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Everything posted by FairreLilette

  1. You buy 30K linden a week? That's about $500 hundred dollars a month on SL. And, then in your next post you say you cannot afford to buy once a month because you get paid weekly? JennyD Cloud, you need to start a savings account for your real life. Spending $500 hundred dollars a month on SL and having no savings whatsoever for your real life is setting yourself up for complete disaster in case of any kind of real life emergency. Get yourself a real life savings first. Maybe this was a wake-up call for you.
  2. I don't want to have surgery if you are speaking about Lasik correction or something. And, I don't believe anyone should pray for cataracts as I had a family member who did not do too well with them and the surgery. I said my peace about my situation and a phone code. It's not for others to decide options for me or what I should pay in needing a device that's too small to be of any real use to me so I can get a phone code. I'd like a 27" screen monitor, personally. That's what I need.
  3. 1) I'm at a 6+ prescription magnification eyeglasses now and need new eyeglasses now plus use enlarge font on my computer, so I need about a +11 to +12 magnification to work on things that are close-up I am so far-sighted with the far-sightedness of a hawk probably, making my near vision horrid. There is no way I can see a small device, so me and my family set up another way. We already tried and we are not going to go out and spend money on a smartphone when we can message with no added costs back and forth on FB. I would never use a cell phone for the internet as it's way too small so it's quite an expense just to have to have to receive a code message.
  4. Yeah that...I don't believe anyone here wants to see this effect someone so much they have to leave. But, also Reed Linden said he was out (of this discussion) for the weekend and I don't think there are any other Linden's here, so it's just us residents. I believe Reed Linden also said, send any questions or concern's to LL about this.
  5. Regardless, people will have subjective experiences with SL in toto. As far as us griping at each other about fees, Reed Linden said to send your questions to LL because we are like the choir griping at each other that the church now wants money for a new better building that the church does not have the money to pay for by itself. We all have to figure out how to cut corners here and afford things in a COVID world now. We aren't even post-COVID world which could be rather ugly.
  6. I didn't say they are working on it right now; and, as a matter of fact, I have no idea when so for all I know it could be now. I will put a message through to LL about it and see if I get a response. That is plan A. I'd like to see if I get a response to my specs question. At least I'd know I tried.
  7. Some of those are luxuries. I have a MP store also and three inworld shops of my own. I do not pay for ads on MP, so I only pay the 10% commission for MP sales. I also do not rent a homestead for inworld stuff, I have three small store rentals that currently ad up to a total of 3300 lindens a month which isn't even $20 dollars a month, and part of one of my stores is also a club for fun. People could put demos on MP of furniture as I have done with some to cut down the cost of needing inworld rentals. Everything is subjective. Fees is a real income a leveraged company can count on to go forward and expand. That's how I see it anyways. It is a fee that they can count on in order to expand, hire and build a new viewer.
  8. Yeah, that is gorgeous. The color too. It looks almost as though it might be turned on full bright so with the color and full bright I was thinking maybe Magika, but I didn't have enough time to go through all of Magika's hair. If someone could figure out the color, it might give us a hint. But, it could be tinted orange also. Maybe Doux has something similar. It is a pretty hair, I'd like to know too.
  9. This is like the choir preaching to one another that our church now wants us to pay more for the new building they want so they can expand. Well, that happened to my family in real life. Our church wanted to expand and wanted more money so they could expand. So, it was up to each person to decide what to do. My family left that church as my husband was really the one who was being pressured for more money. Anyhow, I'm not LL nor a Linden, so I cannot know how much it is going to cost to hire new people or to build a new viewer. A company that is leveraged cannot always come up with all the money in order to expand, grow or develop. I'd still like some official specs here.
  10. It depends. I lived through The Great Recession. We had lots of coupons sent to us which helped a family of 3 with a mortgage at that time. However, we never cut on clothes. People get creative and may start to use bulk shopping as a way to free up some dollars. It all depends on one's situation. But, I'd say entertainment was cut during The Great Recession. We went to a lot of free or more inexpensive places - the beach for one.
