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Everything posted by DejaHo

  1. irihapeti wrote: about naivety is a pivot naivety < skepticism > cynicism i would rather be on the naive side than the cynical side One can not be naive and skeptical. They are mutually exclusive. Skepticism is founded on knowledge and reasoning. Most cynics are skeptical of everything; why? Again, because they know! PS I am neither.
  2. PersistentDigger wrote: "thleth". Gesundheit.
  3. Llewlllwyd Dude, as you well know this is an English forum. My tongue hurts from trying to pronounce your name; those signature Welsh double ll's are just brutal. Even my sophisticated translation/pronunciation software breaks. With respect, I will have to refer to you as dude.
  4. Richtea57 wrote: Ah, you see, it's Dave that does the geography. Oh, I have a couple of questions for Dave that have been troubling me for the longest time. Did Tennessee the same thing that Arkansas? And did Delaware her New Jersey?
  5. Madelaine McMasters wrote: Socks are made from string. It goes like this, kinda, anyway: If you want to destroy my sock hold this thread as I walk away Watch me unravel, I'll soon be naked Lying on the floor I've come undone weezer
  6. Sock it to me! Make it green. Make it holy. It's Paddy's day. Just sock it to me!
  7. LlazarusLlong wrote: Let's get one thing straight; I refuse to take any responsibility for you being offended - that is YOUR choice of response, and it is nothing to do with me. As far as insults are concerned, please point to me where I have called you "this and that" or said anything that is not factual, as far as can be determined from your posts. Putting for an eagle . . . and it's in the hole.
  8. LlazarusLlong wrote: Muletta wrote: I took the time to read a bit further than just the thread title... Yes, the thread quickly devolved into multiple posters repeating the same advice, which they had cut and pasted from the curriculum of the course on "What to do on the basis of little or no information other than hearsay, but adhering to ambiguous instructions from authority, so that you cover your posterior" which is a core subject in the University of the Bleeding Obvious. I don't necessarily take any op's statements at face value - particularly because of the widespread semi-literacy here, and not only from ESLers such as yourself - and attempt to identify possible motivations, falsehoods, and personal agenda. Challenging the op is one tactic that bears fruit much of the time, as in the recent thread in which a duplicitous farrago of semi-truths had been concocted regarding the behaviour of someone who had supposedly hijacked an avatar. This time, it turned out that the images were NOT child pornography at all, but of yiffing individuals of, by definition, indeterminate age and maturity. But the thread title was an invitation to the pearl-clutching ladies who lunch to express shock and horror. And it worked; from your previous forum participation you are one of those hyperemotional types, and you rose to the bait, adding nothing to what could have been a discussion, as did the majority of respondents who treated it as a thread which (rightly) should have been in Answers. The approach shot . . .
  9. LlazarusLlong wrote: Erm, this is a General Discussion forum, not Answers, and clear-cut definitively factual responses are not necessarily required, but the expression of a cogently argued opinions is welcomed - even if, in your case, it may be wrong. The drive. . .
  10. I'm sorry to say I have not read any of his work. I just researched his bio, and again I am sorry to say I have not read his work. I will pickup a volume or two and give him a read.
  11. "As God is my witness, I thought turkeys could fly" (borrowed)
  12. Dresden Ceriano wrote: DejaHo wrote: I froth daily For some strange reason, I believe this proclamation should made into a bumper sticker. ...Dres Don't tease me with illusions of grandeur. I am very happy with my smiley face.
  13. Markham Weatherwax wrote: I wanted to do a simple thing: Have you ever tried a novocaine enema? Simple enough. PS And it may help numb you from the daily SL grind you are confronted with, as expressed in your OP.
  14. Sookaay wrote: they aint like other cars where you right click and select drive I prefer to use alt click click; left throttle click. YMMV (absolutely intended pun)
  15. Hoshi Kenin wrote: Oh, the hypocrisy of 'right on' people who - naturally - could have 'handled' SL with maturity beyond their years if they had been under the TOS age, and, indeed, would have done so because, hey, they are/were fantastic enough to do it, unlike the vast majority who would not be mature enough at that age. ETA Oh, the hypocrisy!
  16. Richtea57 wrote: ....but I'm not a frothing one. ....no problem here. I froth daily, sometimes twice a day. I, too, get drunk, but don't celebrate Mardi Gras 367 days a year. No problem here, either. PS I put $20USD on a horse last week and he came in at twenty five to one. Yay you may say, but the rest of the field came in at twelve thirty. Boo.
  17. And here I thought I was the only one buying clothes for SL whores.
  18. LlazarusLlong wrote: She's probably studying at that University of Corduroy Trousers in Gloucestershire . . . . Talk about a tufted education!
  19. Storm told me his mudder ain't got nutin to do with nutin so leave her outta this.
  20. Jack Skallagrimson wrote: What's done is done. This isn't a topic about me, so please don't make it an issue here. It's pretty insensitive of you to say like this. But, but it is a topic about you! It is posted in General Discussion. It is ALL about you all the way down to 50 motorcycles and accepting donations. Almost every sentence you wrote in your OP was about you. And it is pretty insensitive of you to not say like this.
  21. LlazarusLlong wrote: Theresa Tennyson wrote: Perhaps you're simply freighting the word "friend" with more significance than others do. It may be that Europeans imbue the word friend with more intimate connotations than our colonial outcasts, since the great geographical expanses of the USA, and subsequent necessity for mobility, has led to a diminution of the quality of "community" that the population density of Europe has engendered. In that context, it is the colonials who are the true "others". [Camus used the word "Etranger", and described exquisitely the sense of dissociation felt by those who had no real friends.] Friendship is a universal thing and an individual thing. Either you got friends or you don't. Either you want friends or you don't. The definition of friend is also universal and individual. My preference is to have intimate friends (to make, earn, and keep.)
  22. CheriColette wrote: I second what Deja said..... Someone else used LiLI as reference... My friends call me Ho. Or the Ho. I swear I didn't write Lili's name. I heard you can get RIC'd for writing those letters in a public forum.
  23. LlazarusLlong wrote: Aislin Ceawlin wrote: LMAO! Ummm, that may have actually been me at some point in the old days.....Not sure if I ever went that far, though. Took me a while to understand a certain old forum soul....lol! The forums are really not important enough that quitting them should be necessary; and they are certainly not sufficiently important that anyone should find it necessary to return. Unless you're inherently contrarily refractory, of course. I'm glad you returned. The GD forum has never operated as it does today. You are a catalyst for discussion, banter, humor, and just plain entertainment. Thank you. For the first time in a long time I find myself reading and participating in the GD forum. Some other new voices, and old posters who have returned, are pretty cool, too. PS Do you have a preference or are you sensitive to how others should refer to you? I mean LlazarusLlong is just too many keystrokes.
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