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Gopi Passiflora

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Everything posted by Gopi Passiflora

  1. I prefer text, but I occasionally voice if the other person is speaking through voice. My voice is weird, though.
  2. I've heard quite a few people call Second Life a "Barbie Doll Game for adults". I was wondering if you think this is an apt description of this virtual world. In a way, I agree at least when it comes to my female human avatars. I like playing dress-up with them - they're the Barbie Dolls I never had as a boy because of cultural gender norms. The male human and non-human avatars are more like "Boy Toys" or "action figures" to me, though, rather than dress-up dolls.
  3. That says nothing, unfortunately. And that might be state propaganda....
  4. What kind of politician is he? Was he elected, appointed, or did he inherit the job? Does he even have power, or is a mere figurehead? Inquiring minds like me want to know....
  5. Protip: To provoke some female mobs to attack you, send them an IM just containing the word, "Hi."
  6. But interaction with other residents is always just a click away. Kinda hard to describe but you're never really lonely in Second Life....
  7. ...would you use it? (By offline I mean you still have stuff like the open world, avatar customization, and building...but no other residents to interact with.) I probably would, but it would be more boring without the other people though. So I wouldn't use it as much as the online Second Life.
  8. I am just wondering where every goes for their sci-fi fix. I actually don't visit them often, but I do like some science related sims (I forget the names) that educate people about the subject. I do like "Inspire Space Park", too.
  9. Well, in a sense one does "live" in SL. But I was talking about societies in general, of which I argue, that SL can be considered. Free as in freedom. Basically, having freedom of speech, liberty, something like that. The type of society that the U.S., Canada, European countries, and etc. say they are.
  10. Note: This is Second Life related because: isn't this virtual world a "society" of sorts? (Of course, whether it's truly "free" can be debated, though.) For me, it's where to draw the line as to what speech and/or actions should be allowed and what shouldn't. There are always disagreements between people.
  11. I shop a lot for various things for my avatars, building stuff, and so on...at present I'm looking for even more cute outfits for my female avi.
  12. Comments on my voice: "You need a better mic." "This guy sounds weird." Yeah, I won't get a job as a voice actor anytime soon....
  13. Thanks for your answer! I read it all and I think it makes sense! I don't know if I want to visit those sims or join such groups. I don't want to demean my avatar like that. I wouldn't want to use RLV either.
  14. I personally like the look I described, and I have some other outfits (such as a Christmas sweater), but I took your suggestion and did some more shopping. I found a cute new dress for my avi. I also visit other places besides the hubs and clubs...sometimes. I guess I should visit them more.
  15. No, I won't be complaining again in this topic about the many random IMs I get from (mostly male) strangers when playing as a female avatar. Yes, I do get these intimate messages and if they're not put well together, I admit they can be annoying. But this is not what the topic is about. I just wanted to share my overall experience of playing as a female avatar in Second Life. Whether they're good or bad is up to you. I'm a heterosexual guy in "real life", but I do like making "pretty girl" avatars. Yeah, maybe that old school justification of wanting something pleasing to look at applies in this case. But I think that perhaps there's more reasons as to why I like playing as a female avatar - don't know exactly why, though. Maybe this post will help give us insight why. So I log in to my female avatar's account for a typical Second Life session. After logging in I wait for her to rez in all her glory - blue shorts, white tank top, and all. The most striking thing about her appearance is her very long blonde hair which she's received a lot of compliments for. (I actually love these hair compliments from everyone. Makes my day!) Once fully rezzed, I figure out what to do in SL today. I muse about going to the Zindra safe hub, "Ungren," but then I decide against it. I have a few reasons for this. One is that Ungren has voice allowed, and I like responding to voice with voice, chat with chat - kinda feels awkward responding to chat with voice and vice-versa. I dunno, I'm weird like that. Obviously, I wouldn't want to voice while using a female avi. Another reason is because Ungren is known for being a trolling ground. No doubt if I head that I may bound for more trouble than I could ask for. And female avatars are more likely to be trolling targets. So I decide against it. I think about going to the Mainland Welcome Area, "Ahern". Ahern has no voice enabled, so that's good with me. While it also has it share of trolls, they are not as many as there are in Ungren, nor are they that bad. So Ahern is a possibility for me. However, I ultimately decide to go to a club to listen to music while socializing with people. Clubs are packed with people and have a DJ and hosts who help facilitate conversation. Also clubs are moderated, so they don't really have any trolls. So I pick the "Blackhearts Rock Cafe" as my destination. It's a regular club I attend. After all, I like rock music. Before I get there, I feel anxious with all kinds of thoughts. What's going to happen once I get there? How will people react to my avatar? The anxiety may seem like a bad thing but I actually love it for some reason. I get this sort of excitement when heading to a social place as a female avi. It's hard to describe. So I teleport to the club and walk to the dance floor. All sorts of avis (mostly human, though) populate the club playing dance animations as rock music plays. The host welcomes me in and mentions my avi's name, and I respond. I click an object that causes my avi to dance, and in moments she starts to bust some moves. I listen to the music and monitor the chat box as I watch the avis dance and the host and DJs pay repetitive gestures. Then I hear the dreaded and familiar "ding ding" of an IM. I look at the name and it is one of a male avatar. I embrace for the worse and I click to reveal what he has to say. It a mere but annoying "Hi"? Or something a bit more forward? "Hey, your hair is lovely," he says. I then feel relief and the pleasure. After all, I do like compliments on my avi's hair for some reason. Although, I was still a bit on guard. Still, I decide to happily thank him. "Hehe...thanks!" I say. "It's so long. I've never seen hair like that before," he continues. "I've actually seen longer." We continue our discussion on my avi's hair, with some humor mixed in. But at the same time, it started to become clear he was also not interested in me romantically. We move on to other topics like about SL in general and I enjoyed having a conversation with him. After a while, it was time for me to leave the place. I thanked him for the company and said bye before teleporting back to my home. --- Yeah, that's what my typical experience as being a female in Second Life is like. It might seem like a pointless story without a lot of drama but i wanted to express what my experiences were like in some way (albeit poorly). But perhaps you can gain some meaning from my story and tell me why I like playing as a female in Second Life, despite any disadvantages that may come with it?
  16. Same here. I'm on Firestorm and I have no voice.
  17. 1. Socialization with random people 2.Exploring the Mainland and other sims 3. Managing my breedables. Although I'm trying to get out of the breedable hobby because it consumes so much money! 4. Customizing and looking at my avatars.
  18. Are there places in Second Life that are like "dungeons" in the video game sense? (such as in Zelda and RPGs?) Caves and labyrinthine structures with a lot of dangers such as traps and monsters? (The dangers do not have to be "real" in Second Life as they are in the video games.)
  19. With some of my accounts, I have a basic idea of what to put in my profiles. For example: "Alien" account: "Home? 86 light years away." "Shapeshifter" account: "I'm my own worst enemy." "President" account: "Leader of the Republic of Liberte." However, I have no idea what to put in some of my other ones, in particular the ones with female appearances. It's probably because I don't really give them a character of their own and yet, they still aren't the "real life" me.
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