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Love Zhaoying

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Everything posted by Love Zhaoying

  1. How about ________ causes lag? Surely some of these have been debunked. (I remember a party was held on my original sim where the hostess required everyone to remove any scripts). -Scripted attachments (Sure, they contribute but are not the sole cause) -Large buildings - but using repeated textures -Small items such as jewelry
  2. Ah, when I researched it after I saw the old thread, the Wiki link I found didn’t seem to mention script as impacting LI. Maybe I skimmed or it was a bad article.
  3. Fun fact: “use case” does not apply to every coding / programming paradigm. There are many project management paradigms including Six Sigma, Scrum, Lean, Agile, Waterfall.. and they do NOT all include “use case”. Anyone who throws around the term “use case” demanding to know a “use case” for a scenario, who is NOT a professional programmer or Project Manager - is just babbling.
  4. I’ve seen rumors over the years about child avatars, gaming, homesteads, sculpties, grandfathered sims, abandoned land..but at this time truth and fiction are all kind of mixed up in my tiny brain.
  5. I saw about FIC on google before I wrote the post. I like the double pun with “inner child”!
  6. I’ve only been in SL since 2006, but I stepped away a few years so missed out on the fun that is conspiracy theories about SL! I’ve read about some newer ones on here, and they are HI-LARIOUS!! Please share some debunked theories with me. Let the hilarity ensue! I’ll start: I saw one on old forum posts during days when mesh was “new”, that adding a script to mesh would increase LI. The newest one I know is that Sansar was going to replace SL.
  7. But..but..SCIENCE!!!1! Wet brained technocommunists!!! Evil coders!@!&! CONSPIRACY LL DOESNT CARE!!!22!!!
  8. Oh good, last post You posted more! How confusing. Please never write a book, people won’t know if there are multiple endings, or what?!?
  9. Actually, one explanation could be morphic resonance. See theories by Rupert Sheldrake. (Explanation for either full moon logins or Firestorm/Phoenix logins.)
  10. Translated: I often go to Linden-Sandbox Island and learn LSL and create everything. But for some weeks, a brainless idiot (redacted) is here. Recognizable because it framed the 2 Sim's with mountains and skyscrapers and immediately filled the Sandbox Island with invisible objects (Sim is full). He also shoots me regularly in orbit followed by a gigantic video Crasher. I have already sent many reports to Linden, but they do not do anything! Does anybody know about you? Edited yesterday at 09:14 AM by Mimmipippi Typo, sorry
  11. On mainland at least, land is “predesignated” and I believe you cannot change it. Surely, this is to prevent Mature land right next to General, etc. I’m sure someone will give you a more complete answer. - Helpful Lion is Helpful
  12. I’m so old, I still think clickable/links need to be underlined! *Clicks on Rhonda to see whut it do*
  13. YesTIL more about DDOS than I knew before. TIL that the “squeak” in “bubble and squeak” isn’t named after the feeling/sound when you bite it, unlike a proper paneer or poutine.
  14. Maybe if you made the neighbor’s side opaque..they wouldn’t have seen the fence!
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