  11. The majority of those tokens you buy go to creators wallets though not the Lab or Lindens. As for me, I buy extra lindens during mega sale times and it's usually with the groups I like and have, so I save way more than an extra 1.49 to 3 dollars may cost me in fees. It's Saturday Sale time and Happy Weekend Sale time. I use the sales, plus I make my own stuff quite a lot which costs me a 10 linden fee to upload a new color or new tattoo which is very easy to make. There are ways to make SL more affordable. Lots of ways.
  12. While I agree with you Orwar, I just cannot see SL would have had the ability to continue further into the 21st without a new viewer and that is going to cost money. The time was due and I hope it comes to fruition. However, some of us cannot afford GPU's at this time due to crazy people conflating the market, let alone any second-hand GPU could be garbage and be blown out. For some of us, it's a take it slow time. I also don't want to spend money on a new GPU at this time until I know what the new specs for a new viewer are going to be. All-in-all though, I've heard about inflation happening in real life. It is the worst time for inflation with fragile economies due to COVID. I mean we may see banks are bankrupt and collapse again. It's a thought of Western society that entertainment and relaxation are necessary for our well being and good mental health. I agree but some times things go and up and down like a roller coaster when it comes to affording what is considered entertainment. I plan to take it slow here as I'm kind of out because of EEP and flame wars for GPU's due to bitcoin mania. I'm going to go on Coffee Pancake's Catznip viewer. Today I should get it downloaded as I had rl stuff this week. But, during the Great Recession, people had to cut back. President Obama even addressed the nation that it was a time to tighten our belts, meaning curtail excess spending and entertainment is usually the first to go.
  13. I think it is 'but' if you buy all your lindens for one month instead of weekly, and/or no matter the amount, it's $9.99....you could buy what you need for six months of lindens and it would be $9.99. You could buy one million lindens and the cost would be $9.99. So, if you don't need to buy weekly and/or can buy a whole lot at once your added cost will not be as high as you are quoting above. From the blog: https://community.secondlife.com/blogs/entry/7770-infrastructure-investment-update-buy-fee-change-effective-april-22/ A: It depends on the size of your Linden Dollar purchase in each transaction. We worked to ensure that most casual purchases will see no change at all. For example, smaller Linden Dollar purchases (roughly equivalent to about $20 USD or less*) will see no change in cost as the new $1.49 minimum charge is equivalent to the cost of the existing flat fee. As another example, a $40 USD purchase of approximately L$10,000* would be charged a $3 “buy fee” (equal to 7.5% of $40). For larger Linden Dollar purchases (approximately $139 or higher*), the 7.5% fee will cap out at $9.99 maximum in a single transaction.
  14. Reed said early on in the thread the higher cost is needed to hire more people to fix the problems as well as to build a new viewer (hopefully), a Vulcan viewer.
  15. Are you able to buy all your lindens for the month instead of weekly? If once a month, it's $9.99. And it's capped at $9.99 so if you can afford it you could buy two or three months worth at a time and for three months worth for example it doesn't go past $9.99. I agree, this is a rather large jump. $4.99 may have been better but in the discussion it was felt it was going to have to go to $9.99 anyways and sooner than later, so they felt there was no way around it. I'm sorry this is stressing you out. My SL has changed drastically too with EEP, as EEP is not working on older GPU's now and I'm not spending 1.5K for a GPU any time soon. Price gouging is occurring for GPU's right now because of bitcoin/COVID/other issues.
  16. Yeah, it's different but it's cute for 1 linden.
  17. Here's a 1 Linden hair that is similar you could try. I've seen styles like that recently but just cannot remember where. https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/S-Lima-Acacia-Hair-GIFT/19116690
  18. There is a somewhat new one from Limerence it reminded me of...is this it? Maybe Truth has one like to in their newest hairs. https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/Limerence-Kristy-hair-Sweet-berries/21623177
  19. The only way I'd mind it is if it was a cell phone code only as I do not text, explaining my extreme far-sightedness in the other thread which makes it difficult for me to see things up close - so I do not text at all period. My phone is mostly for 911 emergency calls. Otherwise, I message my family and friends through FB. There need to be more than just one way to receive the code to put in is what I am saying. There needs to be both a code for cell phone OR email with a choice to choose one or the other otherwise it's discriminatory against those with a visual handicap.
