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Everything posted by LlazarusLlong

  1. Xiola Linden wrote: LlazarusLlong wrote: Xiola Linden wrote: if you feel that a mistake or misunderstanding was made, the best route is to contact support so it can be reviewed. How? Via the support portal here: http://community.secondlife.com/t5/English-Knowledge-Base/How-to-contact-customer-support/ta-p/739385 And how do you do that when your account has been terminated because of a "mistake or misunderstanding"?
  2. daisybloomer wrote: Using this existing thread to post this, though a new topic thread can be started. But have been hearing that quite a few people with "No Payment Info On File" were able to enter Skill Gaming Regions. Does anyone know if LL is aware of this, and what is the course of recommended action that should be taken? AR report or otherwise? As I understand the policy is that only those with a payment info listed can enter these regions. Allowing these people who have somehow circumvented the system is disservice to those who are and have been following the rules when gaming. Security in SL is voluntary, not compulsory.
  3. I would recommend that you wait until Linden Lab releases SL Version 2, as anything that you produce for the current version will have a very brief viable lifetime.
  4. DejaHo wrote: LlazarusLlong wrote: That would, of course, eliminate the moonlighting of most interns or probationary technical staff, inter alia, who probably believe that a semi-colon's sole purpose is to end a C statement. and also believing Oct 31 == Dec 25 Merrry Christmas! Can I throw in my lavatory graffito that Douglas "borrowed"? 42 = 9 x 6 [base 13]
  5. As an aside, is it ironic that the only thread of any interest in the forums currently is the one that claims the forums are far too boring? (Of course, it's not actually ironic; but the ignorami will accurately misunderstand what I mean and the illuminati will forgive me my egregious error, I am sure.)
  6. TDD123 wrote: /me crosses his arms over his chest. You want constructive feedback ? Ok : You'd better lock this threat right now before your superiors will tell you to. That's the only way it can be stopped. Until you eventually decide to ban those causing all of this ... like your predecessors have. :robotindifferent. This is presumably an excellent example of a PRIC. (That's a Public Report of Inappropriate Content, of course.)
  7. DejaHo wrote: TDD123 wrote: No ; it's not German and you're too thickheaded to understand anyway. But not too thick headed to really enjoy a laugh. And you just made me laugh. PS I know my audience, Willie. I think he was trying to demonstrate that it isn't only the moderators who, publicly and to their persistent self-embarrassment, tend to confuse subtle wit with naive ignorance. (The Ho wasn't the only one laughing at you,TDD10U5.)
  8. Xiola Linden wrote: Hello all, This thread has been a very interesting read - and I wanted to touch on a few things as well as to ask some questions about what you feel would make the forums a more interesting place for all Second Life Residents. In regards to moderation - the moderators do their best in helping to uphold the ToS and Community Participation Guidelines, however if you feel that a mistake or misunderstanding was made, the best route is to contact support so it can be reviewed. One thing we'd like to do is start more threads that will allow feedback on announcements here in the forums, but it sounds like you may have some additional ideas about what you would like to see and what you think would make the forums more interesting. What other channels do you think may help contribute to the community here as well? We appreciate your constructive feedback! It all starts at recruitment, Xiola, which as is public knowledge, is something that LL has had problems with at all staffing levels. Would you consider employing full-time moderators (rather than part-timers paid on a transactional basis - you know, like parking attendants are remunerated according to how many tickets they issue) and even ensure that English is their first language and that they are literate? That would, of course, eliminate the moonlighting of most interns or probationary technical staff, inter alia, who probably believe that a semi-colon's sole purpose is to end a C statement. It would be too much to ask that you could test them for the existence of a sense of humour, I realise, but it's probably better that they don't realise the extent to which, rather than being respected members of the SL community, they are figures of fun. As for other channels, it's pointless using Facebook, with their "real names" policy preventing avatars from having legitimate accounts, and you can't tell the real from the parody accounts in Twitter. I would suggest you stick to the channels you think you can control, and continue to stay away from the Profile Feeds.
  9. Xiola Linden wrote: if you feel that a mistake or misunderstanding was made, the best route is to contact support so it can be reviewed. How?
  10. Ceka Cianci wrote: Omg what was that tough girls name that got banned?She was always calling her parents The Rents? hehehe She was a blast! Darlene maybe? Oo Last I heard she'd got a life.
  11. Dillon Levenque wrote: Maddy is a bad influence on everyone. That's her mission. Like the movie says: Mission - Impossible... ...in some cases.
