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Everything posted by rasterscan

  1. There's been a lot more interfacing between the team ( what's left of them ), and the users, this last twelve months. A heap more. Sansar may be lost but all is not lost yet.
  2. SL can be all things to all users. Seriously. Tinies, fighters, pervs, ( call it adult in the ads ), sailors, role players, creators, builders, furries, flyers, gamblers, the lost, the lonely, the famous, music lovers, educators. You name it, you can find it and/or do it here in SL. Now how on earth does one market that reality ?
  3. Groovin' wit' the slender blender on da' Galaxy. Sighted Sunday 29th Febuary
  4. THANKYOU to everyone for turning out to support the first bellisseria music fest ! It was so well supported we're planning another, a summer music fest, around glasto time - ish. A shout out to the Lindens and Moles as well, for the wonderful and free community Fairgrounds event venue. Anyway, there's one more day to enjoy today, Wednesday 26th Feb 2020.  Starts 10.00 am til 3.00 pm SLT time. Here's todays line up, do come and enjoy a part of it if you can, there's lots of free gifts, beer and a bar fight to enjoy as well ! Belli Music Fest - final day line up
  5. The freebie Alyssa Security Orb is still the perfect solution. Just be sure to learn the options and set the range properly. If one is in, say, a 20 x 20 skybox set the range to 20. Works fantastic then without hassling anyone beyond the privacy area.
  6. They being sent to your spam folder ?
  7. BBC America ? I trust they pay the same licence fee we are obliged to pay here to keep it funded ?
  8. Well I had a secondary flash thought to make a good portion of it 512's. ... Prems with two homes ! They'd like that. May the Game of Homes continue !
  9. I would call that an excellent idea ! Even the ancient Snowlands still has a lovely feel to it, modernised to Belli level everyone would want one
  10. The real question has to be 'How soon is soon' ? Soonish ? Sooner than soon ?
  11. Messy sl divorce. Fresh start was fun but expensive. One tip. Don't lose old accy password
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