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Brat Spicy

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Everything posted by Brat Spicy

  1. I also wish Trads, but with the streets and landscaping of Vics. When I went back to the Trad areas after being in a Vic the landscaping felt bare.
  2. Lol... I would derender all the furniture, the boat itself AND the neighbour and then I would enjoy the view from the first row.
  3. This. x100 My fave LH on a empty alt. Downgrated my main last week, since I want to go back to one premium only.
  4. This tells me it is probably what Chic says. There usually a gap between the stairs and the sidewalk, belongs to Linden
  5. I had that one before they even build the camper areas, there wasn't even any landscaping on the hills infront of you either, just bare empty high hills. What I remember most is how HUGE the parcel looked, based on how it situated. It truely is a lovely location.
  6. I wish... That some of the amazing trads I had in the past didn't had high hedges blocking the great views. Yes, I know I can derrender them, but but but I know they there... So a feature you can delete Linden landscaping within your own plot. Ofc it magically appears back when you abandon.
  7. Nope, they not in library. I know we SADLY can't delete those. I will restart now. Thanks Edit* The restart worked 😮 Thanks @Fritigern Gothly
  8. So I am finally cleaning out my inventory again and this time I managed to get far. Now I working on furniture items and I have a few I can't delete. I am not using them in a home or anything, but when I right click the delete option is not available. I tried delete the folder, the items in it one by one, all don't work. The only thing they all have in common is that when I click properties I get a teststring please ignore message (See pic) Why is that? How I delete them?
  9. The name is iBrat and no display name. I dislike people who use a display name to write a book above their head. I also dislike people with names I can't read because of all the signs, weird fonts or whatever you call that mess. Never met those ranting ones, but I am sure I dislike them too.
  10. Hahaha. Mine sets the houses to home here. He finds out WE moved when he enter and finds random people inside the house...
  11. I have caught countless great abandons. I have caught countless great new releases. I have caught countless plots that were not right for me. I abandoned countless plots too. (Main acc and new alts.) Good luck...
  12. Loved it, but at some point I had to go back to one premium account... So I picked my favo I don't know about clones.
  13. Blah, now I am curious and too lazy to fly ALL THE WAY back.
  14. Last one... For the woodsy, river loghome lovers going at 8.20...11.20 SLT https://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Hardly There/204/88/0
  15. Next... Almost in the sea going at 7.45...10.45 SLT https://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Granby Court/200/96/0
  16. Time to downgrate... My beauty going at 7.15 ...10.15 SLT http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Beaux Armes/180/157/23
  17. I would say demo, demo and demo. I have several mesh bodies and it all comes down to personal taste. I will tell you that Maitreya so far has the most clothes being made for that body and the cute dollarbies and whatever usually Maitreya size too. The body is BoM ready. Other examples of bodies are Belleza and Slink. As far as heads, Catwa probably market leader, but Genus and Lelutka follow close. I can only speak about Catwa and Genus about being BoM ready, I don't wear other heads. An other example of head is LAQ. Best advice though stays to demo. Good luck. PS I picked up a free Genus Project head last week. Some special offer because of Corona. PS again, Oh I just read the DMCA claim topic...Blah.
  18. Many nice things and people come to my mind when I think back, but this one still is engraved in my memory. I am sure it is something most of us will never forget.
  19. @Marianne Little has this same issue...
  20. Thank you for bringing my attention to Genus again. Found there was 40% off also and finally spoiled myself with a new head. All that househunting kept me wearing the same fit for months...
  21. I am pretty sure it was TS reply what triggered the responses...
  22. Maybe because some felt the self-entitlement from the reply to a sincere suggestion?
  23. I know it can be frustrating, but you need to calm down, editing your post 400 times because you are frustrated will just keep you in that mood. Take a breath. I am sure there will be a great plot for you two waiting.
  24. You using Firestorm? If so... To Derender an object right click on it - more - more - derender ... Then pick temporarily or blacklist (Blacklist will keep it invisible). Other viewers I don't know.
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