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Kia Kiyori

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Everything posted by Kia Kiyori

  1. Oh, now - don't be such an old poop! haha Nothing's going to happen anyway - we're only imagining what we'd do if we had the resources to do it. Nothing more. *hands Alwin an oxygen mask* Breathe, Alwin. Just breathe.
  2. Yes, but those long term processes will still be there whether SL receives a fresh burst of publicity or not - and my mother always says irritating things like, 'there's no time like the present' and 'why wait til tomorrow to do what can be done today?'. This is just an exercise in sharing ideas about how we'd each promote SL if we had a $20m budget - whether Tilia and Sansar exist or not. Go on, Alwin - be a daredevil and have a go...
  3. Oh my! What strange creatures live in your neck of the woods that can't appreciate a good furry? Never mind - let's not open that can of worms
  4. @RaeLeeH Really good points. It is a big canvas to cover and Learning Island really does need an official clean up. If only 'vague' was an effective selling point. When it comes to creative imagination, I seem to know more people without a hint of it than those blessed with an overabundance of it; most need to be hit over the head with something like that before they even see it, let alone visualize the 'possibilities'. Perhaps it was a marketing strategy that worked 16 years ago but could use some fine tuning in 2019?
  5. No reason two birds couldn't be killed with one stone (what a horrid expression, come to think of it!)
  6. What would your ideas be? SL's public image could use a bit of a spit 'n' polish, frankly. AmIright? Learning Island, I think, could use a little muscle with some form of 'policing', like insta-perma-bans for those who enjoy haranguing and threatening new arrivals. Yes, I know, those who keep making alts solely for that purpose would be a pain, but perhaps they'd give up after 50,000 perma bans. Just as an example: for victims of violent rl rape coming in for the first time, being confronted by a moron with a giant placard that reads, "I'm going to rape you to death" is not only horrifying and disorienting, but it's very the last thing they'd expect to see. Imagine what a film crew would think of that if it was their first intro to SL $20m was a lot to splash out on Sansar - good thing business decisions aren't left to me, or I'd have chosen to spend it on a pro external advertising crew coming in for three to six months, given all the benefits of premium membership and shown around. First stop: show them some of SL's stunning mesh avatars and then give them a complete mesh makeover so they can experience the process for themselves. Introduce them to the biggest and smallest creators in SL; the land barons, the countless beautiful sims created just for the joy of virtual photographers, the clubs, the breeders, the Builder's Brewery etc, etc. Really give them as complete a feel for what SL is about as possible. Let them interview the biggest commercial successes in SL - the mesh head, body and fashion designers/creators, club owners, etc etc. There's just so much to SL that the general public is sadly clueless about. There's squillions of people out there who've never even heard of SL. I'd be wanting to reach them. After all that, I'd love to see them create a lengthy tv docu-promo thingy; first scene, a beginner male and female avi looking oh-so sad after coming across a stunningly gorgeous full mesh avi couple living on their gorgeous sim/half sim/quarter sim or new Bellawhatsit home and community, having quit their rl jobs because they're too busy now working their full time SL jobs (oh, per chance to dream! haha). It would all end, of course, with beginner couple being completely transformed, earning bucket loads of cash (total fantasy unless you're very clever, I know) living happily - and busily - ever after. Or something like that - but you catch my drift, right? If I was one of those rl people who scoffed at the very mention of SL as being 'just a sex game' without any first hand knowledge to base my opinion on, watching something along those lines would make me think twice and draw me in like a fly to honey. But what do I know? I'm just a lowly female. And now I shall return to whistling Dixie...
  7. I did ask if they're planning on selling our details to the highest bidder (perhaps that's already been done) as another revenue-raiser, like FaceBrat has most egregiously done from the start, but as far as I'm aware, questions along that line remain unanswered.
  8. Yikes. I'd not want to bang heads with the feds
  9. Yes, I see your point. You'd think big business would make enough profit ripping everyone else off to suck up those small amounts, though.
  10. They might have an exception plugged in, like less than xxx$ = no charge. Would seem a bit Scrooge-ish to charge a fee on something like a single cent/penny.
  11. I think it just depends on what time of day and what day you log in. I frequently see anywhere from 26k+ to 51k (not sure I've ever seen the number go much over 51k, but it probably has). Then again, with so many events that were on at the same time recently, perhaps everyone's just shopped-out and needs a break.
  12. Yes because....every penny counts. Apparently.
  13. Personally, I think SL would be lucky to have you back and I'm so sorry to hear about your husband. I think SL is worth coming back to, but my opinion is biased
  14. *looks at you funny* (kidding). I believe folks sit with their finger on the trigger ready to pounce the instant they've been announced, so make sure your bladder is empty because some miss out when they give in to Nature's Call It's done the usual way, but if you miss out and you've given up your existing home, it just might mean renting privately for a little while until the next batch.
  15. Yes. There's bound to be some form of official UK Govt ID you can use, but perhaps someone from the UK could best advise what that might be.
  16. If it's an invisible prim, it should show up in red if you press Ctrl + Alt + T. Might be support ticket time if you're unable to return or delete it.
  17. Not sure if it was Gavin, but someone mentioned earlier that they were a retired (?) lawyer (?) and that they were going to investigate the wording more closely, so he might be.
  18. Still splitting my sides over that..."touched all of our thiiings..."hahahha
  19. 1. Can this be something that's only presented to those who initiate exchanging L$ for $, rather than forcing it upon all residents? 2. Is LL able to guarantee residents that this is in no way a 'data collection' procedure for the purpose of selling on to third parties, as per Facebook?
  20. Was entirely underwhelmed with Sansar. Nothing appealing in the slightest, not even with 'Berries regular 'fun' live videos of the place. If momma hasn't noticed her dead baby by now, then she never will.
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