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Eowyn Southmoor

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Everything posted by Eowyn Southmoor

  1. *sighs* And then someone comes along and does this:
  2. Will be interesting to see how vigilant LL is about making sure stuff stays "in theme". I went for a look a few hours ago and saw two houseboats which had skyboxes rezzed next to them, mounted on posts
  3. Which is exactly what I said further down in my post. I'm a regular sailor/driver/flyer, and I don't have any issue in turning round and getting out as quick as I can. The problem for sailors is that "quickest AND shortest" is often mutually exclusive - everything's fine until you turn round and try and sail into a headwind 😃
  4. A "standard" time for orbs frankly isn't very realistic, as the time it takes someone to vacate a parcel depends on: a) the size of the parcel b) the speed the person is traveling. An orb set at 10 seconds for an entire region (256m) means the intruder (if they continue to travel a straight course through the region) needs to travel at over 25 metres per second to make it across. The speed of an avatar running is 5.15 metres per second, the speed of an avatar flying (not in a vehicle) is 16 metres per second. The "normal" speed at which most people fly or use motorboats is around 13-17 metres per second. Sailboats..... about 7 metres per second. So you can see the issue here: full region, 10 seconds = panic 😅 Now, of course, whether in an aircraft or motorboat, or not in a vehicle at all, the sensible thing to do is turn around and leave the parcel the same way you entered - that's much less distance to cover. Unfortunately (or perhaps fortunately ), most vehicles in SL don't simply turn on a dime, and sailboats simply can't spin around and race off in the opposite direction. However, you play out that same scenario on someone's typical 1024 or 2048 parcel (32 or 64m long) mainland parcel, and suddenly there is no issue at all. In the end it comes down to common sense, people who want to use orbs should allow a decent amount of time, (say 10 seconds on a smallish parcel, up to 30 seconds for an entire region), and vehicle users should remember that it's a privilege to fly over someones land, not a right
  5. RE: Narrow channels on the new premium continent. If you look at the Gazaway region on the western coast as an example, it's quite easy to work out how wide the channel is. The western edge must be 0 on the X axis, so if you click on the map where the edge of the beach is, you'll see the co-ordinates of the beacon change to x=19. So, that means the channel is 19 metres wide. Ok so its not a 100% scientific measurement, but i am sure it's close enough for us to assume that most boats will pass through just fine Doing the same for the West End region in the far north-east, the channel does shrink down to about 15 metres, but I'd say that's still ok
  6. I wish people would stop quoting knowledge base articles or the second life wiki as if those are the Terms Of Service, they aren't Now, if you're going to quote them, then quote this part too: "Pushing an avatar off the property or teleporting them home is generally acceptable". The ToS, nor any other article, ever defines what a "reasonable" time is, therefore it's a bit pointless to debate it. For what it's worth, I fly, sail, or drive all over the SL continents, I do about 50 hours or travel time per month, consistently over the past 4 years, and in all that time I've run into 0-second Orbs maybe 4 or 5 times. I honesty have no idea how so many people run into issues with them, but I am no doubt one of the few vehicle users in SL who supports the individuals rights to restrict access to their personal space. Yes for us flyers etc it can be a pain in the butt to hit an orb, but since the continents are frankly fairly full of airports and marinas, most with rezz zones - getting back on track isn't a huge deal. The linden highways also have numerous rezz zones on them as well. I personally think this whole issue is more about lack of education that anything else - land owners (and rental tenants) often set things up wrong, or overly restrictive, from sheer ignorance rather than any malice. Then you get rental barons that don't allow their tenants to make time limit adjustments on orbs. Finally, vehicle users need more education too, to make sure they buy quality products that cross sims well and don't lag into ban-lines - something I see all too often. Vehicle users also need to learn how to maximise their viewer settings to provide them with a more reliable sim-crossing experience, and more information to help them determine where potential trouble spots are, either through viewer settings or with add-on HUDS. What isn't needed is this constant elitist "what i do in SL is more important than what you do in SL" attitude, again something that I hear all too often
  7. Just did a quick bit of number crunching... A yacht doing around 14 knots with about a 2 second sim crossing time would take approx 58 minutes to travel across a 90 sim continent waterway. Even a 60 sim waterway would take almost 40 minutes. Are sailors really going to make this journey on a regular basis? Even flying in a plane / helo across you're looking at about 18-19 minutes of just endless water (perhaps with some occasional islands) sims. I really cant see this retaining any long-term appeal even if it was possible. In this regard, if possible, the region portal idea would seem preferable, to me at least.
  8. is there anyone with some technical knowledge that could explain why the continents (and other private nearby sims) can't simply be moved? I know each sim has it's own world grid reference, which obviously would need to be changed, and I realise that's a lot of sims, but is there anything else that stops LL simply moving entire continents? From a cost perspective, if the continents can be moved, surely the easiest way to achieve this is to attach both Sansara and Jeogeot continents to Gaeta, which is basically totally surrounded by linden water. Sansara could be joined to the north-east of Gaeta via a small channel going south from the New Port sim. For Jeogeot, joining the "gulf" at Sacrelle sim to the south-eastern corner of Gaeta at Hautala could again be achieved via only a small channel. The number of sims needed to achieve this would be so small that i am sure the combined sailing/flying communities would likely be able to fund this themselves, especially if a few of those sims were partially used as large vendor malls (think Hollywood airport but only occupying half the sim). Other than joining the continents like this, I have to sort of agree with Alwin, there just seems too much cost for LL for relatively little benefit. I don't think long time sailors and aviators in SL realise that they are still a relatively small community compared to some others. Unfortunately I'd also point out that 4 continents ARE already joined, and I'm fairly certain that there isn't that much inter-continental travel now, in fact I wouldn't be surprised if only a dozen or so people in SL currently flew or sailed from Satori to Gaeta on a regular basis. Don't get me wrong, I'd love for it to happen, but can't help but think that LL will baulk at this unless the financial outlay is minimal.
  9. Hi, Having come across this thread and finding what ElPanch was askign for was very similar to what i wanted for my home, I went ahead and created the 2 scripts as listed above. So, its all working well but i'd also like to change not just the fullbright, but the glow as well. I am a total script noob. In the script which changes the prim parameters I added this line: llSetPrimitiveParams( [PRIM_GLOW, ALL_SIDES, 0.3] ); Ok so now when the light is turned on, it also glows - success! .... but unfortunately when i turn the light off again, the full bright switches off, but the glow remains. What have i missed?
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