  12. Syo Emerald wrote: I once got a warning for something I hadn't even written. Not that they misunderstood me, no, they gave me a warning for something another person wrote in reply to me. Even better, I have received warnings for something the moderator hadn't even read.
  13. Trinity Yazimoto wrote: I ended up losing all interest for this forum because of harassement from some forumers because my english is not to their taste. Well, it is an English language forum which is broken, not a Broken English language forum. Could you not get the interactivity you desired in whichever of the specific language sub-forums relates to your native tongue, whatever that is? Or did you spend your time there complaining, too?
  14. irihapeti wrote: i so agree was absolutely way more riveting in the olden days on RA like on 29 Jan 2010 then: Affliate program - about LL advertising program. Anybody buying this Red beacon - whats that red pointing thingy on my screen RL causes in SL - how can I know that I wont get ripped off if I donate money Meshes introduction - like about mesh SL crashes at start up every time - bc it does Inventory Listing goes blank when Friends log on/off - bc it does Karma clothing - is gone and nobody much noticed How to get noticed - my own shop is here but nobody much notices Classified payment - LL pinch my money on Sunday instead of Monday Caprica - about some TV show Scorpions - some RL band broke up and they had this amazing song whose name I cant remember Selling Account info - some RL thingy JD Salinger died - can he please say Hi to Ernest Hemingway for me SL website Develop page - absolutely fascinating read about what that was gunna be maybe + and that was it for all of RA for all of that day. A whole 14 new posts amazing topics, totallly full of witty, insightful world-saving commentary from all kinds of amazingly witty, insightful and world-saving olden days people. They are like legends to me. Inspirational even. I am aspire to be like them (: I remember that particular day EXTREMELY well. A large number of wonderfully perspicacious posts, and even threads, disappeared from GD due to the mass ARing of an emigre pigalike and her zombie harem, and left behind the dross you mention.
  15. Magnus Brody wrote: I think the title says it. I remember some brilliant, fascinating discussions here once. What do we have lately? - OMG I think voting things are unfair and my mummy agreed - Things are really laggy and I'm too stupid to realise my comp is basically a pile of outdated rubbish - What is the best graphics card because, really I want to boast about the one I am buying - I complained about something on marketplace and the seller has banned me. Long time since, when the general discussion forum was removed I was one of those campaiging it be brought back, with the benefit of hindsight - good call ;-) You have to be more specific, Magnus; ALL the SL forums have ALWAYS been boring (especially Answers, with its hordes of helpful professional cut-and-pasters) EXCEPT the GD one (aka RA in a previous incarnation).. Nowadays the GD forum is boring because those who made it interesting have got fed up with the ladies who lunch whinging to the mods - who after all, are paid to act, not to think - and can't generally be bothered to post interesting, individual, provocative viewpoints (it's a discussion forum after all, NOT a "me too" one) when those very posts are likely to be removed because they annoy one or two people. Of course, some of us appreciate the true nature of internet interaction, that it is ephemeral, and most of the benefit accrues to the writer and those few lucky souls who manage to appreciate the literary snowflakes before they melt away. And what remains? The grubby, crusted slush that has been cast aside as unworthy of any worthwhile response, like the vanity threads and the "happy day-of-the-week" ones. If you look carefully though, you might still be able to unearth a few semi-hidden gems, which might perhaps be not as accidentally interesting as they seem, and which have slipped through the rather wide gauge moderating net, possibly because of the use of polysyllables and complex sentence structures, or more probably because sarcasm, irony and general sardonic wit is almost impossible for morons to identify purely through the medium of the written word.
  16. Sounds like eating a toffee apple without taking the wrapper off. Or is that an analogy for something completely different?
  17. I recall a time in the dim and distant past when a confused piglike avatar reported the inworld Forum Group Hangout shack. What the property was supposed to have done was never actually ascertained, but the Lindens had a good snicker at her. Her grasp of English was obviously not quite as good as she thought it was.
  18. If he's straight, buy him a hooker. If he's gay, buy him a male hooker.
  19. Minecraft is more of a waste of time than SL. Which is REALLY saying something...
  20. Dammit! When I read the title of this thread I was hoping that there was a virtual terrorist group removing mods from the forums - but it's just a clueless moron ranting about something irrelevant in the wrong place.
  21. It seems that someone here considers dementia as being a valid element of rhetoric argument.
  22. There's a rumour that when (if?) SL2 supersedes the current version the forums will be deemed superfluous, and will be turned off.
  23. The only griefing I have experienced has been by employees of Linden Lab.
  24. Skate Foss wrote: I have the right to not have mysterious scripted objects rez on my sim. Is this actually true?
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