Were you on a nude beach on M land when suddenly a child avatar appears? Child avatars are allowed on M land, but again you've done nothing wrong since TOS forbids child avatars from being in the presence of nudity, especially where it's expected. You go onto G land where fully clothed, modesty layered child avatars are hanging around and decide to take off all your clothes and put on all your favourite adult attachments. Yeah, LL are going to throw the book at you....
  20. Whether LL chooses to enforce the rules or not is up to them, but they do have the option to enforce them now.
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