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Kia Kiyori

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Everything posted by Kia Kiyori

  1. Keep scruffin'. My knuckles are non-existent by now. What should I gnaw on next? My elbows?
  2. Thank you very much Yes, it's the heads and skins I'll play with eventually. So many to play with!
  3. You're one brave woman, Moirakathleen! Actually, you all are in here! I'm too chicken to change bodies and skins yet. Gorgeous photo, too!
  4. Yay! I really do want to try different skins - Strawberry Singh makes them all look sooooo good - but one day. One day. Loooong way down the track haha
  5. Until I know what I'm doing a little better, I'll stick with this skin...afraid I might grow 2 heads and 8 eyes or something if I attempt a different one...took me long enough to figure this lot out
  6. That's one of the fun things about SL - we don't have to stick to the same thing
  7. Now that's one novel way to window shop. Must try it!
  8. Cute in any skin tone, ForrestChild but this one seems to add a bit more depth, if I'm not mistaken? I like it
  9. I got that, but mine has now progressed to showing me the last place I logged out...and then hangs there. At least the view's getting better than a plain white screen haha
  10. Tomorrow's a shiny new day with no blots on it and the world's full of strangers friends just waiting to meet you
  11. "Sassy"..that's what you were going to say, right?
  12. Thank you very much ...slaved over a hot camera for hours
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