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Love Zhaoying

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Everything posted by Love Zhaoying

  1. There's a trick I've seen where people can attach stuff and just squat, and make it look as if they have a house and land but really they are just sad, sad squatters pretending. Go do that! :-)
  2. "lulz give me munneez" - said every n00b, ever.
  3. Long silences during an otherwise romantic conversation could "mean" something..
  4. The peer pressure for mesh is getting ridiculous. Even in the furry community. I prefer my old avatars, more to choose from and more easily customizable.
  5. /me is a guy, so hi back
  6. Love Zhaoying


    Could be that the OP is trolling us.
  7. ..I don't think the old forum had it. It ALMOST makes up for the fact that the forum "summary" page does not show the newest post the same as the old forum.
  8. Click the "Quote" button or select the text then a "quote" button pops up. There's a third way but I tire..
  9. You're welcome, I didn't know but found it on the "TEMP_ON_REZ" page.
  10. From the wiki: Meshes are different than ordinary Prims and Sculpts when set Temporary. They still count against the Parcel and Sim Prim Limits. See: http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Mesh_Prim_Equivalence_test#Temporary_meshes
  11. I hadn't used quoting on the old site, when I tried it on this one I was frustrated to learn that you have to type stuff FIRST before you paste the quote or it wouldn't let me type anything after I pasted the quote. Seemed a bit backwards.
  12. Or only allow people in the region who are more than 0 days old!
  13. When I was new, I "landed" along with many long time friends in a set of regions named "Luna". Luna had many private (meaning far away, off-camera) places where people would go to work on their avatar. Just an idea! Maybe you can find a little-used region that has corners to do your private avatar editing.
  14. Perhaps your post would be good in the "Forum Feedback" thread. :-)
  15. I tried Search and the result was kind of scary. (The clocking time and what it brought back, not the actual search result.) I should try more advanced searches to see if that works any better. Does anyone else have an experience with Search yet to share in the new Forums?
  16. I tried Search and the result was kind of scary. (The clocking time and what it brought back, not the actual search result.)
  17. Maybe! Yes! Damn, I missed the forums!
  18. Oh Forum, how I missed ye! Let me hold you close. <3
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