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Everything posted by Sagadin

  1. My girlfriends loved Glamazons so I joined them and went drag racing.
  2. Wandering around in a newly added Backdrop City area. Love these sets!
  3. Forty-Eight tacos were left, so they chugged pepto-bismol and smoked the bong.
  4. Fortyeight surrealists were left so they temp-rezzed a pipe and smoked the fortyninth.
  5. Fifty surrealists were nonplussed so they temp-rezzed a pipe and smoked the fish.
  6. Fifty anarchists were nonplussed so they occupied the stage and held a protest.
  7. Not really listening to the propaganda...
  8. For some reason the one song I always think of when I hear playing on an infinite loop is "Bela Lugosi's Dead." Here's a version by Nouvelle Vague that I am now listening and listening and listening to.... and of course the original which is 10 minutes long so it feels like it is on perpetual repeat!
  9. Enjoying my new home -- a free cabin for landless wanderers like me.
  10. Oxbridge Caledon University is a sim designed to help new people orient themselves. They also maintain a webpage containing SL links ("slurls") to get there, or just search for Oxbridge in world. Check it out here.
  11. A little too brightly colored for this gray world.
  12. I love seeing everyone's more artistic shots! This was something I did for a contest but never ended up submitting it...
  13. Messing around with face and body lights in the stairwell of an empty store...I love this free new hair from NYNE -- free group join, one of a bunch of gift hairstyles.
  14. Following @Syn Anatine's lead, I thought I'd dress as steampunkish as I could manage without buying anything new and do the Steam Hunt. Ended up wandering around the fourth location and taking pictures instead of looking for clues...
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