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Brat Spicy

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Everything posted by Brat Spicy

  1. I think @Chic Aeon means that it didn't worked OK for owner, since I also had that. I landed, tried to open the door of MY camper, got a doors are locked message in chat. Rezzed another, same story. Then I rezzed another model, same. Because I was in a hurry I just set the camper control panel on acces to all, then the door opened, so I didnt tried lists and all that yet.
  2. Right... Anyways, nice Patch. I will try this later
  3. Ugh... I came on today and found my asset blacklist empty. Since I am a huge derender freak, there was alot. Like houses and the complete deco inside. I watched my firefox settings and all is still to my personal preference, so that not it. I also cleared cache and relogged. Still empty, how I get this fixed? If possible...
  4. Very annoying indeed. Personally I would keep them, they are great. My LOD rule is that I have to see all what i have on my plot (from corner to corner), because some stuff even breaks if you a inch away... Drives me nuts. I don't care about what others see. With that said, I do sometimes derender bad LOD stuff my neighbours have, simply because that mess annoys me.
  5. Totally not helpful, but this is really a weird thing 😮 It would seriously annoy me to find a person/bot in my kitchen every day...
  6. Took me LONG, like 20 minutes to find... I knew I seen your boat. Posted by Prudence. (Scroll down a bit) Guess they always been there
  7. Yes, Cause I caught it Then came here to say I release
  8. Haha yes. I was talking about some of the familiar faces here yesterday to @Shield Markus and faces, places, pictures and names all stored somewhere in the blurrisness. I do have you very clear though and so does Shield, with your lovely location. I think I do have a pretty good idea where your right eye is aiming for right now though ^^ Would love you as my neighbour there
  9. In my memory, could be wrong lol. Wasn't it @tootsiepop1 who had that suprise catch?
  10. I am not sure, it is late...if you mean manually, but I refresh manually and also only get 8 tries ( always been like that.) I am used to it and just live with it. Don't know if there a reason for it.
  11. This thread will miss you. Enjoy your break, relax and do lots of fun stuff. See you when you back
  12. Keep refreshing all... There atleast went 2 regions. Walrus and Limevale, people will abandon and reroll...
  13. I wondered so I looked it up. It was actually 15 april 2019. https://danielvoyager.wordpress.com/2019/04/15/new-linden-homes-have-officially-launched/
  14. Don't hold me to it, but 16 or 17 april 2019? Some like that.
  15. The reason I do it? If I don't like the location, I am already there and can abandon really fast and try again in same release. The log in takes too long to have a second go.
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