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Love Zhaoying

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Everything posted by Love Zhaoying

  1. I think I saw some cosines and tangents in your ‘splaining!
  2. Yes. Every answer so far has answered your question. What part don’t you understand? You get 185 “land impact” (or traditional prims) and the House can be sized as answered above.
  3. TIL, I could see a Necro-post and NOT comment on it! ?
  4. You could check for other group members (if they are visible even if you’re not in the group), and based on their title/role (like “land helper) ask someone else in the group for help. Otherwise, good luck! Why are you not able to receive the group invite?
  5. Where you set isOpen=true, set a timer. In the timer event, turn off the timer and call OpenClose() again.
  6. A certain “K” in another thread makes my “whole week”. (However you care to spell those two words.) On another topic, the school shooting today was in my state of Florida.
  7. You implied only one scholar stated what I said. On the contrary, the theory of one scholar was quoted for almost 2 full paragraphs. Did you really read it? “..Friedrich Schwally (in Stade's "Zeitschrift", xi. 174) concludes that it originally was simply the loin-cloth, which is an entirely different conception from that of Kamphausen or of Grüneisen. Schwally bases his opinion on the fact that the word "ḥagar" חָגַר (to gird)[6] is used in describing the mode of putting on the garment (see Joshua 1:8; Isaiah 3:24, 15:8, 22:12; Jeremiah 6:26, 49:3). One fastens the sacḳ around the hips ("sim be-motnayim", Genesis 37:34; "he'elah 'al motnayim", Amos 8:10), while, in describing the doffing of the sacḳ, the words "pitteaḥ me-'al motnayim" are used (Isaiah 20:2). According to 1 Kings 21:37 and 2 Kings 6:30, it was worn next the skin. Schwally assumes that in prehistoric times the loin-cloth was the usual and sole garment worn by the Israelites. In historic times it came to be worn for religious purposes only, on extraordinary occasions, or at mourning ceremonies. It is natural that, under certain circumstances, the prophets also should have worn the sacḳ, as in the case of Isaiah, who wore nothing else, and was commanded by God to don it (Isaiah 20:2). The Jewish Encyclopedia suggests that "old traditions about to die out easily assume a holy character".[7] Thus Schwally points to the circumstance that the Moslem pilgrim, as soon as he puts his foot on Ḥaram, the holy soil, takes off all the clothes he is wearing, and dons the iḥram.” *Edit* Full quote was included because she dun read so gud.
  8. TIL..the link above included a link about “sackcloth”..according to Wikipedia, originally “sackcloth” referred to a type of loincloth. Makes sense, because a loincloth covers your..s*ck.
  9. The Lent article had a link to this. I’m simply mortified. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mortification_of_the_flesh
  10. From Wikipedia: “One calculation has been that the season of Lent lasts from Ash Wednesday to Holy Saturday. This calculation makes Lent last 46 days, if the 6 Sundays are included, but only 40, if they are excluded, because there is no obligation to fast on the six Sundays in Lent.”
  11. So, there’s going to be an “Easter Egg” in SL regarding TIL, Wimpy, hamburgers, Tuesday payments.. Christ on a cross!
  12. Do you realize, that if it wasn’t “no transfer”, you could sell the house? Then it would be theirs forever. That’s a thing!
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