  20. I tend to agree overall with LittleMeJewel's post. I think what might increase is land rentals, although at a cap of $9.99, I do not in any way see land rentals need to go up much. So, if a person's land rental goes up, some creator's may raise a few prices. Prices should come down as these items just copy over and over and over endlessly. One can sell far more on volume at lower prices and probably make more with lower prices. One company that is quite popular recently reduced some of their shoe fatpacks by 75%. I bet they are making more money than ever when the price was triple what it is now. At 75% lower, tons more buy and it's more money than none or perhaps one sale here or there for those same higher priced shoe fatpacks they used to have. Now they need to sell three fatpacks to make up their previous cost of one...what if they are selling ten at that reduced price whereas with their old price they might have sold one. I've already lived this. I've sold hundreds and hundreds of sculpty bathtubs at 39 lindens apiece and I had 12 styles (I have discontinued these as I wanted out of sculpties); but if those same bathtubs had been a higher price I might have sold three total, not hundreds and hundreds. Sure we have a stimulus now but that is not going to last forever and some people in this world may find they have no job at all after all lockdowns are over. It's not a good time to raise prices on anything with fragile economies. But, this increase for me may cost me at most $1.50 a month. This is not a big price increase for me at all.
  21. Supposed to lower the costs...who said that or was it a rumor? I'm wondering if, without their own servers and being able to write off depreciation for those servers on their yearly income taxes to the IRS, has caused the cloud servers to be more expensive; i.e. Amazon gets depreciation write offs now. Depreciation used to give businesses a rather good tax write off.
  22. 2FA is fine for me with Google. Any kind of cell phone text confirmation only option is an absolute NO. I am extremely far-sighted with far vision like that of a hawk and therefore have difficulty seeing things near me, thus I do not text nor use text on a small cell phone ever as I cannot see it even with my six time plus magnification eyeglasses. I have gone through this problem twice now with Paypal and they worked a way around for me. I told the last person I spoke too on the phone whom I told I am visually handicapped to not discriminate against the visually handicapped by needing some kind of cell phone code to be put in there as I absolutely cannot do it. The person working for Paypal laughed but it's entirely not funny. There are visually handicapped people in this world. I contact and message my family and friends entirely through Facebook. My cell phone is for 911 emergencies mostly but I never text and never will be able to see such a small object to do that. Email code options need for 2fa need to be considered. It's a dumb idea and it's discriminatory in it's nature to have 2fa be cell phone only for any company.
  23. That's just wrong for anyone to say that. You know I have never been asked that but then my first avatar was based around Stevie Nicks and I thought she dressed lovely, although Lindsey Buckingham, the controlling partner in the song "Gold Dust Woman" where Stevie quips "rulers make bad lovers...you better put your Kingdom up for sale" even wanted to dictate how Stevie should dress and told her to raise her necklines. She ended the relationship. Stevie and Lindsey began singing as a duo when Stevie was in high school. Their break-up played out in one of the largest selling albums of all time - "Rumors". Stevie and Lindsey have remained friends all these decades. I've seen interviews with Stevie on Youtube and she tells the stories far better than I do. Anyhow, I dress all kinds of ways, even as a cat. lol I love dressing as a cat most of all actually though but my human avatars are usually rather non-sexy. As a human I am barefoot a lot. I just want to be free here, however, whatever....
  24. I like both of those ideas! Here is Strawberry Linden's Youtube channel link. She's had how to do videos for SL for years upon years. https://www.youtube.com/user/strawberrysingh22
  25. Strawberry Linden has Youtube videos about different heads/skins. You should talk with her as those videos may be under a different name or no longer there. I'm not sure. Strawberry made lots of Youtube videos prior to becoming a Linden.
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